20054APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY �( Build BuildingPromldrntllkalm Lf?� l0c1ii� PERMIT NO. �u ?,to p 20054 MY. 11 nen. me ouP CITY OF CUPERTINaBUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT'9 BUfIAINGFl,ECMCA4nL BINGMEC}UMCAL M7PEIcXTRWMBM11 IM, UAlh eontrYd =N. me. �+ Lae. No / 2 CATEGORY CO OL # rch /Enr.. _. _ �LIc Na. �(„ QTY ELECTRICPERMTT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address:GO PERMITISSUANCP LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirmthat l amllcrosed under provbionsof Chapter9(reentran Ingwith Sedbn70W)a(Dlvlelon 3 ofthe Busleassand Pen/nsonsCode,and my Items b In (uB p and eff,ct ! Z R.IVS�� Lloer�Qyyy o O Lie I 1 CHIT APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL �. rn `y PANEL PS ARCIEC HTTECTSDECEARATLON201-1900 OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA 5/SQ. FT. Iurdent.nd my plan akBk usedupub0cremd> SKINS Ei ECTIUCAl Llnxnmd Prdmlonal 9'FCIALCI(CUIT/MISC. FMU�TEMP OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION wlv Iherebyaffirmthat Iamexemptteenthe Cordndor'aL Law fathe foilog rtaaon. (Section 7[015, Buelnm and l'mleWov Code:cMydtyor county requbnspemdt to mmw.1matr, LED I N METER OR POLE INST. apmvgdeemlbh.ormitto whim, any smdum prlatoilsbsn beeequ krathettothe t f«achpemdte Rk . dgned statement that la b Ilceved puromt to provbbv of the POWER DEVICES QW P T E R bWI,U9NGM)OLE ECIRIC Con3ofthaLkeveLaw d Prof ter9(m e)ortheheomencing k =mpt 7000)of Diel- S, Non and Busnmand PenptoroCode)iolatin V TION �lle fo of Seempetkrtfmm tk haab for the alleged exemptbn. Any violation of Sedbn not m by than for. the appBcanttoaddl Penalty dna more than OUME-I`SSWITCEIISH)(TURES . NEW RESIDENTLV. FIECTItSQFT. five hunt dred do" W. Me hundred ddWn (e pm �1, as owner of the property, or my employee with wages as their sok SIOWES TYPE CONSTRUCTION mmpewtlon,wW dock work, mdtheaW cture b rnd Intended or o/(erect (or salt LSae- 7 lnea� and of np re Llame law don rot.pply to m owner d property who wilds or improves tkrton, and ply to f p.pmy ho Wilk. whodoeuciiwvrkhlmml«through Maownenrylo/seal pewldedthat meci ,OCC. CROUP RFS. UNITS Improvemcnb art not Intended orof/ered forests. If, however, the building or Improvement bsaldwlthln avyearofcompldbn,tkowner-wllde have TOTAL t ben of proving that he did not wild or Improve for purpose ofsale.). L u owner of the property, am euh choly eentr.dK ing with need contract. to romteud the pmjrd bee 70K Business and Prduiav Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD ZONE , APN The Contractor'. Lbeeve Law dm not apply to an owner d property who wilda or Impmve thereon, and who conn. fm ouch p,)oeta with • c%gaetwW hawed pursuant to the Contndors License Law. LJI am exempt under Sec B k P C for this renin ALTER -DRAIN & VENT -WATER (EM FEE SUMMARY BACKFLOW PRO=. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR A, NND. ROOF, ARE SANITARY Y N gpCmep 0 Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION bII hereby a/firm that I love a nmRate d consent to eel(-iwn, m a cffrt oifteof Worken'compeatllr FD(ilIRES PER TR" SCHOOLTAX Y_ N_ REMIPTI GAS EI. SYSTEM -1 INC4OTILEIS PARK FM Y_ NLe,_ vmrau asp certNedeaPyth mof(sec. 'MOO, Lab Q'ORo _,/ II -{ 04 RECEIPT GAS FA. SYSTEM-0vER 4(EV) CumI ny IP Certlfled copy b heeebyfuewhe ertmed ropy, b feedyfa t d. ivpecuI dhialan. BUILDING DIVISION FEES GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTEINTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF IXEMPTION FROM WORKERS PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thle aectbn need nd k canpided Btk pembt b f« anehundred dollar SElVFR-SANITARY SIORM EA 2oDF-r Date Reoel t# WATER HEATER w/vFxr/o.FrrR ENERGY FEE Y N (s1m)onlm.) I certify that In the pedomann of the work forwhieh Permit b tibia Pedt ored, WATER SYSTEM/TRFAUNG I shall not employ any Peron N any nanner o as to become ubjtta to the Worken'Compenutbn lawn o(GII(omb. Date PAID Appli. NOTICE TO APPLICANT:B,afler making flue Certlflote of Exemptio,you Date Recc1 t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ.ET. TOTAL: should become sub)ect to the Worker' Curepenat lon provbbv of the Labor Code, you most forthwith comply with sueh peowblov or this peemlt dull be deemed revoked. 11UILDING SEISMIC FEE CONSTRI/CI'ION LENDING AGENCY I hereby./firentkt tkne ba consrodion lendingagercy brtk perform ance of the work for which thb permit b bused (Sec 3097, CW. C.) TOTAL' ELECTRIC ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT 'FEE PLUMBING FEE Landers Name- Lander. Addrm I certi(ythat I have rtadthbappllatbn and satethdthe above Infomatlon Iemrmct.iagree to comply with all city and county ordivnces and sate lawn MECHANICAL FEE t� PERMIT ISSUANCE U0 FEES PAID: relating to but ldleg mrotmGim, and kreby authortre npresentath es of this city to enter upon hove -mentis noPerty f« WpeNon Pu npor.. (We) .gem t v , IMemNty d p harts. the City of Cupertino ALTERORADDTOMFCEL Date Recei t# SUBTOTAL: egaWtkb l gmew, • .peva nay Nanywayamue agaWt N con of gnmin pcmdt. 'Date AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFW AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER IO,000CEV0 CONSTRUCTION TAX lgApplieamt7contraetor E%HAUST HOOD(W/DUC) CONSTRUCTION. TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) Will the.pplad or future wilding oeeupam Memo, huxile, h.rdoua material u defied by the Cupertino Mudeipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the Health and Safetyc Section 25532W7, Dale Recel t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: cit Q qYen fflt1u,.pplI.nr or rcwlldugoavpanttisecqulpneN«devim VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RFSM) ISSUANCE DATE hkh emit h.M.s air contaMvnts as defined by the Bay Area Air s Iky Mavgement rfct7 Y. BDrLFA-COMPHPORI00,OWBIU) O BOILER-COMP(OVER100,000 BTU) have read the I, ous materials requlremenis under Chapter 6.95 of the Celltornla Ileakh 6 fetyCode, Seabv 75505, 25533 and 2SS34. I understand that ) wilding a m ntly ve a tenant,th a it t my nepuvMlky no the pan[ therequ et. which rrwU be met •1 `! $ -1. 111" �Qtl n n NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. - SQ.Fr. pjlor to I co ec too pa cit,—(C'` I'll_''art."" —`r �k�a authoriud agent Elate TOTAL: ISSUED BYJ OFFICE COPY