22898APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pro ea Identlflratlm i;;(�` ORM Building Add PF]LwrNo. 2 � f 'bTc- FA , L,*t' 2 2 8 9 8. - rcr. am me : . CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUfLDINGELkZTRICAI PLUMBING -MECHANICAL cmtnaN,me: tx.No s CATEGORY CONTROL # A Xect/ neer. w I UVfv_ QTY ELECPRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT -INFO Add. .. PISRMIT ISBUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARA ON !hereby d(um thatlamlkmaedunderprovbloruof pter9 (msruom< ingwlth Sectbn7000)ofDMdm3oftbe BudremandP esdotu Code,and Al'PI.IANC6RESIDENTfAL , JO DESORB7lON liocnsr bin lull fora and dfea.- LkenmCbm Lk.g PANELS /��- •� K Date Contranor UP TO 2DOAHM fU — PS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I underdae rey pbm elul) be used as public r ord> OVER 10D0 AMPS SQ. Ff. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. Ff. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Lkenaed Professional OWNER -BUILDER RDECLARATION BUILDER DECAMTION I herebya(firmtI .emptPrem the ars Llerm I�w (m tie following reason. (Section 70315. Badness, and Profmbru Code: My city or countywhichrequl apemdttomrc maJter,lmprove,demolbkorm-palr anykmdumprbrtolbbeuame,mb requrestheappha tfmauchpe to Ole a attired statement that he b homed pursuant to the pmvisbv d the D I gyp'' E� I I.`� R tl� l SPECIAL CIRCNT/M6C m,{p METER OR POLE AST. POWER DEVICES SWMMNIC POOL ELECTRIC Contractor. Lkeme law eC pter 9(mmmencing with Section 7000) of Div dbn3oflhe Buatnmand Pro(smbm Cee)orthathebevemptthemh mad �J VALU TION the basb for the dinged es<mplbn. Any vidatbn of Section 70115 by any appbant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty d nn more than OIITLE75SW17CHFSFDcrt1RESDATI �r _ NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR 9QJ7. fiollars 0IM. I, u owner the Property, or v6,.oundredrofthepro employee with wage a 1Mtr door STORIES TYPECONSTRUCDON hrrTye l mmpeeu 70K tntadM oroffered for doe 7014, Basdouthewwl,andtheetsude. Tis he Prdembm Cate: The Contractor. h Gees Law , to an ow er does wh.d tapplyto,khw Udth. hM..w.ty who il pl.y m,p.Ld a on, andh.t.rh whodoesuch dthding Mende OCC. GROfTIa RES. UNITS orwghhbownemplgee,er,the am net or impmvemenbarendlntendneye.rferedfmdan,fibe oweveb the building aoe lmprwerrcnt bsold wnhlnarcycarafcamplNbn,thewvner-W ilderwW have TOTAL en of proving that he did not build or imm prove for purpe ofd,le.). Lb1, as owner of the Property, am eschuNdy contracting with liumard contractor to mnalrua the pmjcd(See 70K Business and Professions Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE � FIL)OD ZONE APN The Cc dnaor', Lkerm Lw doe out apply to an owner of property who Wild. r improve thereon, and who mnham far such p ojrm wuh a -WIracWr(d fiemed pursuant to the Contractor. Liner. Law.BACK LJ I ,m ...rept under Sec B k P C for this n eon ��g-DRAIN k VFM - WATTR (EA) - FEE SUMMARY FLOW pROTFLi. DEVICE � DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, CONT). �/' SANITARY Y— N RECmT 0 Owner Date WOR"AN COMPQSATION DECLARATION ❑1 hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self -Insure, ora ceninab of Workm'Compercaum Imuran¢ora ertiflm ropy thereo(LSec. 3800, �b C) FLYIlIRES I'FR .IR,Vs SC)i00L TAK Y N— ' tea g RECGASFA.SYSTFM-1 INC4OUTLE1S •fin PARK FFR Y N Bey 4 RECF81' GAS EA. SYSTTMOVER4(EA) C. ny BUILDING DIVISION FEES rtified copy b heed wthmis eftyed. Certified ropy b (0ei with the dty ivpeabn divhdm. GREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAIL CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (Thlaeectlon need nal be complet.d u permit pedt bw (ore hundred doldollarsa PAID Date Rccef t# SEWER-SANITARYSIORM EA i00FT (5100)ce lm.) mer I certuyt)nt in the pedounce of thewk for which ,a pemdts tare id ATTR HEATER w/vlxr/ET.FcrR ENERGYFEE Y N — T shag not employ any prom In any ro nner.o a to become subpct to the Waken Compensation l.. . d C, Womb. Date PAID WATER SYSTTM/TRFA'IINO Appll.90TICd Dale RLroei t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SOFT. ' TO shoulNOTICEoomn s'L)mt to eWorker ns'Cornaking a Ceres procate of Enemption, you Code, oum us subjectto theworkers'Compenwisk s orthisprethe Lobar Cee, You mrd forthwith mnply with suds peoNsbv orthb Perera shall be deemed revoked. TOTAL: BUILDING FEE S I MIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY IherebyaNrm that thcnbamruwMm oreing agency for the pedomn- ensu of the work for permit this pert b Issued(Sec 3097, CW. C.) TOT ELECTRIC FEE LendeNa Lender Ada Ioedlfythatlluveree<hb appllatlonaMmtethrtthe abwelnfarmrtlm bconea.lagreetocomplyw h,BdtyaMmuntyordhunmandelatelaws QTY. I MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE I PER]hITFT.SUANCE --7- PLUMBING FEE' �� MECHANICAL FEE �" FEES PAID: relaungto WOdNgcorutrualmacts herebyautharb repee,entallvnofthb atytoenterupon the abovrmentbrcd property for lmpedbn purpose.. (We) agree to live, iMde fy an d kr.p herr . the City.of CupMlw ALTIRORADDTOMECH Date Rece1 t# SUBTOTAL: against liabilities, hndgneeis, cat, d upeeue which mayor anyw,yacaae agairW W+CI In en the graeabgdt . n. d _^ ��/ AIRHANDUNG UNrr(IOIO,OIOCFM) AIR HANDUNc uNIT tovFR to,000cFTno CONSTRUCTION TAX s�ge�t arA /cont W 7 4i,ie��'— EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: (_HAZARDOUSKrATTRIALSDISCLOSUR HEATING UNIT (TO 100,ODO BTU) Will the epplkcmt or future WBding« pant store or luele, harardous material as defined by the Gnpertion Mudapal Cad,, Chapter 9.3 Z and the Date Recei 1# HEATING .UNIT (OVER lOg00o BTln TOTAL H.ahhand Safety Code Smtion75S3l()t E Yn I''I No Ty ill the appilaM m`� Nn Wilding a pant use equlpmed m devlm which emit haaardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Alr VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RESID) - I U ATE �� BOBFR NMP QHPOR 100,000 BM 4 Quality Management DlsvW 7 Y uajrQ No havareadth.b oiltmWr,a ioelnmenb5533anM1apter6.95of the I ft fvc b]theh kSafety Cada Sebeement755)7and75536.1 OCT 24 1991 BOII.ERCOMP(OVCR10o,000BI1n NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFr. - undmtandtlutifthe WXdingdo mwt ntlyhaveatenantthafitbmy Pr°°eob� �«iythe wnoot;:ey ir`medawhkhmstthemet CITY OF CUPERTINO Owner on autFaatud agent Date IOTA ISSUED BY OFFICE COPY