22361APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification - PERMIT NO. Building Address: ��— .S?7-/G./S%b / �1 �/C-L T^' /i/ �L.7'hiC..Tf ON[' 22361, 2 3 6 1 Mr a ante: ane. - CITY OF CUPERTTNO"BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION If PERMIT 7--4-9/ Con aor'aName Lk. Nee L BUR.DIN aDCTRICALPLUMBINC-MECI IANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL N A kect/Engineer: Lie. N. QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO - Add. PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'SDECLARATION that Is Ihereby affirm tD)Ofamgm3cdheBr ovWmneolft..r9 toe ancin ProlestlansCadeand IngwithSection7orce APPLIANCESRESRJENRAL N JOB N y'� 60 w_ pdefelm3otNeBuelreaaand 11«nx is In toll a d effect. PANELS , IV CC/77�/'�pNJf LlaweC Li-if D,te o) e 3hlat��y ` A n t,.7 CHITE ARCHITECTS DECLARATION e "` I undentaM my pbro shall be.:w o public ra�vdA OV OVER 1000 AMTS . FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. f7. SGNSELECTRICAL LI«r MRdewlorul SPECIAL CQtCIRT/hISC OWNER- RLDER DECLARATION T hereby affirm Wtlamexe TILDER DECLARATION Llernue law fa the following reuar.(Section 7015, Buesm. and Pmfesbru Cade: Any city or muntywhkh requbesa pemdt m mmtruct, alter, Improve, demolleh,or repair ..��/•�aa��a III " 1 1 TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. anys Mmprbrtolbl ance,aborequir theeppncanlfasuchpemdtto Ole • signed statement that hc b Ilcem nsed pursuant to the pvislom of the POWER DEVICES ^ �/a� 20 �!-' gWAI.ING IUOI-ELE Contractors Lkense Law(Cha pter9 (commencing with Section 9DW) of DIA- sion3 of the Business and PrdembneCN ode) or al he b ez.V therefrom and w VALUATION the basis for the alleged nernptbn. My violation of Section 7015 by any applfernt fora permLL subjects the applicant tea civil perky, dna more than r _ IR /Ive�utndred dolWa(¢OD). u I, a.a the property, or my employees with wages sa their sole mmperuation, will Bothe Werk, and the structure b not bdendei or Offered for STORIES TYPE CONSIItI1CTl0\' JL sole (Sec 7040 Buslrrass P and mfum a loCode: The Comnors Doman Law l doe notapplytosnowmrofprcimnywhobutl"orlmpmveathe I, and wbodonsuchwonkhim lf«th.ghhbownempinyem,p.Wedthatsuch OCC.GROIII' RES UNITSov imprement are nm Intended proffered for sale. if however, thebuiLding er Improvemembao Mthl omyearof Idbnter-bas BderwW ve tl�¢rNenofpmWngthathedid rwtWddheownorlmpmvefapurpoaeofsale.). Iy _I 4 as owner of the property, am eacluahrecontracting with licensed contraction to construct the project(Sec. 7011, Business and Proeaflmes Cede TOTAL: (ZN. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE- PERMIT L'SUANCE FLOOD ZONE APN . The Comactm. Lice. Law dm not appy to an owner of property who Willa or Improves thereon, aced who contracts for such P�o(ects with a �ytl3fa��ar(J11¢nsed paauant to the contactors Lkerue Law. LJ I am exempt order See B k P C for this reason ALTER -DRAM' 4 VENT' -WATER (EA) FEE SUMMARY' BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, GOND. SANITARY Y_ N Y Owner DateRECEIPT WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION &01&01 hereby affirm that I tuve • certificate of consent to self -Insure, « a m-nBlate llr Sec" FDC.NRES. PER TRAP SCHOOLTAX Y— N_RECEIPT/ GAS EA.SYSIflN"1 R.)C40I1TI.E15 PARK FEE Y N ofWorken'Comperoatmw ranm a a certified copy thereof( 3800. fab CJ 1'd Y — 6 r S S7Q.f-0 GAEA. SYVER4(EA) Cenified copycat filedw s Certified ropy b flied with the city Impectlon dlvlelm. BUILUINCDING DIVISION FEES GREASE/W D=L WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EKEMPTION FROM WORKERS' PAID SEWER-SANITARYSTORM FA 2OW1. COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (Phissection need not be complded lf the permit b Perone hundreddown Date Recei tit WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELDCTR ENERGYFFE Y N — ($)0)orlam.) the for pesubtblwN, Ice nor employ person 1 sha8 nM amp en any peaan f +ray runner so as m become subject to the manner tooM1 co W«ken'Compevsatbn Iowa o/Callfanis. Date WATER ''Y"1' FM/1RF'MnNG PAID ApplicanNOTICEt - NOTICEould cu APPLICANT:e after sra Co this Certificate of the Labor ande,you arthwit the pmvhis Cush Dale Reoei t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. TOTAL: pneatbn =at Cade, you crust forthwith �rnpy with such provisbas «this permit shall be plywit per itg deemed revoked. 13UILDING FEE_ CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby affirm that thea b a mmnuctlon lerding agency for the perform. anero(theworkforwhkhthispemdtbbured LSee3 ,Civ.C.) ELECTRIC FEEWv TOTAL PLUMBING FFE Lende IaMer' Ada s I anifythet I love readthbappllatianaM sutra thrtthe above Inforrmtlm b mrtect. Iagnee to oomply with ailcttyand county ordWno'•and pate laws rcyt aprvenpurp000fthb QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE 4D tj PF]iMR155UANCE FEES PAID-. I� �Y' •` oenterulpon the o abmctrn,aMhenebyrtyorin city to)aree to the,Indemnify oned lmpenyfabupe Cit purpura. • (We) agar to save, Indemnify an d kaen hasWea the City of Cu nlro ALIPR ORADDTO MECH. Date Recei t# SUBTOTAL: against Babl tlen,'ndgmrntq costs and ezperm which may in anyway ascus anyway agaW�e of granting dthio permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT PTD 10,(X10 CFM) AIR HANDLING IAER00 Tf (OVIO,CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature,of Applicim944Eirsto Date / EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: H"ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE IffATING UNIT(ID I0,0D0 BTU) Will the applicant orfuture butiding occupant store or handle hazardous material as deBMd by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the Date RCCeI t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 108000 BTU) TOTAL: rwnh and SifctyCade SeNm 2S532G)r RYes ill the appllaIn &to bu llding occupant use equipmont ordevim whkh endt haardous ali contaminants as defined by the Ray Arca Air Qualky Management Anct? Yea VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER -CAMP QHP OR 10,0(11 BITn BOILER"COMP(OVER 10000 BTU) I have read the hors sus materials requirements under Chapter 695 of the Gnurnia fleakh'4 Safety Code, Sections 2550, 25533 and 25534. 1 NEW RESIDENTIAL M DCH SQFT undo n,l that If the building dos rent currently have a tenant, that itis my pommnity, to notify the «cvpam d the requirements swwhich .0 be met Price aw/ice // Z��� ISSUED BY: - Owntt car such rat o � 70TAL OFFICE COPY U