22022APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE. BALL POINT PEN ONLY �( - Building PPm� Identification �+ (}S� O�^�' Building Ad �7 Irf-a �^" �.G\ i . l� PFJLMIT NO. 'a/1/ -/A/'�/1/ 2 Y O Y 2 • .me: one: f'Dax At CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BRILLDINGS ECTRICALPLRIMBINGMKHANICAL AITLICAT r L � o-9 `�T Contntre.Name: Lic.No: s CATEGORY CONTROL N Athitet/Faglneer. Llc. No: CITY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO - Address PEINBTI$IIANCe El ® ❑. 1:1Ikya ICENSEDCOT LICENSED DECLARATON t mbmdundereroWaoCamc In hSebnf 00).iDtheBdwandofd.C.de,nd IkeaselbInfuBforteanddffect. CbsC.\J Lie/t Date 11-Doo APPIdANCFS.RFSIDFNAL JOB ON �� PAN 1-1 AMT'S ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION tundentand my pWushall be used n publlcrermin, DYER toxo AMPS SQ. Fr. Fl.00R ARFIJ RETE, f/SQ. Fr. SIGNS FJ,ECTWCAI, Licensed Profeslonsl f- RPL OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I herebyafirmth0I amexemptfromthe Coad oro Lia Lawfathe lolbwing reason. Getlon 7m15, Buelnes and Prof�bns Code: Any tlty or muntywhic requimaNe tomrercalter,bnpmve.demolbh,orreper egzK9rTLIALCIRCUIT/MLSC ZogS� . ~. TTMP.MEPERORPOLEINST. _ anyetmture prior to In bsuaruq.bo requlrntheappecant (m ouch pemJt to file a signed statement that he b Licensed! pursuant to the provbbru of the Contratori License Law (Chapbc 9 (mmmencing with Boehm 7000) of Di". •Ion 3 of the Bushes and Professions Code) or that he b exempt therefrom and the h..tfor the alleged exemptica- Any violation of Setbe 70315 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than POWF-R DEVICES - _• ' _ -+ SWatM1NG NOLflR 01_TLFI55WITCHES ' VALUATION N[WRESIDENTIALEL6 fiv hundred dollar, (Stool. NI, as owner of the property, or rtry employees with wages as their sole - Am.67ILWALS TYPECONSIRLICI10N compensation, will do the w.IA and the a csure b rat Wended or offered for sale Gee 7061, Bou iws and Pmfessbn Code: Tlu Cordrator. License Law UAIk does not apply to an owns of property who build• or improve thereon, and who dm such fork himself orthro ugh his own employees, provided slut such RO RES. UNITS Improvement, are not Intended oroffered fasale. If, however, the building or Improvement bsold within oneyearo(complebn,theowner-buiderwW have TOTAL: t refen of proving the he did net build or Improve for purpose ofsale.). U 1, as, owner of the property, am exchulvely contracting with lken.ecl cuntre,tas to came un the projet(See 7064, Buain. and I'm(eselon Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE" PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD ZONE APN 11r Comreci Limrue Lew don nest apply to e, owner d property who builds or imp.. thereon, and who mM.M for sue], pAnjets with . c�W�eten.)Ilanseel pe urunttoths Cootr.dce.Lios eLaw. IJ 1 am exempt ureterSec B & P C for this renin ALTER -DRAIN & VENT" WATER (FA) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE FEE SUMMARY DR,V NS FLOOR, ROOP, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y N RECEIPT N Owner Dee WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION F-11 hereby affbm the I have • artiflote, of conaent to self-biure, a a nsa tion Iurance a certified copythereof(Sec. 3 ,lab C.) FD(71JRES PER TARP - SCIfOOLTAX Y_ N_ RECEIPTcertNcateofWorkers'Cmnperua GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 ING40IJlLE15 PARK FFP Y_ N RFLEITN GAS F.A. SYSTEM -OVER 4(EA) CmY BUILDING DIVISION FEES Cyned copy Is hereby famished. CrrtNed copy b (Bed with the CRY InspMbn divieim. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (D1 tbn runt sat he completed If the pmdt b faore hundrM dollar, PAID Date Rccei tM S8WTR.SANTTARY-STORMEA.700FT. (d100) e,alcnJ theperrsonIany of marrhe rk(orwMdicoro, subjecrmit ist booed, lanot emplhe oy I shag not employ any person b any ounner at n to become objet to the WorkcCompensation lasd California.lifoia. Dee WATERHFATFR w/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N PAID WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Applicant NOT APPLICANT: R,.Rer wldry tMs CerHflcate of Exemptbe, you shouldd become come subject to the worker,' Compereelwu pmvbbns of the Iabor Code, you roue forthwith comply with such proviebns orthb permit dull he, deemed revoked. Date RCoei IN NEW R151DENTIAL PIMB. S-4FT. TOTAL: BUILDINGFEE SEISMIC FEE CONSTRR ION LENDING AGENCY • Iherebyaflirmthatthereba construction lending agency for the perform once of the work for which this permit In issued Gee 3097, Civ. C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE L_ Lender. Name Lenders Address I certify thin have mad this applleatbnand.tatelhat theabov'elnfomutlon bm,,. l agreetocomplywith et cityand countyoNlnances and late law. relating to Wilding construction, and hereby authortce relm entatives ofthis QTY. I MECHANICAL PERMIT -FEE PLUMBING FEE L MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: yam. `%\{N: ety to enter upon the ab nentbred property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to nave, inderradfy an d keep harmless Ne City of Cu perHro ALTERORADDTOMECH. Dale Recef tlf SUBTOTAL: against liabilitb,judgment,, costs and expcnrs which may in any way scour ages Id City In mnseq.,. of the gr, rding d Wpermit. _ lu c-,. I 70 V Lt* AIR HANDLING UNITED 10,000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER ]O," CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX rignatutre of Applicant ontracmr Date EJ0HA0STHIOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HFATINGUMT(T0100,0DOB11f) '- Will the applicant mfuture building oavpantstore or handle herardous maerialas deflned by the Cupertino MuniciplCode, Chapter 9.t; and the Date RCCCI til I -MATING UNIT (OVER IM,ODO BT -W TOTAL: Fleahh and Suety Codcr u�Seed. 75537(,)7 I Yn f Na Blthe appli.m or umr, building occupaM use equipment or devim which rout ha ardous air mntaminsnts as cieflced by the Bay Area AIr VENTILATION FAN GINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER -COMP ORP OR IW,0(D BT(1) Q.ulity Managcma. District? Yes❑ No o have rd the haramous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of HOMER -COMP (OVER 100,000 BTU) the California lleaRh&Safety Code, Setbns2550.5,75573 and 75534. i NEWRESIDFNDALMEOL SQFr. understand that if the building don rot currently have atenant, that It b my ' responsihdity to notify the oaupam of the ragWremew which rust be met , prbr io esuanceof a Certil cee.10.p.my. " ISSUED BY: Owner or authorlred agent Date TOTAL OFFICE COPY