00060025 bW4 - KUUF lIV—F'KUUKt55 ' CITY OF CUPERTINO - BUILDINQDIVISION ,PERMIT. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION:' BUILDIN=ADDRESS. e I `t PERMIT NO. s Gn"'Pil ROOFING OWNBR'S M1A E: �• - . ! " ' - - APPLICATION SOB DATE ONG. , u SANITARAN16 REB AN ANTGN16 'RD__ Y �95 .NO. MOO ARCHITECIJINGINEER;, i - r - BUILDING PLRMI'IINFO - BLDG ELECT- � PLUMB' , MVCL LICENSED CONTRACTORS DI CI ARAIION z'S�+ n n amrm m I 1 r J ata ` - - lob Description CZE y pr ren rl qt s s' �' . . 'rims I nl(x»nID 3 tine en Jr r.- .e de,md,yl n - n - , a S 's fur I crl�q ,�x . �C�a Lic CI C.i� L .p� •Z"`0 ° Da, Cot emr T/0 TWO LAYERS C. SHINGLES, ADD 30 LB" FEL ca w to ARCHI rt.CI'S DLCLARATI N d lana try plans rRn;neJn, nnrore...d, 40 YEAR' ELN COMP SHINGI ES w 5 0 0 L'c n.ed Ple :.cional •' OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION, ` Ihrly orf rm lhtl am esompl( areC I I I Law or the ` f= < full 0 g (S t ]031 5'B J I f C d Any ly ounly f f ❑ wh h 4 P t i st I II p J I l'h p' , t&lure ' Prot t al q d ppl' tl n ournt fl 'g Jstatement" math licensed In a the lawflims.f'h C rdi 1 L (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. PIOOG,ACea l Ya]Uat1011" (Commencing with Section7010)of Division 3 ft Bu. Iprofessions C d) _ or that he is exempt Ihercrrom and the busis for the alleged exemption Any viol i n ' of Section 7031.5 by any applicant f formal sq c the pl h are(it a rivil penalty - . of ant mme than Five h dred dollars($500) APN Number Occu enc T'pe , El T.aaowmerofinep p ty tiny employee,with wages as lh ,ole eompeummn. - 63Y7Q1y will do the imirk,and the tracttracom I n t Lnlcndnl or offered far! (See 7044, - Business and Professions Code:The Com I L Law does not apply to;In RRequired-Inspections r wno,of p,.,,Iy WhoI ld:e mprovea income saeµm Irev FavIt work himself, .30 369260 . 01ZI � + or mmngh his own en pl y-: provided that,act, armo,inuouts meant intended or r - - efle ed for side If,however,the building or improvement is v Id w iflan one year of notnplmmn.meawnerb IJ•r will have the burden of prong that he did nm build or y. , eg r pdrp v til,ale.). 305 .—• FRAME o Va,uvms,afffic property, ung with roe,eaI 307 — T NSUI_AT I IN u h J t f (S ]044 B e P and fisc Cuda:))Tb Contractor', taqn 1 :3 eeLnwildi,notapplyloanomeropropertywhebnld mpdwa,gaireon. 601 , — ROOF TEAR OFF and who inandirls r h projects with ontractorCg licensed p ;iI t the Cn I etre 602 ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL. ❑I,n exe npl anamsa. t` Bmrcarthis reaam . 603 — ROOF.•BRTTENS ..Dale - _ `' 604. •ROOF ,IN-PROGRESS . WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARKIION , '- P 1 hereby afford under penahy of perjury one of the followingliwromitiow; ,., - 1,• ' , 11 and serif I CnfI fC It If Wk { Co p t : provided I by Section 37001 f theLabor Code, r m performance of flw work f M1 I In':p I 1. ' a and will mandome W k Cmirmaredifor 1,surrairce,as requ red by Section 3100 of the larsiu C, sale,for the istifiroureare of thew,k f h i This permit is •� ' issued,My Worke,,C p t ,Insurance urrer,nd policy umber an. r Canter: jj�{X'E y Nm; FROM g 9 d t7 CERTIFICATIONXHON TINS FROM WORKERS' - . - COMPENSATION INSURANCE - re as dma need not ri . f c I t ¢anti lilted it the permit hundred p - r lSurtU or Inas,) , - - � •. , I eulify that in Il11 p;,96ionave of he walk f hi h this tomain is issued,I , ";v' .. alien not emery any per...a n any mama .a m become subject to die worker, , Co pe i Law,of Calif in Data Applicant NOfICETOAPPIICANT',U.-aftU.-affor makingth' CerifieceofP 'pt' y h Id Z becomesubjecit.theW k Compensation priu'sto (if the Labor Code,you trust: C forthwith comply with such provisions milas perntsholl bcdcapasl revoked.' [� - I�, ,/- u• 7. 7 F^ :0� CONSTRUCTION IENDINGAGENCY a I n.by dI rm that them construction 1 nd11g agency forth pe for n J , W of kf, h''h fts�prorrir i,'Sanod(Sc 3097.Us.C,) u, , - •!, Lend .Name Lc Address 1 w0 F[)a 'cum t I greeto c-um'ply II III n city did county,nd mon tieb onate laws feeling rob Bring r t t o and hehY authorize representativesf - this IY I t p ` .. [/'••�(�/,/{],�/y/ . ,x [� the ab ve tier d (w) 6 I save, E. � d fy and keep haninloSS the City tCpt gait - » i..rZ iahiCty ] I6 t t i p h h Y'nary ) tie ag.i nst auJ V Cly au.'uwce of Ih runt ng of Oi s p t - APPLICANTU A SAND WILL JOMPLY WRHALL NO POI SOURCE RP s _-Issued by: p• » signemrcn _ppucawcnn to - - - Da Re-roofs IIAZA DOI1S MATERIALS DISCLOSURE : wud,eappleam n b tie g w Lt rhandleh,iroadmis material ". Type of Roof� a,dideednymeColNu Municipal code,Chapter 9.12,and dre Heald,and Safety t r' a•° Code,Seeman 25532a1 - - - - •r . - '• . °Y . r , ' n All roofs-sfiall be inspected prior to any roofi ng'ma teria]•being installed: Will the apgi I it-r t n Id gnmmmpa�t n.e rgtrl me I ie awn n' If a roof is installed without first obtainingan ins ection;I agree to remove ' enol h J s a cot ms as refund b)the Bol Arc n A'-Quality Manage ent : P g ra.deta all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Yea ,! '�it r, - tall non-point source regulations. - - I ha e read theN mat uff 1 c nu undo Chapter 6J5 1 the { ° California Hoedds&SkftyC leg t s2550525533 d25534I and...d lthr, f, fmclairldiri,dra,,reamurrenti,h audiant, hatt :myrel bi lity to notifylh _ Oman' I T h L wh eh et he t l or i f con Owl¢ r '1 - S ce p n u " , „'Signature of Apphca It Date. own n anmmi+. agent ..•AIL roof coyerings'to be Class "B" or.better - 'r OFFICE - , r.-