20017APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building ProjecI Identification Bunching Addrna: g35'0o C.aw-Li5o DR VWCvTS y 0 PF fQ PERMIT NO., 200 ane. • if (t G-eaup CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUfLDINGELECTIUCALI'LUMBINGMF HANICAL AMIUCA71ON SUBMITTAL 6 —'z 8 -- S Contractor'. Name: Lc. N. CATEGORY CONTROL. Y ArehLLM/Engineer. I.ic. 6 �-�t����� QTr ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO /' }{-C- Address, &01 tt A�Tp bl SFir ❑ ❑ ❑ y� PFRSMISSUANCE ZW LICENSED CONTRACFORS DECLARATION I hereby affirmthet l am licensed under provbaraof Cbapter9(commec ingwlthSeci n7C=ofavWm3ofineBuMlrc dPmfe maCodgmd cry license s In full force and dfesL LicenseChs Date Controntr actor ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my phvehall be used n public recvds Licensed Professional OWI am- a ptfroLDER DECLARATION Thereby affirm tbatlam earmpt from the CoMractoh Lkerise law (w the following mason.5trtIon 70715, Busin® and Profnsiona Code: My city or county which requires a permit tomvtruct, alter, bnpmve, denvlbh orrepair a nyatvtlunprbrmltatwuncgaborequlm cappb=tfor &pe to Bk a signed entement that he b lla sed pursuant In the pruvlabm of theDATE Contractors License Law Chapter 9(commencing with Section 70 W) of Dlvl- s1cn3ofthe Business and Pmfesebv Cade)orthM he is exempt therefromard the basis for the alleged uemptlan. My Nolatlon of Section 70315 by any apph.t fora pemdt subjects the applkant to s civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($ W). Fj I, a owner of the property, or my employees with wages as theb aok mmpamudic , wOl do the work, and the wumnre is not Mended or offeredfor oak 6ec 7064, Busimat and Pnefesl ms Code: The CoMnctoe. Llmve law d.notapply town owner d property, who Wildsor Improves therem, and does such work himself or through M s own employee, provided that such Improvements are not Intended proffered fee sale. If, however, thebuliding or Improve MbsoldwfthlnomyurofccmplNomtheowna UderwWhave B"ardenof pmvingthe he did notbuud orlmpmvefepurposeofsale.). L_I I as owner of the property, am exclusWely ®stracting with licensed contncron to construct, the project(Sec. 7044, Buerm and Pmofesbm Code: The Contractor's Liame law don out apply to an owner of property who bu0da or improv. th., and who contracts f« auch pAojMs with a «Wjactw(a) Licensed pursuant to the Contractors Lkxrue law.BACK L.j 1 am uempt order Sec B k P C for this reason APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL .- LR-[2g O v�E pX I I PANELS UP T0200 ANTS 201-1000 OVER 1000 AMPS - SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA L 1E D IN P U T E R 1" $/SQ.FF. SIGNSELECIWCAL SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC TEMP. METER OR POLE MSI'. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION gyyyl.I.CI �SflXR1RF5 ' NEW RESIDENTIAL EISTR _SOFT'. STORIES ' TYPE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: 6 QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC.GftOUP RES UNITS . PERMIT L99JANCE ALIFR-DRAIN &VENT -WATER (EA) FLOOD ZONE ' AI'N - FEE SUMMARY FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, GOND. SANITARY Y N RKEIvr / Owner Dee WOR KMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑T hereby a lrm that I have a certificate of consent to self-loVre, or a m0 3800, Lab ,Lab of Workers Cwnpansatlonlrusuran. «a ¢rtifkd ropy Nrnrof (Sec. C3 FTYTlJRES PER TRAP SCI{ODI TA% Y_ N_ N Y GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 WC40UTIE15 PAR%FEE Y_ N_ CAS F.A.SYSTEM-OOVER Co Co�mparay DINREctGS IV EIIILDING DI VISION 4'F.F.9 I ICenNed copy k herebyfurthe cit. (/tJTP}`�_ .Ned copy la filed with the city lvpMbn division. CERTIFICATE OP IXIT/PTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE section need nuthe completed If the pemdt b («cant hundmd dolWn 8110) or«f®J le pemdt la boned, I cent employ zany person In anf mew•wk mar s to become 1 ahe0 not empty any La w� f any manner n e to bemma sub}m to the Wwken Compensation Ewa of California. Dale Applicant GRFASE/NDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE ' PAID Date RCCCI t# CREASE TRAP SEWEILSANITARYSIORM FA 2IMPT WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELDCTR ENERGYFEE Y N PAID Date Re i t# WATER SYSTEM/1RF ATING NEW RESIDENTIAL I'LMB. SQFI'. - NOTICETO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Eaemo ptlon, yu should become subject to the Warken'Compewtlon pvvlsbns of the Labor Code,yourfMhwthcomplywithouchproali«aorthbpert shank deemed revoked. . CONSTRICTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that thereb a comtrodton knding agency for theperfomm once o(the work forwhichthb permit is loved(Sec 309'7, CW. Q L<rdee. No Lenders Add ren I ce.Ilytlut l have read thisapplication and etatethat theabove m(omutlon Iamrrca. lagreetocomplywnhaBdtyandcountyordinancesandantebws relating to bollding mrotiuctlan, and hereby authorlae represenntivesof thio city to enter upon the above-mentbmd property for Inspection purposes. (We) agrce to save, bdemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino agalrut liabilities, mets and expenses which may N anywayamue agalmt said city In comequeore of the graMing or this permit. - TOTAL: BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Q Q QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT L9SUANCE FEES PAID. ALTERORADDTOMEC11 Date Recei t# AIR ANDNG UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) HANDLING SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNTT(OVER 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Applicant/Contractor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant «future building occupant store or handle halardoua material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.1 Z and the Hearth and Safety Code Section 25533(m)? Yes No Will the apphant« tum boilding«cupant use equipment or devices which emit herardoua air rontambunteas defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District? Y. No have read the havmous materials requtmmenb u nder Chap ter 6.95 of tkC.lifamb FleaHhkSafcty Cad,,Sectlov25505,25533and7S534.I urdvnnrd that If the louddirgdoes not currently have aknant, that it la my r.ponsMiry to notify the occupant d the requirements which me he mat Prbr oLsuanaed a Ce.11.W&O —�_ E%IIAUSF HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HFATINC UNIT (TO 100,000 BT'(n Date Recei O HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: �s VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESTD) ISSUANCE DATE - �"ilL• ♦r?rIH /M1P�'. •' J IJJV ' �TyC'ts prf Cljneij^n ISSUED BY: IXJCi�11', I,w— Y—✓1 BOILER -COMP (3FR' OR 100,0(1. BTL) HOMER -COMP. (OVER 100,000 NEW RESIDENTIAL MEC}I. SQ.F7 - ncr«sum«Ixdagent ate D TOTAL OFFICE COPY