20068APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY B.Imm Project Idendfle.tlon Building Add.: 1 3 SO 0 C l -to pty PLRMRT NO. 2 O O 6 elle• ase: ! oro: J: V U UA lit Llb CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONS/ PERMIT BUaDINC-ELECIRICALPLU.BINGMBCHAMCAL LC a T cmo-adar'. N.me:I Ile. Nee V CATEGORY CONTROL Architect/Engineer. Lk No: "(--- Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address 6 0 ,a ' PERMIT ISSUANCE t", PLUMB (�f ❑ 1:1 ElLICENSED rLC CONTRACTORS D .CLTI ARAON IherebyaHbm that Iamlicensed under provlelons of Chapter 9(mmmenc ingwith Sec1bn7000)c f Dlvblon3 ofthe Bu0n s sand ProfesalmaCode, and/ roe bceis in full bra and effe License Clams Lk.0 Date Contractor ARCHITECPS DECLARATION— 1 uadenund my pkes.hall be used as public records. Licensed Pmf naso ul OWNER- e WILDER DECLARATION Ht I hereby.f lmnthat I am exempt !scam the Canrntore License Taw fee the following reason. 5ectlmi 70315, Busher and Professions Calc Any city or countywhichpq roup a e,mrorequaitch,Improve,demm&pe repair to any atrodum statement rue,abensed pursuant t the prrsuchpemdthe pursuant it the pmvhbro of the Elsa altos statement that he b r9 (commencing em.3ofContracthe Liceusinse Law ssandPCha feselo9(mmdRndng wtth5eebnherefof aW- Cade) Orlluthef exempt 7031 S by any tbbasis for saed exemption. thesee ache cep My daiadan of Section 1NI5 by any the basis for the permit appliant for a permR wbjeda the appBrut to a dull penalty of ria moa Dun fthe p0. tiv red ed owner of I, as owner 11 the property, or my employee with wages u there dole coe(See, 0K wRldothe wmk udthe sirude: h notIntendedm.&oe orofferedfor mle (Sec 1614, Busbes. and Proferbro Code: The Coadndofs Ilam. Law does not apply to u owner of property who builds or Improve thereon, and who doessuch work himself or through hbown emplgm, Provided that such Improvemenu are not Intended or.ffertd for sale. If, however, the building or Imp meldbsoldwlthinone 3eahofccuosnnpplelbntheavner-Wllderwillhave 1� rcd n of paodng that he did not buff or Improve for purpose of ole.). 1, u owner of the Property, am Cr hu vely oontr ting with IlaeruM 1r�iestore to construct the prejni(S 7014, Business a rd Professions Code: The Corrtndori Lkerese Taw does not apply to u owner d Property who build. or Improve thereon, and who martnda for such pl" with o7aq+do1(s)bcen.ed pua.uut to the Contndmi Lies. Law. II I am exempB 6 P C (orrtthijs reason APPIJANCESRETDENIIAL JOB D N, �' Yy. in S S 1 Gn , r vITILN< L let_ 1!L PANELS IDP- A.M OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA SK;NSELBCTIUCAL TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES SW[?ANfINGPOOLELECIRIC OLnLE7 SWTTCLa - VALUATION NEW RESlDN`nS TYFE CONSfRIxT10N QTi. PLUM ROUP KI RES fA77'S PFRMR LS6IlAN ALTER -DRAIN A PONE AM , MARY FEE SUMF_ BACK FlAW ' DRAINS FTOOIR ROOF, AREA, COND. Ref_ Owner A=7,— ­1D T�JJ�/(r WORKMAN COMPFNSAT RATIO 6 hereby •Elms that I lova a artnt to self -Ewes, or • certificate Of Workewtl s'Comperonlnwnnaaa certified copy thereof Qec. 3800, Tab CJ peficy I pp(.iVRES PER TRAP SC1gOOL TAX Y N- ta RGfE81.1 GAS FA.SYSTFAf-1 WC4OU7LE15 PARK Y_ N_ RFOFJP GSEA.SYSTEM-OVER4IFA) Com BUILOWCDIV S ISION FEE�iycd ropy is hereby tumefied. F-1Cemlied mpyb(kdi'with dr dry lropedbn division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINStIRANCE (This section need not be completed lithe permit b for n one hundred doBa (5100)rtfy du Illnor slut Nth. persounceofthework fors tohthiseemdtctlowed, I shall not employ any pears f uy manner at u to become subject to the WorkApplicant, eruatlonl�w. of Ulifomla. Date NOTICE NOTICETO AITWC t to the afire making is arsank Blare of iExemption, eL you should become subject to the Workeas'Compevatbn prvvInbro of the Mbar Code, You rtust farthwhh comply with wch provhbu orthb pemdt shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I heaebyaf ro"hatthere, Ina construction lerding.gency forthe perform, a of the work for which this permit b blued c 3091 ued (Se, Civ. CJ Lender's "amu I<nderenaarer ladity Nat luvenadthbappUi tlonar ;i tethattheabovelnfornndan Incorrect. Iagr tocernplywlth.Bchyud muntyardlnance,. andseatelaws miatingtobuibin iutmdimr,and rebyauth«h npres Utiw.fthb dry to mterupon the above-mrntbned property fa Wpedbn purpose. (We) agree to i.vc, Indemnify an d kap hanNw the City of Cupedlna agairetllabBiles,�idgmrnb,costaaMexper� khnuylnanywayamue ago trot old CNy-i e� of the gnrding�'hb pemdt,�l� I/a'�/'T^)'.—([-ins' �✓/L (L� •,j� 4 GREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE BJTFRCFPTOR PLANCH CK FEE PAID Date Remi t# GRFdSETRAP SEWER SANTI'ARY STORM EA. 370Ir1' WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N_ — PAID Date Rete' tN WATER SYSTEM/TREATING NEW RESIDENML PLMB. SQ.FT OT L: BUILDING FEE EISMIC FE TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICALPERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL PERMIT ISSUANCE FEESPAID: ALTFRORADDTOMECH. Date Recci tp P AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER Po,00ocFM) CONSTRU ON TAX' Sigratum of Appllrant/CUfttr—sesw• —J1 pat HAPARDOUSMATERI LSDISCIOSURE Wllltheappllcantorfuture building occupant stomorlundlo haradous outerbl as deRne i by the Cupertino Municipal Cade, Chapter 9.12 and the Ik,.hhand Safety h Cade Sim7553](.)7 F1 ye, M No Will the applicant orfuture building occupant use equipment wdevk which emit hamrdous ale cmnrNVrds.a defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Managencnt DI•trini 4Yee nn No havc read the haaai� materials requtremenb under Chapter 695 Of the CaldornisHealth A SaletyCode,Sectloru 25505, 75533 and 25534. I uadarauMt tlfthebu Bdbgdaero mntlyhave•ten.nLtlutlthmy aep.rublli[y, to notify the oavpan of the requlmn nerds which must be met pawl to hsu.nre of. CetlticakofQ panq. ExtRUST HOOD(W/DDCD CONSTR ON TAX PAID: HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 B71))' Da Recei t71 HEATING UNIT (OVER T(!) 100,000 B - TOTAL: _ VENTI[ATIONFAN(SINCLERE5ID) DISSUANCE DATE A .T 1(.j [k Jl] t5 GitJ ('` CHCPTtino t ISSIIEDBY:4r l BOILER -COMP OFT OR 100,000 BM 6O1LER.CO1%IP(OVER 100,000 BTU) - NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIL SQFI' Ovner or authohred agent Date TOTAL OFFICE COPY