02060090r� ❑s FO �U NZ >Ze crew Oy i30 O ado a�n C� ar 3 CI Y OF BUt DI G DIIVISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS 10300 N DE ANZA BLVD NORTHWEST SIGNS PERMIT NO. 02060090 :�N HOTEL CROUP 325 WASHINGTON ST�c�nlo� b4ff2 PHONE: (831)469-8208 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCNIT[CT/ENGINEER: BUIL-DWO PERMIT INFO - J BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH IJ I' -t L-7 I__I z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hemby .iron that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing Job Description MONUMENT S I GN P j with Section 7000) of Division 3 of,be Bust: d Professions Code, andm cense �.minn alp--rr �� S ' Licmwy/Y� Lic. M FT"��nlY,1 L�C5� 17 V D Comra r HITECT'S DEC TI r� I understand my plane shall be need a, P a records DEC 2 6 2002 OLicensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION1. thereby (Sectffirm or lam aurinfrom the Ga91ra.Cos.Anyc Law fee the a following reason. (Section ]03L5, Business and Professions Code: Any cry or p� �'�®la4� arium$20000 o which requires a permit m conswa, alma improve, demolish, m repair any swnurt m . priorto its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement _ - that bid ii,lici ngE Pursuant tp lnr proysbm of the Conuxcmes License Law (Chapter 9 (commcpci ng with Sevkm,7(N30)df Division3of the Business arta Professions Code) �N�fL� {� n;yr T,3 (>$ TY -g., " 1 C � t �' L ! t i1 Z71'iii 2.. ! S - - - - -"-- '_'- -- - ---- - --- Valuation or Nei he ii'cxempi Nikfrorn'and the basis for the alliBed eiampoem. Any violation f. -of Section 7031;5 by any applicam far a permit mbjms the applicant to a civil Penalty - enal[r1arnnrmare,banfivehundreddollars(55W). 1 ofnal arame ban five hundred dollars (115W), 101APNIgWhWDATION Occupancy Type 01, as owner othe propeny,ormyemployees with wages astheir won compensation, 102 — PIERS - will do due work. adthestructure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec: 7014-- ' - 10 - OF R - Requirednspections Business and Professions Cade: The Contractor's License law aces not apply to M p '. ;l t',•.:-- Owner of property Who builds or improves maroon. and who does such work himself ' 104 — REBAR or through his own employees, Invoiced th,bp em t t intended or -offeredr I If, cad Wilding Id'ng p e ant @ m inti year of — " - ---1'0 5 ---"" ANCHOR --- BOliTS --- — — -- ---_ — cbmpleion'heowner-builder will have, he buMen ofprovng Ne heed nm build or improve for pmpcse of sale.). •`^ fi''`t - +'..:. ',L — 106 SEWER & WATER --- — — --------------- — —._._....._.._----- —❑LBrowne.ann=prapeny.a eaenaiveymmu[tingwithlicensedcommcrma,o 2'02" UN CID —_' consumer the prosOct ra(S«.1.aBusiness roand Oy hesildsOrme r,hroor, - License Law Beare of apply to owner of property who nudes m improves thereon, 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL i It �'"' -"'' ' .ana,svhp.conuarls ea vroi«u.wif-a.[onuanor(s)lic �t pumuant.m.Ne _..-.___..__.-_20.4_._=_UNDERFLOOR... FRAME. entanL.such comranars Craned Law. . ❑I pt nets , ` '' BBPCfor ad, an ._____.__--_.____.____.._._-.____. 205 — UNDERFLOOR -INSULATION wrier" Date t_ ' WOR KERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER .. Inercbyarrt,t�anaerpenaltrorlxrarynntarmefanowingde[lamaort::- 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL 1. 