02050079. _..h: .. ..OFFICE... _... _ .... ` CITY OR CUPERTINO `- smt.nmc ontston," PERMIT 4, .. . CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING L 19SDRESS:CULBE RTSON'DR"";'-, .....- PURE ELECTRIC PERMIT NO. .. 02050079 iD DAVIS 1 27365 INDUSTRIAL BLV- R PqC/ 1D4 Pz1 NnUVL �F,, , AU PHONE:. (800)246-9998 SANITARY NO. CONTROL N0. O O .ARCHITECT/ENGINEER:'BUILDING PERMIT INTO Yca O _ I' BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH z z = LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION the ny ffumthat lamlYe-ed d provisions ofChxp¢sec m ing - �TrJ p� CAP OFF '.LIN �,�, a-imSe<u ByoowafDlvsa'�nfro a tics ndarif,so ,nate dmyrasK - GAS.�kP�E�INSTALL.: ''220' VOL mEl�t3 41511 crone 3,td erten. - FOR RANGE . re �.fiat¢ ,• 'ComucnR . .. .. .. .. 3-LLfn"`""'s a"0 " ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION - Y o'O 1 underst5nd m 1 II heaved io records Y P-ansh a public reco - - -- - - - Liecosed Professional . 5 F a .-. OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION - z!Q 1 hereby. affirmaffirmthat 1 am exempt from the{onwcmr's License Law for the - L' following rcainn. Section 7031.5, Bar inc,s and 1'romc,imi Code :'Any city or cmumy - .. z,Em ,' which requires a permit to construct, alter, improre, demolish, or Blank arryinnicame �3.x micur t is 1 qu re th pile fin,suchnpermittfleaspwdnatem<m ,. _ _ Sq. -Ft. Floor Area: �'"'•C Valuation -ValUatlOn licensed that n<n" p a t the p i. m nn ContractorsL' W 1Chap¢r 9 (co C.S with Scl ]0W)of D'i.o 3 Rh B. eu andP feu Code) Doti the s exernpuh b. f -. } ,•�. •' rcfrom aneE th alleged exempt o".Ay ninon 5360'23 '• ' .::, of section iO3L5 by anY applicum for a ce it suhjccts the ppl cam m o nvd Penalty - - '-;.1a„letnanhv<nmmareaar,daralsSWJ. . ., a APNNumber' Occupa OccupancyType ❑I of .1ympioye<: m gaoam�rsni<cnmpemotion. -'the 304 — ROUGH ELECTRI' CAL walla win k d the m t re rs nm'n¢ tied- offered Por sale ]Sec ]044,' 'Bu restitin Pro ns Cole. The Com t s L¢ense Ww d«s not apply to an 501 - FINAL )•,+T,y+(•mp�ct}RG 'ifCCM5 P '., cos-c'.111. omm or progeny was balms tar imvrovea tnercmn, ane wino a«a aaen work himself 505 — FINAL ELF TR I CA - or Nmugh browemPloyeea, provided that such imprnvcmems are not intended or acted or sale: 14'M1 et the building or nnprovemem "IJ ithin oneyear'of "-' --_.. __ .._.. -_. ._._....... ... ... __— _..._ ___,_-,__ _ canthen will nave the burden of proving that he did oat build or imp f p rpose of sale ) y01 c .v `P Mny ,ely tcang @ I c sed v .. ...- _. ... .... ,rte g�{t -.. Y�a�l _ ... _ project c w t the ProJut (S ]Oaf Business tin P f u u Cod '1 The C manor's mans UeetrucLiosdashisiY t o iter f P ceny h bu Id ....... themmi Q,aml whto o act,teenef.r such. prole,,, with iicomas dq Incensed pursuant. m.tne W �� - .• -14 i Coh me T' Le Law. - N;'��1�0 t p dcr5'. &PCfonhis reason �R/TIO ill WOUP ATION ORK DE ill”. fir l "',,CY'Ihrcnyaffm , J^pcnalty,of pi one of the following declamuons: 0'_ I,ha4e and will'maimain a CeniG<am of Consent as self -insure for Worker's ' ,'❑ Compensation, .,-provided for by. Section 37M of the Labor Code, for the _ ' performance ofine work for which this permit is issued. O 1 havermul will mmiTcrWkc?,CmaI;cm.ticTn frimmice,ti, ic,ui,,d by Section - - 37W'ofthe 'Labor Code. for the performance of me work for which this pewit is " sued, My Workers Campensation brour6nce carrier and Policy number arc:' ' CLIer Policy No. 'CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM.WORKERS' _ v.* , C i, ?1 k, r ' It, t ( :"COMPENSATIONINSURANCE r „ (Nis(This ctmn n <a not he completed if the pews is ror,ome hundred dollars --- sly- �'r 1evartly th t'. the P d t cep f 11 - k JorXh h ihpew�sf 'AQ `Kan t r nY r er t ec�j<�P�/�karsl -. - .. .:_ - _. " . , it 41,: a Comic ws' jr� e Z NOTI T A 1 Ifs !F Ta Ei-' p —m. y n jd Woke Cmpenso,hi p fth Wbm Code you must -bedwith 6m forthwith com - � ythe • ply with such prv. s ons .,,his pcwn shall beemoted vokcd. CONSTRUCf10NLENDING AGENCY h by R " that thenswa,o id' g.,c ry far the perfowan« ,` 1 a7 ❑ of the w�rkforWbch }Land ,N '- ..,th pe t ..0 d'(S 3W7,Cis C) •: , • 7 Z LeindelsiAddress- '• .. .. •_. ___.. __"- .-.. _ '. t, [r tUmould fr.r flIcit fYThan lh c d Billapplication rmdtma'but the abovef m correct.I gr e m omlly with II itY and c tY, d' w d st m laws rel ung grnnsmucnb and Im bJaothositfesof this city, enter upon m -. r - fthf abo en tTissed pen fro Tp Y scect o P, u'.... ..., _ ..... .. 6i , (Wgee to s a deme fy and keep hummesdre City of C peri d against Z Z Ci, 1, J dgmems. costs d expenses which may in any way accrum. against said .Cary q<c of the8 foe of tN' wit: A CpNTI 'D 'STAND. NDt-COMWNWITH,�L�N POINT - Issued b ! y Atm. J—�� Sigmota fAPPbcanUC ^"° Date y mrnaor ,Date Re -roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE' r" Will the applicandt 61 future Wildirig mcuparn store m harafl, IT".,mamnxl 'as def Type Roof YP rd b) Ne Cupertino Municipal Cod Chapter9.12, and theHealth and s rely ... — •-" - -::: e.'-•.. .. ❑Y r L L p ._ '- 1111 roofs shall be inspected nor to any roofing - p material being installed. ,, wnm appluamn f t b Id g occupant seequipment devices which it h as d e r coni r as defned be N Bey Arca A r Quality Manage ent _ If a roof is installed without' first obtainin an inspection, Vagree't( remove g °L')(Ni oY - _ �. -. ', all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with '" t „ .. „ _. - I ha d;'Ne licard i'mmcdal q ;mrrmmv under Ch pter.695 of The _ all non -point source regulations;- California Health & Safety Code. Sections 25505, 25533 and 35534. 1 understand that T the bild'gd« tcrtetlyM1 roti tthat t' yresponsibility'o - .. Dilly the "cu f,h t 'rcgd requirements r tttmy . which tP ,sum fJf nficam of .." ... _ __... .. G Signature of Applicant Date ,; All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better . Owner athm ized agent Date . _..h: .. ..OFFICE... _... _ ....