20201• • Fy ccg W G CL U_O LL ~ Ow >. a F N 2 U— • APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY = Building Projectldentlfk.tlunvN-OT Building Addn : ��� /—- l PER\ NO. 13soo rt�3� F ;, 20201. neone: rff0v_U� (r-�{7L)P . CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT p �2 S contvL .me Ll No: CATEGORY CONTROL 1! BUILDINGS-D=CAI PLUMBINGM1)aIANICAL ArehHM/Engl neer: Lle No: QIY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PFRMITISSUANCE ❑ . ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTR! S DECLARATION I hereby Jflrm )ofam lkerueA heB"rovW dN feWpter9(commmc under IngwlthSeailon7000)of DlvWm3ofthe BuelnmadPNlesdoNCode,ad my APIaT.IANCFSRF9DFNFfAL JOB Manxbin fuBlora and dfed. PANELS Lkxnx Cha Llc a Date Cowador UP TO 2DOAMPS — 2714000 AMPS ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I underatand my phro sWB be used u public records. OVER1000AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA SIGNSE.tDaMCAL - Lkmseddewb PrNl A L E D IN SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Iherebya/ TEMP. METER ORIOLE ASI. following.(SetIn7exemptfromthedProl ioUrtNeAwfathe reaan. (Section 7(015, Buslnu and ProfembN Cade: Any dry or munrywhkh rtqulreea pemdtromrocruct, alt., Mprove,drmolbh,orrtpilr p TER anye mmprbrtoita mgaborequh theappUmtfm.uchpem to file a signed etalerrent that he b Ban.ed punuat to the provinbns of the SER DEVICES SWIMMING IDOL ELECTRIC Contractors Lkerue, Law (Cha pler9(commendng with 5edbv 7000) of DM - ebn3of the Business and Pro(embroCade)artlw Febe.ernp therefromaM VALUATION the bash for the alleged exemption. Any vloh0on of Scaibn 70315 by any appll fit fora permN aubjechtheapplla ttoa dull peroltydrm moatthan OU"ILE S.SW TCf IESFDCTURF5 NEWRESIDENTW.ELECTR SQFI. five hundred dolbn (5500). I, a owner & the Property, or my employe. with S. u then sob - STORIES TYPE CI�NSIRUL'1-ION eumpenuttim, will do the wait and the struRurt bed W ended or offend for - . le 6ec 70K lhudm and Profaebns Code: The Contntoe.♦lame Law TOTAL do. not apply to a owner of property who builds or lmpmv.Ihenoh and who doswch work himself or through M.own employm, in.ided that uch Improvemew are cot intevded oroffend (orale. If, hove mr, the building a ImpmverreN hnald whhinomyear&cmrpbtbn,theowmr-bulld.will have OCCGROUP ' RES. UNITS raanofprawngthathedld rwtbundorimprw.forpurpmeofale.). Lj 1, . owner of the property, am e.cbalvely omtnding -1. 1— co contracts. to construct ted projed(Sm 7014, Business and Professions Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE P ERMD ISSUANCE FLOOD 7DNTi APN The CoMndor's Ll oae Law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilda or Improv. thereon, and who cordncb for audr p,jem with a Baeaed puruant to the Contndoe. Lice. law. am ea under Sec B 4 P C for thio w Lj rtan ALTSFDRAA4 VENT -WATER IFN FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT, DEVICE1 OUTSIDE I"' DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N - BBC=F Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby 01min that I have a certtB.te of con.ert to self -Inure, or • aNfiote of Worken'Com pereaNm INuraa or a oertlfied copy thereof (Sec. 3800, Lab C.) SX7l1RFS PER TRM SCTiOOL TAX Y_ N_ RECSIT E CAS FA. SYSTEM -1 INC4 OUIIMS PARKFEE Y_ N_ ky F RECE17nr GAS PA. SYSFF21-0VER � (FA) � BUILDLNGDMSIONFEES lfiod ropy b hereby mrwhed. Ned copy b filed with the city INpectbn dlvl.lon. k GREASE/ADUSIRl WASTE INTFICS"IL1RPLANCHECK FEE CRFA.SE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPDON FROM WORKERS PAID ' ♦ORM FA ]00Ff COMPENSATION INSURANCEFR-SANlfyd2Y-S (I'hLnsectbn need not be compldM if the permit b forom hundred dollan Date RCCEI f# WATFRFB'ATERW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y' N NIM) Nf...) - Marti/ythatlntW performance of thewmk/or which this permit 1. b.ued, WATSt SYSDM/TREATING I sW B nor employ any persmr b any manner w as to becume ubjed to the W.,lu,m Compenation haws ofC.11f.iu. Date PAID ApplimNOTION makingtee CtimptebE NOTICE 70AI'1b)I NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFI. Date- Recei t# - TOTAL toT:U,ager wbjhwith hawork Comp ofttbn,ym Code, you is Code, you rtuet forthwith comply with such provbbro or this permit nhall be rovisinpmwlsFeoftW all be BUILDING FEE deemed revoked. SEISMIC FEE - CONSFRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihcmbyaffirm Wtthert baconswdlon lendingageray forthe perform anon &the work far whkh thio permit b Wued LSec.3097, Clv. C.) TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE' QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE lender. N.me 1<ndere Addrea ImrtirythatIWvereadthbappB tlonude tethatthe.boveinforrtwion eromct lagreetocompfywhhall Wyand muntyordlnamandeatelam MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relating to building construction, and hereby authortm repreaentatives of this dtyto enter upon the abavo-mentbmd property for nnpedbn pu rpoe.. (We) agree to nave, W emrdfy an d ktep harmless the City of Cu pe tine, agaWthaelltl.,ydg�w, mntaard aperun whbh nay in anywayacvue against ale City In cmaquena of the gnmingdthls pemdt. ALTFRORADDIOMEM. Date Recei t# AIRHANDUNGUMT(IL110,000CFM) SUBTOTAL: AIRHANDLING UNIT(OVFR lQ000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX ' SIgNNnof Appll fit/Contndor fate EXHAUST HOOD(W/DDCD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HFATING UNIT (70100,000 BTU) Will the appB of orfutum building occupant atom or bundle havrdous material an defined by the Cupertino Munldpal Cade, Chapter 9.17, and the H.It ar Safety Code �1a�—S1�edum 75532(.)? yee Date Receipt HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 B'CU) TOTAL: �� VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE Will the appB onmfutune building onupart ux equipment or devices whkh emit W.rdaue an contamina Naas defined by the Bay Arca Nr BORER -COMP 0HP OR 100,000 BTU) Quality MamgemeN Dbtrtd? 4Yn ❑ No haveread the h no.,,oatMabrequinmennunderCWpler6.95of e.. FC BOILEPICOMP(OVER ID3,000BTU the Calif.bi He." 4 Safety Code, Smt.. 75505, 75533 and 75534. 1 NEW RESIDENTIAL hfECH. SQFT undrn rdi that If the building do. one currently have • tcNnl that it Is my respoNlbWty to notify the amnpant&the requirements which most be mrt a prier bu...f. rtlffateofOccu/p)��r�Yq [{ �r q 1 /cY) 7 O"� /I V';i 7 2 y T450 - CI % of sine 'nry Owner or authod>eda ent Data e ISSUEDB . TOTAL OFFICE COPY