20704 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project identification ` - PERMITNO. 'x /6B U7ds be qV o 20704 rs ante; A�41Z 'Axh one. �WLY0./ CITYCUPER1IN0.BUILDIN6 DIVISION I NO co a ti : //�— N APPLICATION /PERMIT ' • C" 7.73 BUILDING-ELECTRICAGPLUMBINGMFCHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL If Architect/Engineer. Lie.No: I Q � QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO �ya/ a J` PERMITISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION . Thereby�fflrmthat l am licensed under providers ofChapter9(rommen APPLIANCESRESIDEMIAL JOB DESCRIPTION I\V Ingwith S��fy ,•.�Iy�'elon3eDhe Buslneaeand Pro(eulone Code,and my lice^�" II r6eRM. 1/ /+ 1 J PANELS L CW�LIcp 'II V1 D"? 'A UP TO 200 AMPS CXITECP cls RATION OVER0OXIAM �2 ]understand my plata ehaB be ueedupub0crerorda "'�� OVER 1000 AMT'S SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA f/SQ.Fi. O Z� Licensed Professional SIGNS ELECTRICAL z" y OWNERex exempt DECLARATION ® ' su?7 SPFCIALCIRCUIT/MLSC I hereby afBrmthal lam exem from the Contractor's Licenss Gwlor the following mount.(Section 7m1.5,Business and Professions Code:My city or p p s:� TENP.MEfQR OR POLE INST. B p E R county which requlresa permiltoronstruct,alter,improve,demolLsh,errepair 'v 4 < anyrtructure priarto its Issuance,alanrequires theapplicant forsuch permit to POWER DEVICES WF� rJ BE,a signed statement that he tr licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Q3 v.J, ContnRore License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of DWI. SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION 0I sWn3oftheBuslneuandProfesslonsCode)erthathebexemptiherefromand Gthe basis for the alleged exemption. My violation of Sedlen 70315 by any OUTLETS—SWITCHES-FIXTURES DATE hy5 appBcant fora permit subjectsthe applicaotto a civil penalty of not more than E� BF T,as dner ars of epro NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ,FI. STORIES TYPECONSTRLYTION FIT,as owner of the property,or my employees is with wages r thele woe 7 Q compensation, Code:The Contror actors or offered w t] or aaoe(Seoapply Boninessner Professions Code:TheCImproves thereon, law $ don not apply to ak owner of property who n builds or improves thereory and OCC.GROUP. RIS UNITS who ovem ntswork t intenlf ded orough hlaee s employees,provided that such Improvement are not Intended proffered(mule.I(howeven the building or TOTAL: Improvement twWwithin omycarofcompldbrytMowner-bulWerwBl have tlntVenofproving that he did not bund or improve for purpose ofaale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE u T,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed FLOOD ZONE AI'N contactor to construct the project(Ser.706ly Business and Professions Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contractor's Luras law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) LIR/ build.or'Improvss thrones,and who contracts d for such Inp ee with a FEE SUMMARY c�(a.dor(a)licensed pursuant to the Commerce,License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE LJI am exempt under Sec. B&P C for this reason DRAINS FLOOR• ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N Owner RECEIVE KM WORAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y N ❑[hereby affirm that I have•certi(kate of conssnt to elf-Inure,or RECEIPT M certificate of Workers Cempereatloelnsu em ora certified copy thereof pec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 WCAOUTLEES PARK FEE Y N 3900,Lab C.I RECEIPT a Policy M GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(FA)Com any BUILDING DIVISION FEES ErCertlled copy It hereby furnished. GREASE/INDUSTRI.WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHE•CKFEE Certified copy is filed with the city Inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEM PTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE / SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA 2TOPT '7�� Date RCtt'1 [�( D'hlssedlen need not be completed If the permit is!carom hundred dollars C p10B)or lana.) WATER fIEATFIt W/VENT/E.FCTR ENERGY FEE Y N_ I certifym that In the perforrncenf the work for which this permit I.Isaued, I shall not employ any person In any manner w as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING PAID Workers'Campensatlon Laws of Gllfornt.Date 0Z Applicant you NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. Date Remi till Z 0 NOTICETOesti.bCAI.the after rs Comakinpe Certificate icons oftof le Lata W C d,y...,tf fthditthe Workers'Compens l... thionsolthe Leber TOTAL: Code,you must forthwllh comply with each provtlons orlht permit shall be W 9 deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE IL I hereby alBrrn that there its a construction lending agency for the perform- ELECTRIC FEE =1Z ante ofRhe work for which this permit is,Issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: U0 I.nder'.Name PLUMBING FEE IL I— Lender'.Addrcn QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE OW Irettilythatl have madthtappllcalionand statethatthe abovelnformatlm IL Is rorted.I agreeto complywilh all city and county ordinances and state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEESPAID: >. W relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representtivea of this Z dtyto enter upon the abowre entioned property for Inspection purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date Reel tM (We to ave,tdcrtWty and hr u the Clty of Cupertlm V .gal Bab les,jrdgmenb,coateand hl the CkLy wayamue AIR IiANDLINC IIMT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: ag t I ity in ronsequeo a the s t n thl rouL AIRHANDLING UNIT(OVER IO,OOBCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgmtu o App t/Contractor Date IXHAUSTHOOD(W/DWT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: ZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or futurebullding occupsetstere orhandle hazardous HEATING UMTOO 100,000 BTU) Date RCCCI t# 1 I materialas defined bythe Cupertino Municipal Cods Chapler9.IZ and the Healthand Sally Code�zz--S�eton 75531141 HEATING UNIT 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: s[x�• (' �Yss LJNo VENTILATION FAN RESID) Will Y the appilont orTTuutNo building occupant use equipment or devices I$$ ATE which scot hazardous air cumamimnt as deRm:d by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District?1No BOILER-COMP pIE'DR100,IXq BTU) JUL7 O Inn0 Ye. No U!/L i JJ havereadte.1th&Safety materials Section. mentsun33 and 25534. of BORER-COMP(OVER IW,000 BTU) - theerstftmela aedtat If Clods,Sections?5505,ve a tenant, - undentandthatlf Rhe building dote not correctly havealenanL that lt0my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT, f�'J�dlm'd1'a//nr�aw ibllllylondifytheotaccupant olthe ulrcmenhichmmmyyystbemet ' rt issuance of3Ia��Certif tnoofQ�+�anry. Ownerer au zed agent Date ISSUEDBY: �^"�V3 �`ay TOTAL: OFFICE COPY