20038APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY - V Building Pm ect ldentlflntlm PERMIT NO. Build rg Address: rr� G9-c5To +�� D� �►�L 2436 �- ,� r 20038 ro cme:. a�.�H, U lP CITY OF CUPERTINO- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION I PERMIT AF _,Z q a Cmtnnoes Naas: Lk. Nm BUILDING-ELECTAICMLPLUMBING-MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL j�. QrY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address Go CO ]55ru� 1 F PFRMITISSUANCE 12 00 �1 PLUMB MMI ❑ I/Y ❑ ❑ LICE.NSEDCOmTdu OR'S RATION Wwa I khSyJe 70t I&DivIal. 3ofunderprwW d Pmfess.r9 (mmunenc IngwithSMbn 7000)o deft mt3ofthe Buslreuand Pro/enim.Code,and lienee bin fu0lorce and d(ect. AITIdANCESRF_SIDEMTAL )OB DESCRIPTION PANELS Cs L 1 Ic Date Dale CoManor UP TO 2DOAM25 F itt J 20I.I000 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plane shall he used a. publics— L OVER=AMP9.. ARI AARU3� $/9Q. FT. SIGNS EI.ECT91CM, Lived Professional I. D rmthaOWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION IhembyaffitIam emth Limnae lawforthe ptfmme Comr.norb [`'� 7 7 �, T E R -' 9�IALCIRCUIT/M79C TEMP. METER OR POLE INST. POWER DEVICES . =ntynwgreaerequim1opn7Q3tom sin®ate mfp o, demo rlh,oyrdrctypaorr nystmumpmolbame,arequthearwt the a dgnod statement that he Is licensed pursoant to the pmvhlors of the Contnnori Lu,eeselaw(Chapter9(mmrnennng with Senbn 70M of Divi- .ion 3 ofthe Bu.ines. and Proftmbra Code) or that he is exempt therefrom and C/ SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION tk Isis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Searion 7m 15 by any .pp0ont fora permit subjects the applkant to a dvil penalty of not more than OUTLETSSW[TCFifSF1XTURES `' - NEW RESIDENTIAL ELICTR SQ.FT, tiv hInsm rofiyri001. my sup wdhwagn tkir wk Lauownerll STORIES TYPECONSIRUCI]ON of eworka,or is work andtksacturebrot Wended or of(e¢dror mk(Se.7m, r houunetk Cob:Tk sok tnotap an _ apply to owmedfTtperty or lmp thereon, dm rotapply torn umel or propertysuisbWldporenprovnlherroM1uch who dmwch work hlmseBorthrough wown emptoyen, pmvdodthat such OCC.GROUP RES UNITS Improvemc mm amtendedoroffered(rade. If,howe,mr,thebulldingor impmvemerdbw wlthinonehe.rofc¢npletb tkownerbuMer Mlllove .-TOTAL: Q tlt�umlmofpmvingthrt hedb notbulldorunpmveforpurpmeofatale.). ely ntrxting with Ifomsed "L u owner of the Property, am eswNm oontractms to mvtan t],e project(.See 70K Buhes sand Professions Code: QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD TONE APN The Cornnnor. Licerue Law dm not apply to an owner a property who Wilds or Improve. tL¢eon, and who mmnes for woh profess with a cWt[+n¢(U Roenaod pursuant to the Contndoes License Law.BACK LJ I am eumpl under Sec B 4 P C for this reason ALTER -DRAIN 4 VENT WATER (EA) - FEE SUMMARY FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS- FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. FDIRIRFS PER TRAP SANITARY Y_ N_ RF{EIT T s Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby arfirtn than T ears a ¢ItlOote of cm dif to )pythe rt, or a ¢00,La sof orken'Compevatlonlneuranm ora ¢trifled ropy thereof (Sec. Tab CJ SCHOOLTAX Y N' RECEFT GAS FA. SYSIEM-1 INCA OL LETS PARKFFE Y N_ I'dk aGAS RECEIPT' a FA. SYSTEM-0VER 4 (FM Cam y - BUILDING DI V ISION FF. GS ified copy b hereby tuMth tmbhed. hlBed ropy b (TIM �k'stY Ivpenbn division., GREASE/WDUS[RL WASTE INUMCEPIOR PLANCHECKFEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF UiEM PTION FROM WORKERS' PAID _ SENp�ygAN1TARYSroRM FA L'IOFT - COMPENSATION INSURANCE ¢w.enlon need n¢ be completed Vthe permit b f¢ one hundred dollars Date Recei [# WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N PAID rrless.) (91 o3)oryth IaIn the penomwceofthe work farwNchtwpemltbbsued, I shall n¢ employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compawatbn laws a California. Date WATER SYS[EMd TREATING Date Recel t# NEN, RESIDENTIAL PLMB: SQ.FT. NAOnCEt NOTICE Tomr subjC to the after mkloo. CenB1¢te of Eremppbbn yw Coded kmmr su mento Workers' provolone omits Labor TOTAL: co such pru.tbn Code, you rwrt forthwith comply with such provbbv ortw permit shall he BUILDING FEE deemed newked. EISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY IhemItyaHtrm Chet there ba mnetrucrion lendingagency for the perform. once of the work far which this permitSm le issued m 3097, Civ. C) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE p PLUMBING FEE Lender. sum - Lender'.Addre.. 1 aMirythat I have madthbappliotbn ami natethmthe above Information Is core .1 9. to comply withal] cityand oauntyerdinanmand state laws QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: Hating to Wl lding comtronlm, and kreby ..thortre reprnenmtiw or tw city to enter u Pon the ab mentiorad property for hapenlon pu rpoies. (We) agree to save, Indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cu pen ho, ALTERORADDTOMI:CH.' Date Receipt# SUBTOTAL: -8- mat llabWtln,0dgmrw, costa a ed expenses which may U any way a.w .gaivtsaid City In consequence of the granum, of Iw Penna. ' MR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) AIRHANDLING uNTr(OVER]D,000ffhn CONSTRUCTION TAX - Slgrature of Appll¢nt/Contnclor Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DLrD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (R) 100,000 BTI)' Will the appllont or future building otapant more or handle havnious material sat defined by the Cup<nl. Murddpal Code, Chapter 9.1Z and the Hearth ami Safety Code Shim 25537(a)7 ❑ Yes rla��I Date RCCeI t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: 30 VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESm) ISSUANCE DATE ' Will theappllont¢QtuW¢ building o pant use equipment or devim which emit harardous an cools mounts as deliud by the Bay Area Mr Quality M. ragemeM District? 4Yn ❑ No BOILER -COMP (3LI'OR 1W,IX BTU) BO LR{O.MP(OVER 100,OWB ) havenadthe hmdou.materiwrequiremnbunder Chapter 6.9So( tk Calif.hHe.Ith4Safety Cud,Senbne255(5,25533and75536. I understand that lithe building does not amently hive a tenant, that It h %;PR 5 1990 RESIDENTIAL NEW RESIDIAL MECH. SQ.FT. resporoibllky to notify the occupant of the mcinimmenb which rum k rot ., prior olsuatuxofa CerVficah, off Omr ncy. City of rnnP rtino ISSUED BY: / `( nee or authorlaed sgcn Dote rornL OFFICE COPY