S 1371-APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING. ELECTRICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING - MECHANICAI dor N 0421Ai 1464vo rll/ ��4 /S W LICENSED CON'IRAC IOltS DECLARATION 1 hercny affirm that I nm linm.,ce nn,iei, pmvi.ane, of Chap with Section 70001 of Ilivision 3 of the Business and P nlessim, Cod in nal farce and erteeL \ LiceContractorClClassDone ` ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION \ I und,ty and n,y plan, shall be used as public nsoN, \ ADDRESS'. it AJrkp/o j A 66,0 d n� o mu` -Low- o6A.; ee Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) _ 11(,,murenming QTY ELECTRIC PERM IT ondmylicenmia PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES —RES I DENTIA 1, PANELS UPT0200AMPS - 201-1000AMPS OWNER-RUILDF,R DECLARATION 1 hereby off nn that 1 am excmpd from the Contmtmr's Lieo\L1�(Inr cite LU following reason. (Section 703 L5, lousiness and Professions Coca: Any city X my YWQ ylQ"j which requires a permit to mtvarucn other. 'Improve, depachsh, art repair any o;hXam J prier to its issuance, alw requires the applicant for such permit m File a signed statei I ythat he is licensed pumnsnt or the provisions of the Contractor's license Law (Chapter 9, (commencing with Semion 7088 of )Melon 34 the Raci nesrnnd 11 1c,,am, Code)nN (bat he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exenhption. Any violation of +1 ^ m Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjece, the applicant no u civil penalty of Spoat mora than Ilse hundred dollars ($51111). ❑ I, as owner of the property, or any employee., with wages as their sole compensation. will do the work, and the wartime is nal Intended moflemd for sale (Sec. 701L Business ycad ProRossini, Code 'the caromont's License Law cines aid at , vn owner of pmpery who builds nr improves thereov, and who does such work himself or through hiswn employees, provided that such improvements arc not intended or offered for sole.If. however, the building er improvement is sold within ono yeamd completion, We er-builder will have me LwNen of proving that he did not (wild or improve for pnr- ph a orsale.l. ❑ 1, as owner of the prolmny, vm exclusively cam ratting with Incensed conmucton, to nmmrct the projeet (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code:) The Contractors Li- cense Law laws not apply toanmenerofpct,peaty who build, or improves thereon,and QTY. who comrans for such projects with it cmntramons) Iiec7,wd pursuant in the Contractors License law. ❑ I am exempt under Sec ,B& P C for this reason Hate x nor,)YORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION '1 hereby offmh ander Penally of price, one 0 the following drelaradorm: ❑ I have and will maintain a CertifcroeofComo:nun self -insure oar Workers Camper. sailor, as pravided liar by Section 37RO of the Labor Code, fur the permrmmce of the ark for which this pertdt is issued. ❑ 1 have and will mainmin Workers Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the lattice, Cuda for the perfurmmoce cl the work for which this permit is issued. My Worker'., Compensation Insurance carrier omit Policy number are: Cartier. Policy Na.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANC12 (This section need mot be emadeted ifthe pomdl is forone bundled Rolla, ($1001 car Imss.J I certify that in the nrltamance of s per the work for which phimit is issued, l shall not employ any penton in any manner so as to become subject cache lPorkers' Compen- z cation Laws of California. Doe Z Q Applicant (7 NOTICE. 10 APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption. you should a tieco om subject to the Workers Cmnpcnsalian Provisions of the Labor Code, you mush forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed moo ked. Uas Q CON S'1'ItUC'I'ION LENDING AGENCYad 0 l hereby affirm that here is a constme;ion lending agency for the perfomsance of LL. the wad fer which this permit is lssuedSer. 3097, CI, C.) 0 U Izndoes Name W Lenders Address I certify that I have read this application and stole that the above if ornution Is F' Vat] roamer. l agree to comply with all city and comedy onl'manees and slam haws relatingm QTY. U Z building construction. and hereby amborize repmsentmives of this city to enter upon the '—I abovo-mmntloned property for inspactian purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep hamdces the Coy of Cupecian agaiml liabilities.judgmefns, costs and expenses which may in any way acerae against said City in nsen hence of the grand its of dols pc APPLICAN44JNDHRSTANDS A Wll.l. MITY WITH AL1. NON POINT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE' Will the applicant or Puce, building occupant store or handle bmarcumn material as dcfned by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Health and Safety Calc, Section 255320a)P AYe.v Fl N. WIII the applicant nr lumre building s,,,soI use ey nipon nt is, desiax which emit hamNnus air conlaminan s as dcfned by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management District^ E3 Yes E] No, 1 h' ad be himic s macrial 'remems antler Chapmr fi 95 of the Edi rami eulth Sufmy C'otlne, Semion 51k5, 2 539 Imd 25534. I understood dam if hhc bu' res dcumm9�avet Lthnl it' mymshmeibilityborada dwachipant SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. 'I EMI'. MM ER OR POLE INS'('. POWER DEVICES NEW (EA) F.A. 200 FT. PERMIT ' PERMITISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT' (TO 10,1X110 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT' (OVER 111,000 CPM) [ciAUST HOOD (oto HEA!ING ONIT (TO 100,100 BTU) HEATING UNI'( (OVER I00,(X1) FTIO VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE; RESIII) BOILER — COMP (3131' OR 100,000 ETU) BOILER —COMP(OV 17R 100.009 RTU) AIR CONDITIONER NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIT SQ. FL ,......... 1371 SANI'IARV NO. APPLICATION SUBMI MAL 3IG C Z NIC CONTROL# BUILDING PERMIT INFO FEE JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL, ❑SFDWL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDIT(ON El PLUMBING RE -PIPE ❑MUI.TI-UNIT ❑STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION ❑INTERIOR ❑ CHIMNEY RI7PAIR IMPROVEMENT ❑SWIMMING POOLS ❑HAITI REMODEL/REPAIR El DEMOLITION ❑ OTHER COMMERCIAL' ❑ WBLDO/ADDITION ❑DEMOLIT]ON SANT FOOD SERVICE MPROVEMENT ❑OTHER SQ FT. FLOOR AREA $ISQ. I 9R 16 AUS -9 Ur wrcnlllvU VALUATION ' STORIES 'I'YI'E CONS'IRUI OCC. GROUP BUILDING DIVISION I7EES PLANCHECK FEE, ENERGY FEE GRADING HE SbII`''ppS THE AID y owe Rearyn u Hli? I' SEISMIC EEE - ELECTRIC HE Ess PLUMBING F17E MECHANICAL FEE CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING MITIGATION FEE ('AID Date ireir lof j TOTAL: I '1N 0 Inspection Query9a Specfic Permit 6/4.8 PERMIT#! 1T:US_ST:_-SITUS"S7REETLot#`INSDESCRIPT,InsTypUATEDESIRE DateDo'nelnspecto U_nitsPass/Fail Cone= S1371 10275 DE ANZA -1 -0 -275 -DE FRAME -R 3/17/98 3/17/98JB 3 P S13711 ANZA ELECT -R 3/17/98 3/17/98JB 2 P 1371 10275 DE ANZA FRAME 3/19/98 3/19/98 CC 1 F S1371 10275 DE ANZA ELECT 3/19/96::3/19/98 CC 1 F S1371 10275 DE ANZA FRAME 3/23/98 3/23/98 JS 3 P S1371 10275 DE ANZA PLBG-R 3/26/98 3/26/98 JS 3 P S1371 10275 DEANZA MECH-R 3/26/98 3/26/98 JS 3P S1371 10275 DEANZA �FIREDAMPNER(S) 4!9/98 4/9/98 CC 3F Page 1