5655 - INSP " CITY OF CUPERTINO INSPECTION RECORD r (OFFICE COPY) PERMIT NO. AUJ � I uku,7 &04?yGZS PERMIT ISSUED DATE "ELECTRICAL DATE INSP. ui ink Electrical lump— Power Pol e' anica Underground Tenp ::c u irin _ Solar a s Fire SprUTler ei in Sign RRes nt xt otors Misc. row— T' ower er FINAL INSPECTIONS DATE INSP, of rove Gas s-ii-fr e/ Electric PLUMBING c{ ATE ISP. anica 7- Backflow �Pool Undergro,-M-E— uradinRundertloor Planning Partial ouE 1- - 7- L ire t. Rough o Tete _ ,- ea t t. oar u ui 's' _ _ Water nsulation Uther oDrain Gas -- --— II BUILDINGer DATE INSP. Othof mve . Pad Certification Foundation v - ELECTRICAL Pre-Gunite DATE INSP. Slab- e - Underfloor S.M. Bond emn cts nsu anon Underfloor it ers ire ers Floor Steel ire ace ie owns rease Duct & o0 ia rams os _ e our i .t eismec BraClng Condensate ain els ui ment Anchorage ...frame - ues Air t t eC�Tr—' +a oar nt t. - of mve arewa s t er I�kLK w4,,[( ()-T- ILfT z 5 ,' 0 �Tf'eF, A-04 -N do BUILDING i0 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL I TffSCELLANEOUS I� I 1_ P DATE J�F!!/G'� SUBJJEC,./Ty�h�.._.L�4lh....J..e.C�/c�...�0/!G�0/Ti//7/U/!7J SHEET NO/\./..... OF...- C N K D. BY............ . DATE.................. __.1�.�!1./..-L v.C.'��...._.�e__ ......_..._......-_.. JO B NO.49r_ [072- ... ....................._........._........... .........._. ......... .......�.Y. erfinp1 G .. CIVIL 6 CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS, INC. 7246 Sharon Drive San Jose, California 95129 Telephone 257-7083 References: (1) 1q,92 Ed. UBC (2) .50I/ repo'. .6y E/iyeofech Inc• /21/9163 "0. E7-3 -0276-S/ Backfill behind retaining wall (12" min. thickness) to be Class II permeable material crushed rock or gravel, for the lower two thirds of the height of the wall. Balance of backfill to be compacted native soil. 4" dia. perforated drain pipe, laid with perforations down, shall be installed at base of wall and sloped to drain. The finished slopes shall be graded to divert all surface drainage away from the wall and toward natural drainage facilities. All concrete blocks shall be grade "A" open end i}nits as specified by-ASTM Spec. C-90. All reinforcing shall be deformed intermediate grade bars con- forming to ASTM A-615 grade 40, lap bars 32 diameters in concrete, 48 dia- meters in concrete block. All transite mixed concrete shall conform to ASTM Spec. C-94 and shall attain an ultimate strength at 28 days of 2000. psi. Q4pFESSIp/yq � / y 22023 31z%s s19� Of CA��E�� CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS, INC. 7246 SHARON DRIVE SAN JOSE (408) 257-7083 CALIFORNIA 95129 CLIFFORD C.BECK,R.C.E. KENNETH NELSON,R.C.E. Job No. 83079-1 September 3, 1985 KN-85-57 Building Inspection Department SEP i,D City of Cupertino tfa.U(;, I � • 10300 Torre Ave. ) �tl' I� utrHHlMEryr Cupertino, CA 95014 CITY OF CUpERTIno Attn: Mr. Joe Antonucci Subject: Cupertino Town Center Condominium- Phase III Gentlemen: At the request of the Contractor, an inpection of the subject project was made by the undersigned. The inspection was made on August 26, 1985 to examine the drilled pier foundation excavations for the retaining wall along the East property line. The pier holes, in general, were drilled to 10 feet, however, two isolated piers could only be drilled to 5 feet due to encountering rock, Upon review of the grading plan, I find that the proposed finished grade at those two shallow piers is approximately 3 feet above existing and therefore the 5 feet deep pier would be adequate as per the approved construction details and calculations (see enclosed) , I therefore approve the pier depths as drilled, If there are any questions regarding this subject, please contact my office. Very truly yours, ce neth Nelson Registered Civil Engineer CC: Landmark Developement Co. CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS, INC. 7246 SHARON DRIVE SAN JOSE (408) 257-7083 CALIFORNIA 95129 CLIFFORD C.BECK,R.C.E. KENNETH NELSON, R.C.E. Job No. 83079-1 September 3, 1985 RN-85-57 r l� L, V� C? L:.� P Building Inspection Department UCry r '3 - 1985 City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 BLDG. INIA" 11014 DEPARTMENT, Attn: Nr. Joe Antonucci CITY OF CUPERTINQ Subject: Cupertino Town Center Condominium - Phase III Gentlemen: At the request of the Contractor, an inpection of the subject project • was made by the undersigned. The inspection was made on August 26, 1985 to examine the drilled pier foundation excavations for the retaining wall along the East property line. The pier holes, in general, were drilled to 10 feet, however, two isolated piers could only be drilled to 5 feet due to encountering rock. Upon review of the grading plan, I find that the proposed finished grade at those two shallow piers is approximately 3 feet above existing and therefore the 5 feet deep pier would be adequate as per the approved construction details and calculations (see enclosed) , I therefore approve the pier depths as drilled. If there are any questions regarding this subject, please contact my office. Very truly yours, W� e neth Nelson Registered Civil Engineer Cc: Landmark Developement Co. . Cifldllf=%TuJl1_Cen��r__—�.Ol�[�o5"--.=---_-_ _ ShufeLof - 81B1ack1fWa//«115 Job No,930-791__ - - • N Equiv. 5oilP1-ess. -40'6'/0/ A/0//Desi ? @Pier -F4LID 24'O.C. 2'. A7 X40 �Io% /nmax..[4 0 Xy3J 30 5=339y3 fm�m�nocX/2C2/K� J rOr /6 r5.63 Z fC �\ AS(min) = /¢0x5.63 See Be/ow 4° \ - =PH=/00112 _ 2-,r4 .—fin Or fl:-_ co - - -- — - Use(Rebar) I- F43 4 -x`.4 3-�5 -- min. min. min. -- a Check L Otero/Sfob1%ify a o Piers o u of fop -A = 2.34P Si - 1SOzd w > Sib 3 .. d min - - 3' o , ' duse O�17hZ = 2[ f Oro f�� 4.O7 See sfee/@ He hf- L - _�o//desi n 0 9 echedu�. __ — - 9 DO - /1000 -2500 3600 PH - -' - 33 - /.67 .:2.0 - - /�"� P5'-0" ac. - A _ 3..79 5./9- : .G:6 7,�a_ dmin - --- —4•-7- -_ �,3 . -- 8./.----9.¢--- - duse - —: 10C.01 - - 3'A¢ Use a'4 6;16 i 5'$ld' use 6S@/6" I Sprcia/.=iii sped on.=.=re8uii cdf _ N eSEP /6" ax Bed- BLDG. x 3 - 985 r_51 BLDG. INSPECTION DEPARTMENT See wall design —2�— CITY, OF CUPERTINO ee/schedule O.C. CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS , INC, �'