22362APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pro ert ldendfiadon Building Address: F 7✓1a'>o�t- Cis; � r � F PIX.WT NO. ,.. 22362 m : one: rc�O CITY OF CUPERTIN4BUILDING DIVISION' APPLICATION / PERMIT Contodar,Ners: IX. Nee " BUILDING-ELECTRICAGILUMBING-MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL# rchXna/Fsgineer. Llc No: QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO - Address ❑ ❑ .K ❑ PEUUTISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRSDECLARATION under I hereby aHlrmlh,t lam licensed M.3.fheB prov.dProChapter9(mmnd ro Ingwlt sifull7000)v/DHlemiJo(the ButlnemandProfeaemsCme, and I ��«C n/ullf Lie,#. 3 D>te-J7L�Gok„r nr N' - ARCI[mcr DECUBATION APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL 1 OB RIPIION ands Dv?/e PI V PANELS - UP TO 20D &MM pl_ V(pS luMe andmyplam WBbeumdnpubticremnla 0VER1000AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. FT. SIGNS E DC[RICAL Licensed Po fesiorul SPECIAL CBtCUR/MISE OWNER-11MLDER DECUBATION IherebyafBrmtbtlamexemptfemnthe Comr taro Ll¢ruel,wf¢the Il TEv�.METEt OR RALE AST. ppy7pR DEVICES following reaaon.(SecUon 7m15, Bualneseal Pmf®lore Code: Any dty or muntywhkhrequl aper Wmn Meter,Improve,demWh,orrgear anyemdumprbrtoiub meal requl¢atheappU¢ kfmauchpemdtto • signed statement the he h B¢roed porno. to the pro,ain. of the Contntlor, Ldcense law(Chs Pln9(mmnendng with Seetbn 7D00) of DNI- ,bn3ofthe Busin®, dl'rofesbro Cade)orthatheberempttheretmm,M C / rr 1sy _J SWIN[NUNG POOL ELECTRIC A/ V LUA TON , the beb for the alleged exemption. Any Wdatlon of Section 7W" by any appB¢nt fora permk,abjecv tis appBrant to a d,11 peroky, does mom than OII7LEISSVlI2HESFLYTURFS _ NEW RESIDENTIAL E.BCTR Bv�undred ddbra ($Sant. I , as owner of the Property, or my empleyen wdh wages as their sole mmpenteelaq willelothe work, and theauurnrre is rot intended or offered for TYPE CONSTRUCTION E sale IS e, 70K Busbees and Pm!®torus Code: The Contractors Iona a Law does not apply to an owrcr of property who builds or Imprwn thereon, and who doesauehworkhlnseBorthmugh hl,ownemplo,ees, prwlded that such impmv nuamw Mendedoroffert f¢,ale. If,however,thebullding¢ Lnprovement bsold rwkMnoneye, rofcunpletbr,theowner-W BderwBl have TOTAL: t"rden'afpenvingtibehedld nerbaudarlmpmweforpurpoeeaf.k.). LJ 4 as owner of the property, ,m e.hush,ely mntracting with licensed mntracturs to mretred the project(See. 7D14, Rushee$ and Profeubru Cade.. QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD ZONE AYN . The Contractor's Lken a Taw don not apply in an owner d property who builds e or Improvthereon, and who coroners for seek p,*U with a cilau'doral li¢rom pursow to the Contndars License law. IJ I am exempt under gee B 4 P C for Nb reason .AI.TEt-DRAA 4 VFNF-WATER (EA) - BAIX FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE FEE SUMMARY OUTSIDE MES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ RELFTPTI ' Owner Due WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affhm the 1 have a mrtiR¢te of consent to m1f insure, or a n1 cess of Workeri Compenvum lrouran¢¢a ¢#sled ropythemo((Sec. 3800, lab CJ a TCZ-t.g�i 99 F0(TVRES PER TRAP SCHOOf-TAX Y_ N _ - RFLmv1lf GAS U. SYSTEM -1 AC4 OUTLIM PARK FEE Y_ N_ RECEIPT0 cess EA. sys[PafovFR /(LA) ��+ ^r—�- co����(IppC,m T���a75� f-i�idififfed.j/%F=64 BE LA "Nedm t,.3 .`riNed ropy b filed wIN the dty Iropectbn #talion. BUILDING DIVISION FEES CREASE/ADUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCFIECKFEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF E[ENIMON FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCESER.SANITARY-SIORM (this aedlon need eat b completed Btb b f¢orc hundred dollar PAID Date React t# EVE.A.700FT (f100)¢lev.> - I f or le slut ti the pedomuna o(the w¢k for whidr th)s pent#, is fined, WATER HFATEtw/vt:,NT/Ercm ENERGY FEE Y N I ahail not employ any person In Any manner n u to become subject to the Workcri Campensatbn laws of California. Date WATER SYS14d/'LRUnNG PAID Appllant N'onel:ro AI'1'LICAFTT: If,,aer maldry tw centuleate of Exemption, yaa should become mbjed to the Workers' Compereatlon provisions of the Labor Cmeyou whh comply with ouch provbbro or thio permit shall be deemed revoked. km. Dale Reoef I# NEWRESIDFNTIALLLMB. SFT. TOTAL: B E - SEISMIC FEE1 CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGFNCY Ihercbyafflrmthst there Is s construction lendlogager�ry for the perform Lender. lv �rkfor whkh thio pemdtbbaed C+ee 3097,CIv. c.) Lender,Address I mrtlfy that I love mad thbappllatbnand rote thrtthn above inforenna. bmrr.1:gmetocomplywhWdtyandmuntyordWn and Yatelaws ctera,andhembyauthWipeoBonbtivnofthio To'rAL: ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING FEE cv QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT IEE MECHANICAL FEE b PERMIT L4UANCE FEES PAID: �QJ •, cityto enterupon to abo dtyW) agree to she aWve-muify an d property for irep Con purposes. (We) agree to vee, IrWemNty and keep Numbs the Cay of Coped W ALTIX OR ADD TO MFLFL Date ReCel t# SUBTOTAL: ,,trot allies,pd nt., nor expdIrgwh�ouylnanywayaraue gat city r,¢ granting of thio pent#,. a �i AIR HANDENGUMT (TO 10,000 CFM)' AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER I it" CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of AppB /cant EXHAusT Hoop (w/DLrn CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: lABDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (70100,000 ETV) Will the appllal by the C.prtinoMorapantode, orbndiohavrdou. r althlod da0md bye Solm2ra MuNtlp,lCode,Chapter 9.1 7, and the I-kaXn.nd satdy cmc sedlan zss3zG)7 ❑ You Will the applloest m Wilding occupant uv equipment or d evIces whkh emit havardcu, air conuMvnu ei deBrud by the Bay Area Ab Date Racei t# ttl:+Twc uNlr roveR taopao BTu) TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSTD) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER -COMP PHP OR 100,0W BTU) Qual ty Me ea oneI�y'atyd7 4 Ye �No IK)ILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) have read theh ,rmledaIs requimmenu under Chapter 6.95 of the Callfomia Health 4 Safety Cme, Seetbro 75505, 755]3 and 75531. I NEW RESIDENTIAL MEIN: SQk understand that lithe Wilding does mt mrrenlly have a tenant, that It h my reip-iudbilW to really the aapam of the requlremem, whkh roue be rust prlorm dl t panty. zDa(/I SSU. D BY: Ownerarautho TOTAL OFFICE COPY V