20037APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY - Buildirift Project IdentlfbHon - - PERMIT NO. Budding Addmc �ssoo. G2�S'To R = aR,. U49t't% t Pe k 20037 r. >m ene: SaZu2ov p CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DMSION APPLICATION / PERMIT O'] Contrador's Name: Le. No: BUIIDINGFI,DCTRICALPLUMBI MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL Y ; gi.x- Tn G Lk. No: ArchWg �- -S31iS - -- QTY " ELECTRIC PERMIT' FEE BUILDING, PERMIT INFO r� Add. Go 4Sc. lvQ ST 5 t r PERMITISSUANCE 12 �Q ❑ � ❑ Ll CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affim that l am licensed under provision of Chapter 9 (mmrrsat ingwlth Sectbn7IX )of0iv m3oftheBuWrc dPmfe .,C.de,andnV1 Timms la In full farm and effect - APPLIANCES-RESmF.M'IAL �gCRB�ITp Ly7� OVP� L-. KI x PANELS LteenseClea, Lle. r Date or - 201-IODDANUS ARCHITECT'SDECLARATION - TaMerataM mypWnahnBbe usM as publlcremN.. " . Llan. ciProfeadorul OVERIOOOAMPS - SQ. Fr. Fr. FLOOR AREA I (V f/�.Fr. SIGNSELDCTRICA'L SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MLSC OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby a(lirmthat I am exempt !moths C.ntrx[or's Llmrue Irw fm the P TFMPMEITRORPOLEIN5r. ^-- POWDEVICES OATS following reuan.(Setlfon 70315, Buenas led Pmfeubna Cade: Any dry or counywheh relfubrsrm a peXco demo, or repair torutruct, alter, Improve,n, anyetruRumpAwtolbEe me,aleorequU theappBcant for such permit dt to file a aigned statement the he b Licensed pursuant to the pmvEdam of the !, ' SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC Cnetrenor'e Lice. Law (Ch.pter9 (mmmentlng wkh Seaton 7001).! DM- don3 ofthe Bastes and Pr&ubru Code)or if, he b exempttherelmmand VALUATION 'how for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Sedlo.7MI5 by any eppllcantf.ra perMteubJe tithe appBrant toativil pevlty ofntl roam stun flv�undsedner of epro I, as ower .f the property, or my employees with wages as rheU sole OUTLETSSWITCFHESFIX1TlRF5 F NFWRESmENTIALELFCTR SQdrr STORIES TYPECONSIRUCTION _ O w Predes m .1,IS, 70KItuilintheand s Code: reThLenotbdeam'.otane.Law - TOTAL: bc%'3Q dwapplywwowerofpmpertywounsorimpesterennod w.dowhw.rkhmBmthwghNwnemplvyn,proddthatwdri Improvementa are wt Intended m.fiered!.sale. If, however,the building or OCG GROUP R-IS UNITS Impwvementbaold Mlhlnomy arofcmnpletbn,thewvvr-bullderwlllhave - tl)gk.rden of proving the he did raw baud or improve for purpose of we.). Wty contra -8 LI I, as owner of the Property, am ercslventra-8 wkh Iarn contranors to aorWrud the project (See 7014, Bualneaa.ed Pr&mbv Code: QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOOD IDNE APN t The Contractor'. Woe. Law does not apply to e, owner of property who bu Oda or impcontractsou thereon, and who contrafee ch Mjem whh a c gBlrwtm(a) ilmowd pursuant to the Contradda License Law. UI am exempt order Sec B k P C for thh mown - ALTERDRAW & VENT- WATER tTild - - FEE SUMMARY W, BACK FLOW PROT= DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. SANHARY Y_ N_ RECEIVE Y Owner Date WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION F-11 hereby afHnn the I have • mrtlflcate of commnt to self-Inwre, or a mrtiBote.f Worker"' Comp<roadon Ine rano ore mnifbi ropy thereof (Sec. 3900, Lab C.) HX7l1RES]'ER TRAP SCITOOL TAX Y N_ RECEIPT r - GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INC4 OUTLETS PARKFFE Y_ N_Poli- Y RECEIPT r CAS EA. SYSTEM-0VFR 4 (EA) Comcy y BUILDING DIVISION FEES wim copy to hereby filed the ea. - rib led copy la flied with the tlty Ivpectlon dlvlWor% GREASE/INDUSrtt1. WASTE INTElsFrroR PLANCHECK FEE ' GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OFU MPr10N FROM WORKERS PSD ER- SEWSANITARY STORM FA 200T COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (rHaeetlion need rad b complded Rthe perm![ b fororc hundred dollars Date Date Reeei t# WATER HFATFRW/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N ($10(l) or le:.) 1mrtRys.) Intheperforrvnmo(NewmkforwhicA thl. pemdtEbved, - WATER SY5ITIM/TREATING I .hall am employ any person In any manner w as to become object to the WerkeriComperuatlonl.a .of Caltfurei Date _ PAID Applium Date Recei t# NEWRISIDFNT7ALP 11. SQFr. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after madding this Certificate of Exam too, Y. cow eboeld beme bFmpens ct to the Workers' Coat lot proviebn ofthe Labor TOTAL: - ode;you nuet (odhwlth amply with wch pmvl.bv orttJ.s pemdt dull be d doomed revoked. ILD ING FEE SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I herebyefirmthat them 6a mvtmetion lending agency forthe perforre, ance of the work s for whish this permit Is laed LSec- 3041, Clv. C.) iOTAi.: ELECTRIC FEE Ot 10 - QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE' PLUMBING FEE . Lender. Name Leaderaadd. I artifythel have read thla apphmtbnard a eatharthe.bove Informelan Is correct.lageee to comply wlN all tlty.rd county.edleanoesand state law. MECHANICAL FEE PFRMIT'ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relat ng mvtvdlm, and hu ntatNee of the o enteru upon tlty W,).g.to she, milrmentbmd propertyfmas'the tin purposes: o propertyfee Inspection (We) agree b ave, IMemrdty an d keep harMese the City of Cupertino ALTER ORADD]O ME}L Date Recet t# SUBTOTAL: agenat lied City in eameef e.teard eapenag whloh nay In anywayamue aga Wt Bald City In con.equersm of the granting & this Ferrell. AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFA!) AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER Io,000cF'A) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Applicant/Contractor Data EXHAUSTFTOOD(W/DLrD:r CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA]ARDOUSMATERIALSDIBCIASURE " HEATING UNIT(ID 100,000 BTU) Will the applicant or future building oneupantstore orhandle havrdoea anterial e, defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the Date Recei t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 1m,00) BTU) TOTAL: q30 Health and Safety Code Senior 25532(a)7 ❑ Yrslr�-,1 No Will the.ppBcant or f m building omrpant use equipment or devlas VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE REM)���GE DATE which emit hanrdou, air mnW Mvnta as deRvd by the Bay Area Ahr BOILER -COMP OHPOR 100,000 BILI) - Quality Marugement Dlstre.t7 Yes ❑ No have read the ha.rT material, raqrc uiernts under Chapter 6.95 of A P APR �O 19gu BOILER-COMP(Ova Im,0006IU) the Califonia Health A Safety Code, Stolon 255115, 25533 and 25534. I urd anrarad that if the baBding does not co rrentty have a tenant, that it 1. my C1 . NEW RE5I DFNIIAL MECH. SQ_FT re.pon@Bityto notify the o pant&the requftementswhieh at be met�f priortotauerue&a Ce hear'"cee Pa /11!10.4 'rtfBo - ncr or authortred "gen[ Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY��F OFFICE COPY