0 1 nide"and win"maimum 'Cmific.t. of Consent m'sdf-marc for worker's 3 04 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, -a -Provided f«- by -Section 3700 -of the -Labor coda. -for the performance orfe work for %hien this permit is issued., ., 3 05 - FRAME ❑ 1 h a mal will maimim w k,', Coinpe t on Ins6raince. as- mquirendby Section 3 06 — HOLDOWNS 3700 r f LOW, Coder m renomination Of thework' m which this permit ,IuuM by �+ h Y�s�Com t n sum c_ Policy and Polh 307 INSULATION 11 +CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS - ^' y.i ��J;T3 O9 i6}EXTEi2IOR.iL•ATHr,; 'i1"�'sC -y COMPENSATION WSURANCE� - „ w: __._._. 31.0--- .:-' —INTERIOR--LATH--- ffh ctmv need not be completed if the permit is for ane hundred dollar: ($100) lea) ••` 311-, t SCRATCH COAT [ny that the Perm of the workr nqh this pe't" shad et plyany per cat y'annnro t become bRet.,t'wdenl 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL- ENERGY"'' Compensationts oremlr .Die' - -' 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY NcomesuOAPPLICANTIfafrermalwgthsCemf[a,of Ex ptoay should become ub3eonorne Workers Compensut p visions of Lab, Code, ymmust 00'00- -' -- -- _--_ 503 — FINAL MECHANICAL'ENERGY .�t'• -- - ' dnn%dmcomply withsuch provisions or this permit shad be deemed revakm. __ 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY "CONSTRUCTION'LENDINC AGENCv 1 " — — '— 505 - FINAL; ELECTRICAL r Ilaby aRemNtthertr art, %mon 3097 g gmty (or th pcdorrnan o i or Ne brk for 'h ch N etl (S i097 Cis G) Ix 506 — GAS TEST � -1ami Name _., :.._ - Lend Ad7rcs , + ^ _ _. --507 "---FINAL- PLUMBING—'.__. _ " ' I mryth time rae,h esti Patin no f fon rs 'ode,l 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL: g t Ply with n city n yaad countyaa eeaana state laws Lang 509 - FINAL GRADE 10 Bu Id g wet m M hereby a fonae TrIpesintraiieias and y, "ter upon ,heab dpmpanyr para prpos (We) grict to nae rWmnfy and keep hamlaNiCity ofapenm Bainst Izabilitic, judmomis. costs and expenses which y any wayattainst said 510 - FINAL PLANNING f _ 514 — FINAL PUBLIC WORKS C n[ req c de urthe g t ng f this perrmL -- 1 PPR( NTUNDE ND$A WILL COMPLY WITH ALLppN-�Oi / sP ssued b : Y Date 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE _, . '.. Re -LOOT$ II f ppl'cynor Rome building «c pat Some or handl hanardou material zs def etl by meC pecan Munep Case Chpt 912 dri Health and Safety Cove $M on 25532(1 y 1 .—Type Of ROOF. _ _ YP --' '- +-�--- -- 1 Rh. 1 t Qt. Y: _ k �!h\.� - -wn All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing. material being Installed W dI the app l ct r m g« p t'use ro p e , de ce which mia,h ardour r o u ants a Ri ca by Ne Bay Area A r Qu 1 ry M gem t ° '"' Ov -' h If a roof Is mstalledwi[hout first obtaining an mspechon I'agree to -remove all new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with P.Y. ( - all non -pons[ source i'egulahons — "• 1 W oom be hazard rat ale regb mean odder Chapter'6 95 of the ` ` u " - 1Q -. " - Ctaifomra Health & S. Code, Sections 25505, 25533 and 25530 1 undemland,hat 'fiheb but di does o neral he man, that t ray, s nsbl Ion u( g Nc - N trtmenn h lam , brat nim u ofaCmra mo - wto "etc ry IY +nhL gn Signature_o_ f Applicant _ Dateair _ All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better r ,, to an m =pp!ga 1 -_Y.W I_--'OFFICE ._._... _... .. _. .. __.._.