03020043TY OF CUPERTINO @�`��'a�_sv@`''''���A`>%y7�,`� r�'`'W T - BUILDINGDIVISION PERMIT F ,C YVWAA RINA1'IONDI NO ADDRESS: J. M. O'NEILL, INC PERMIT NO. N DE ANZA BLVD R's NAME: 5880 W. LAS POSITAS BLV, # I.gmirr's"UDA" 1NEI10275 DI VITTORIO GAETANO S AND MARY . 2003 : 9 2 S 2 2 5_ 12 O O SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITBCf/BNOINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO 1 BO O PLO 0'. LICENSED COMitACfOR'S DECLARATION lob Description P 1 hereby arm that I ate licensed under provisions or Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of shell And Pro(eWom Code, and my license is ` mBlntrme And a �,�u `� REVISION. IN-HOUSE PERMIT ONLY o"n"�La" Com' r' ORIGINAL PERMIT #02120052 ARC FF=Sf Pj�. RATION I understand my plans shall be used an public mcnrch Licensed Prorenional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm NAI I am exempt form Ne Contractors License Law rot the following mason. (Section 703 1.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city at caumy which toqulms a Permit to construct, alcor. Improw, demolish, or repair any swetum - - poor to Its issuance• also requires the applicant fnroch permit to rile a signed statement that be Is licensed punuunt 10 the Forwhiomsur the Contractor', License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 70M) or Division 3 of the Business And Professions Cede) At that he is exempt therefrom and the basis far the Alleged exemption. Any violation of APN Number Occupancy Type Soca an 7031.5 by Any applicant far A permit objects the applicant 10 a civil penalty of not mom than five hundred dollars (55007. 32633103.00 ❑I,uowner o(the progeny,mmy employes with ngexu thehnkeompemdon, ' d Ins eCt10Ds n p will do to work.and thethuctme Is ml lmended m offered err Aala(Scc. 704/, Business and Portman Cade: TM Commerce, Limits law does not apply m an owns of work Wtot Waugh his 101 — FOUNDA 1 -PIERS OwIntenenywhe yces, pds idodt at such improvements Amts norhounded or iorI that swhimpmwm sads. If.mu,aa- however, however, - 102 — of cmpledn.err the bull thebrlmprowmanntsmt he did not WeldArImproeforNeoweM- due wtinmt year builderwillnavetheburdcne(ptming that he not Wild Ar for purpose of � � 103 — UFER nit.). - - 104 - REBAR - ❑ 1, As owner of the property am exelualwly Cont acting with licensed contractors in 10S - ' ANCHOR BOLTS construct the pmjcM (See. 7044• Business and Profusions Code:) The Contractor's U. '. came law does not apply to an owner or property who bund. at improve, thereon,and, 106 — SEWER. & WATER- who contractsfm such projects with a cam actor(.) licensed pursuant the Contractor. ucenselaw. 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING m exempt under Sec. . B Be P C for this mason 203 .- UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL Dam 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby aim under Penalty of perjury ane of dte following dmlaratmm: 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ave and win matnhain a Certificate ofComent to self-imum forwoker.Compna- , u provided for by Section 37M a( the Labor Code. for the performance of the Imy � 3O2 — TUB & OR SHOWER err which mf. pemws issued'303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ove and will reaittem Wmiers Compensation Insurance, u required by Section3Ola — ROUGH ELECTRICAL - or the labor Code. for the perfarmance of d n weak for which thla permit is issued.orkerSCampenntlon Insurance carrier and Policy number am: 305 — FRAME ekEep%l� p pPaneWNr..' �1=�'02 3.06 - HOEDOWNS 4J ceRTIFICOMPENSATI TION CBDRlcEies• 307 - INSULATION - (Thla section need not becompleted if flit 7cm0 la(mune hundreddollan(SIM) 308 — .SHEETROCK oi1Ps67.._._ .- - ----- _'_ --- -----309---EXTERIOR LATH 1 certify that in the pc,in mance of the wok for which thl. permit is Issued. I slWl nm cmplq any person In any man terse u m become subject to the Wokcrs'Compewtion 310 - INTERIOR LATH L.w..fCalifornia. Dam 311 - SCRATCH COAT Applicant 313 - ROOF NAIL NOTICE TO APPLICANT: Ir. After making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become object to the Weker's Compeondon pmvlalona of the LAW, Code. you must fordwith Comply with such Provkinm Or this pemiuhall be deemed revoked, 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY 502 - FINAL PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ' I hereby Afron that them is a construction lending agency far the pnrumnance of .ENERGY 503 — FINAL 'MECHANICAL ENER the work for which this permit issued (See. 3097, CIN. C.) Leader', Name 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY Lender's Address 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL I canify that 1 haw mad this application and sham that the thaw information B 506 - GAS TEST COMM. I Agra m comply with all city and county ordinances and sue laws mining to building construction, and hereby authorise mpmxnu0ws of Nis City m enter upon One FINAL PLUMBtNG Above-mentioned Plenty for WAPCM on Pupwet (We) agree to saw, indemnify and keep humlen the City of Cupertino AgaWt nabilideaduegmenm emu and expenses which may in Anyway Accrue agalnsuaid Oly In this 0 8 FIN L 5 A ,7 Al consequcme of the Senting of pcmih., APjjrjjjLLLLLIQAf4T UNDERSTAND" AND WIL COMPLY WITH LL N OINT Issued by:51 Date ShRQ,RQGULAT �'�j �(�, CCApplian Re -roofs Slgnatumu mraMAr Dam HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ISCIDSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building Occupant nom arhandle haurdous material Med by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9.13, and the Health and Safety Section 35533(a)7 ':�No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Yes devices If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the Applicant or ffuu rum building Occupant me Aqulp ncm or which .' it hataninus Air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yea �No I haw read the hnaoduus material. requirements under Ch.PuM 6.95 ofde Califon, lined,k SifmyCrde,Senimts 25505.35533MW253 .I umkr Uoulfthe building Z' oma of cA ntly haw. tCoant; the li Is my poi IMIi o do omupant of do n rear enuwmm�m It. '-m' of con race Signature of Applicant Date � � All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Ow car ode col Date