19994APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Buildln Project Idetagi.tlm Bu�lding Addro,: M �. Sb0 Cir �Q, V N 1 "SI Sl 53 PE W PP MT NO. 19 9 9 Kr. ams: l ` 'n one: (.� LT�coj CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION�n APPLICATION / PERMIT BIIRDINGELECIRICAL-PLUMBINGMECHANICAL 6 ��nTJ � ' contracte''Name, Lc. No: CATEGORY C NfROL Y ArchRea/Fs�eer. IJc. N QTY ELECFRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addrt.c CgCq Kt—IbW S. PERMITISSUANCE �lQ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affhm that l am lkmaed underprovhims of Cha pter 9(mm a IngwlthSe on7(IOD)of Dlv Mm3ofthe Bualrce dP feaa Cade,and Ranee ts In full force and effM. Date Claw, Cont Date Contractor ARCHITECT`S DECLARATION I urdertand my pl ro.ball be used a, publleresda. Lkenatd Profeabnal OWNERBUILDER D C TIONs o 1herebyamothtIuem fmheCm.eolLwthe following on.(SeotmBueNmad Pmfsb,cCcd,:Anydtyor tountyhlchrtquWapemktomeutruR, alter,Impmve, demolbh, orrepair any atmotump term, ka tsauaroe, Womqui puha notes rm mzn,eof t e flieCo a dgned statement that ha (Chapter Ilocns<d punuw to the provtsbna f the (bn 3 of the Lkeret a"ProfLAw 9(mmmerMg a la SeGbn7000)ddv4 the b of the Butlnenaed Pm(edo exemption. Code)°natiohe f Seet ion 7Mmfsom and the bat for the alleged nUthe.Any vldatlon d Sectbn rum m rm any appllan( for • pemdt sobjemthe appllunt to • tldl penalty drum nnmthan fit• hunereddollam%W. IT as owner of the property, or my employee with wage as their sole mmpena im,wRldothework,andtbestm=m tsnot Wended or offend for vk C c. 7011, BuslMsa aM Prdesbro Code: The Condr.d.e. Lite. Law doa rot apply to on owner d property, who builds or improve themo,and who doom .6 work hlmmlf athrough his own employ., provided that such Improvements am wt Intended or offered for sale. If, however, the bu llding or Improvement issold wlthln one yea rofmmpletbM1 tM o merbuliderw111 have tqLlIurden of pmnng that he did net build or Improve for purpose of male.). Lj 1, as owner of the property, am eachnively contracting with Ikemed coetrann oto mratmot the pmjed (Sec 70K BustrmMm ss and Plom Code: The Cmdnoto/s L iec me Law does not apply to an owner of property who boll" or Improv thereon, and who mmnota for such pVieeU wW a cQWfamdur(s) heomed p%mmant to the Contractor's Llee se Law. U I am corpt under Sec B kCTP C for thim APPI]ANCESRES[DENIIAL JOB DFJCRErI7 -F-i7t �V/ 11'" !" - PANELSLien UP TO 2DOAMPS — 201-1000 AMPS OVERIOOOAMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA LED D I N PTER Q � / 5/9Q.FT. SIGNeo ELECTRICAL SPECLALCIRCUIT/MM IEbP.MEIFROR POLE INST. POWER DEVICE DAIE SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC OUTL�SW[IO FD(TURES VALUATION ' NEW RESIDENTIAL ELELTR SQFT. STORIES 7YPECONSIRUCIION TOTAL QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC. GROUT' RFS. IIN[TS. PERMIT 155UANCE ��-DRAIN k VENT -WATER (EA) FLOOD ZONE APN FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE rut, 1�rl DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. F7X717RFS�IAAI' SANITARY Y N RELET T Y Owner Date WORIQ.UNCOMPENSATIONDECLARATION ave . oeruff"m d cuent to self -Isom, or . 1-11 thereby affirm that I haso mnlRoworker'me te of Compensation luranas mnekd copy themof(See. 3500, Lab C 1'd4y Y $Q-TODL TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT' Y GAS FA.SYSTEM-]soil OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N RECEDrI' I GAS EA. SYSTEM-0VER 1 CEA), Com any BUILDING BUILDING DIVISION FEES CertNeropy ts fiemby(umWM. - �Certifled ropy ts filed �Mth the d[y Impeotbn dlvlNon. CERTIFICATE OF PTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ttda etttbn rad not tr completed lftlw perMt ts faone hundred Malian (Slm)al®') work so as to b WapsubjealmM, Imnlfy thatoy any I slue net empe any pemon b any manner, at as to become ubjen to the Waken' Compenaatbn Lasv. d Gllfomh. Date Applicant - GREASE/INDUS1RL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PAID Date RC i t# - GREASE TRAP SEWER-SANITARYEA ZOFT WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N PAID Date Reoei til WATER SYSTEM/TREATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making tints CeNf{ate of Evemptbn, you should bemm, subject to the Worken'CompemaHon provtsbro of the Labor Code, you met farthwlth comply with such pmdabrtf orthis pemdt shall be deemed invoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihembyal1i thattheretsamnutmotlmkMing age for the pertorm anmufthework mrwmmthlapemtltblamd(5,3097, Iv.CL LLerml''. Name .Me' .Addren cemilythat Ct.IdgIhavomadthtsappentynaMgatyodthe.bovedn to pion tsmrntt lagmeto comp)ywBA antltyaMmulm o rnanon aathatelawa or i pectim ntstive °fritts rebtl a to binding mrtrtmel en and hereby property dt(Wenagreeon the to..e,boveromlyonedpropeetyfawpeCityofCuper (We) agree to nave, IMemNty and keep hamdea the City o/ Cupertino againdmidltb,judgmequer,mtfth ezpen.n whkh mayb snywayamve agebat old City bmn.eque�dthe gradlngdtM. pemdt ' TOTAL.: WILDING SEISMIC FEE TOTAL; ELECTRIC FEE 0 O QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PND: ALTER OR ADD TOMECH. Date Revel t# AERHANDLING UNIT (f010,000 CFM) $IJBTOTAL: AIRxANDUNc uNrz (OVER ]0,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Applimnt/Contractor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WBl the applkadafutum budding °'upset nom or ha Mle huardoua m ct 1asdeflrmdbytF Cupenlro M.NdpalCode,Chapter9.12andthe Eleahh aM Safety Code Senbn 2S532(il7 MY. No Willtheappliada turebuildingoavpantumquipmemordev whkh emit luvrdoun W mntaMnaN,as delad bythe Bay Area Mr Quality Management Dtstrin7 Y,.j�No Nevercadthe h &S.f& Cle,S f..2menteunder Chaper G95 of the GB/omh ]icahh k Safety Code, Seotlom 25505, 25533 and 255M. I rosportaMyto that notify ullding don rot mrtentlyhaid. tenant thatb tsmy rnprt ho,,yton . theca'p'er dthe requirements whkh mut be rtM pr/lor/ty f®uanmda Certiflote o/ro Ota ruy. EKFNUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HFATINGUhTT(TO100,0003IU) Date Recti tit HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: O VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISM DATE APR:! s t9s ^' ISSUED BY: BOILER -COMP Off? OR IW,0W BTU) BOILQt{O.M'(OVER 100,000 BTU) NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ-Fr $QFT (TNic thorimd.gent Pate TOTAL OFFICE COPY