20204APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pra'M Identiflratlm Building Add. �u t� tLl, l S -� 8E F 23so o GP��, e 1 PE]NffINO. 20204 res ams: l�—pL(JV� me � �� CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUE.DING-E.E{TRICALPLUMBINGMECHANICAL APPLicArMTMVFM`A c °rt ams: ��—' Lte.Nre CATEGORY I CONTROL X ' Arddtees/Engiraer. Llc Na: ,QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PERM[TISSUANCE t� 11 PLUMB si� ❑ KZ E] ❑ LA`j LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(mmmenc Jngv,hlice. is I. fon Jame and eff m3 olthe BuNnessand ProfeWon.Code, and my Lice is I. full Jame and effect. Date Clan ie.cunt ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plane shall be used as public record& Llcenrd Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affimn that I.m exempt fromthe CoM.esorileroe Llaw fm the fOlbwing¢ason.f$MIon70.715,BusnmaMPmfmbn Codr.Anydtyor muntywhkhrequWapem wmvt Maltm,lmpmve,demolbh,orrepalr any.b mmprbrtoi"a ante,aborequbestheappilantfmauapemdtto file a signed statement that he b Bmrued Pursuant to the pmvbloro of the Contractors Lienee l-,v(Chapter9(commencing with Section 7DO(f /Div1- pon 3Of the Business and Prdnebro Cade) orthat he b exempt therefromand the lasts for the alleged exemptV Any violation of Section 70315 by any appfiant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of no mum than Bee hundred dolls. ($500). 1, an awner of the property, or my employees with wage as their wk cmnperoatlon,wllldothe work and the.truw¢bnot WeMedor o(femd/or vk 6ec 7011, Buaircss and Prdmlons Cade: The CoMraesars LI¢rue haw don applytonnO mrofpmpertywho Wlld.orimprovathe.ORand whodce.suchworkhimaelforthwgh Meownemployeee,pr Ldedth.tsuch Improvemew a¢ rot Nimded oralfe¢d (weak. IL howesar, thebulklingor Imp cmcMls wfthnome rofcomplmbn,theewner-WiWerwW have t4L4rdenofpmvtng that he did "L as wvner of the property, am ..tori sly mntracting whh B¢nued oanmaetm to construes the project(See, 7Dly Businm aha Pro(esslons Code: The Com.nor's Lkenee Law does nes apply to an owoer a property who Wilds or Improves thereon, and who contra for, suets plojec'b with a O licensed pe ..t to the Cmt.dors Lleense Law. I am exempt under Sec B 4 P C for this .w an APPIIANCE RESIDENTIAL JOBD PANELS M-1000 AMPS OVERl000AMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA A L E D I N P U TE R f/SQ.Fr. - SIGNS ELECTRICAL 9TF_pLCIRCUIT/Ml .�,M�DRP�INST. _ LOWER DEVICES SWIMMING IDOL ELECTRIC N OIJTI,ETSSW77CF�SSFDCTURES NEW REtiTDFNLI FLILTR SQA' STORIES TYPECONSLRUCTION - ' TOTAL QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC.GROUP RES.UNTS PFRMITIMlUANCE ALTER-DRAIN4 VENT- WATERS FLppDZONE APN FEE SUMMARY BACK FLAW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. FIXTURES PER TRAP SANITARY Y— N— RECEIPT Y Osvrar Date WORKMANCOMPENSATIONDECIARATION ❑I hereby affirm that I have • oertlBate o/ consent to self -Uva., m a ¢NBote ofWorke.'CompensNlon lrouan¢ ora ertfted ropy thereof(Sec. 3000,LbCa Y $Q{ODL TAX YN — te, Y GAS EA. SYSTEM -t INCTLET YOUS PARK FEE Y N RINEBTX S GAEA. SYSTEM.OVER4(EA) Com Y BUILDING DIVISION FEES Centlfied ropy is hereby turrdehed. f'OCcrtlfied ropy is filed with the dty inspection dWislon. ��Y CERTIFICATE OF IXFTIPI'[ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thee sorrier, need nes be completed If the permit Is lm one hundred dollars RI00)efyth lanot employ o the performain an the m werixmanner so wMob ca e, mW la issued, I ork nes employ any penin b any manner at u to become abject to the Wonlicant mpenatbnlawsMGWomla. Date— Applicant NOUCETOAPI'LICA .M,aftermakingthio CenBkateof Exemption, you ehald become sub)" to the Workers' Compensation pnavisbro o(1M Lbor Code,you seecoked. dh comply with wch pnvvLabro orthb prmWshallha seemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Iherebya(ftrm thatthe¢ba constmctlonkodingagencyfortheperform ane of the work for which thio pcmdt b hued (Bet 3097, CW. C3 Lenders Name Lender. Address 1 ¢rti(ythat I have ¢od tMs appliatbnand etatethat theabwe Womutlns uoam.Iagreetoc plywtthaneyand=ntyordlnanc detatelaw. relatingtobandingcoratr dim,ahaherebyauthoriserepr mated ofthio city to enter upon the above mentbnM property for Wpealbn purposes. (We) agree to save, ird emodfy an d keep harmless the City o1 Cu pertW agabut liabilities, judgments, "..od expenses which may In any vay... ages Wt Wd City In mr sequenee of the granting d this permit. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE PAID Date Recti ted CREASE TRAP SEY.,FILSANITARYSTORM P mp,T. WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECL'R ENERCYFE•E Y N — PAID Date Re i ted WATER SYSTEM/TREATING NEVRFSIDFNIALPLMB SQFT TOTAL: BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE 7ArAL: ELECTRIC FEE _ QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT ITE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT M-LIANCE FEES PAID. - ALTER OR ADD TO M3M AIR HA NDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) Date Recd [aY SUBTOTAL' ALR IUNDUNc uNrr (OVER toaaB CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature Of Appliant/contocter Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applloM m Mtu¢ WBding occupant store or handle haurdous madenui as defined by the Cupenim MuMcipal Cade, Chapter 9.17, and the IlNo lI �alallIth and Safety Code Section 75531p)i devices RHI Blmt appndous2 tu¢WOdbg acapantuby equipment Area Mich shat Favrdous air contaminants as defined by 1M Bey Area Air Wy Management Dbirlct7 Yes Q No haveread the h. cuss materials¢qulremenbunder Chapter 6.95 of the California Health S.Safety Code, Sectns io75.505, 25573 and 75531. 1 uunderstand that if the bullding don not comntly have a tenant that It b my r.ponsID1111y w ramify the.pantOf therequirements which noun be met ncu Phar uao(a Cent tcof pa eA244 Ela-IAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: I -SATING UNIT (T0100,000 BTU) Date RCYei ted - HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTW _ TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN 6INGI.E RESID) ,ISSUANCE DATE PAM - 1 7�7 �„ O Ts9� ^ 1/1 Cllsr Of424d ll �J}n�ertino Ove X' � �_ls[�� l%' `( t ISSUED G'ri-- � BOILER -COMP OI -B' OR 100,0(0 BTU) a ROMERCOMP(OVER 100p(I0 BIL) NEW RERDFNIIALMECII SQFT netout arivN agent Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY