19986APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN.ONLY. Building Pro eet Identlneattan B. Ming Add.: ae35oo at zstc Pe PFRwT NO. 19 9 8 6 M�as G V_O CITY OF CUPERTIN6BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BIIILDINGELECTIUCALI'LUMBINGMFLFiANICAL Contractor: Name: Lk. Nu CATEGORY CONTROL I _ ArchRed/Engineer. No: QTYELECCR[C PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address GOq Vt - F �2s� oLUPFRMITISSUANCE ❑ X ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION O I hereby kmaff7000) of amlkmaedhe under Btuarwt lonand PrfeselosCoce, and m bigwltFSecibn force afdoffon ofth<Buelwaandl'mfnelwCode,and Livenbin full fora and dfea. Lineae Clam LILT Drte CamrcnRor'UP ARCHITECPS DECLARATION201-1000AMPS Iundemssmdmyphnah.Bbeusedaspubac,roads Lk:necd Profewbal hatIam B ILI)ERmptfro DECLARATION I herebyafOrm thatIunexemptfromthe LARA111O Llar�Lw(othe eouowingreuon. (Seca n 7031 pemittocoainsandr,bnp uConk Mytlepair muntywhichr .(Sk Ipermit S, contact, alter,wmlun Code:emulAmy city or anystm=mpA toitn ame,aL requlmtheappUantfaeudtpe tto file a signed statement that he b p Beeed pursuant to the pmvleiamu of the Contractor's Lkenelaw(Chapter9(mmoencing orh Senbn 9000) of Divi- aum 3oftbe Business and Profes mCode)orthathehexempttheefromamd the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7MIS by any fora pert subjects the appBcant to a civil pmatty d not moa than applicantmi Iiv�huns owns of thepro U I, d owner of the property, or Cry empbyen with wage u their role mmperuatlon,willdo tha world andthe.truciurc b wt welled or offend for sale ISee. 70K Busnees and Prof®lona Code: The Comractae. LIanx Law does not apply to an owner of property who build. or imprwesthereon, and whod«esuhworkhl Uorthmughhi..nempinyms,providedthatsuch ] pmvcmenbarenotintendedorofferedforeak.ILhowever,thebalbingm Impmvcm mbaddw hlnomy rofcompletbs,tbe Omer-wMerwWhave ov L"relcoof proving that he did wild or Improve for purpose ofule.). L_j L as owner of the property, am e.e ely mmtracting with IbenM mntncimeto mmutruct tha proJed (See 7011, Bninrssand Pof.lon Code: The Cnot actor's Lkrns, law dram not applY to an owner of property who or Improves thrones, and who mntecte fee such plojcm with a egWartor(s)Deemed pomsuant to the Conwdor'sLleree Law. LJ 1 am exempt under Sec B h P C for bb reason APPLIANCESRFSLDLNML BDESCRR'rpN -rip 1�r^F1- (� L�•�� . I'ANEIS TO 2DOAMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. FT. FLOOR AREA $/SQ. FT. LED I N PATER - ON SIGNSELECIRICALOWNIER. SPECIALCIRCLIT/ML9C — '1"FAOR POLEINSf. 1'OWF.R DEVICES gymggNG POOL ELECTRIC DAM 011]LEI '.7.�Hi]SFl%7lJRES NEW RESIDFMIAL EIECER SQTT. STORIES =CONSTRUCTION TOTAL3fl QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC. GROUP RES.UNITS FTDOD ZONE '1IT1 PQiMITISSIlANCE ALTER -DRAIN 4 VENT- WATER IRA) SUMMARY BACK FLOWI'RQfFGr. DEVICEFEE DRAINS HOOK ROOF, AREA, CONTI. SANITARY Y N . Rpr�. Owner Data WORIOstAN COMPENSATLON DECLARATION ❑I hereby affirm Co 1 have o artlf. of cemm�t to self -]we, or a MID, Lab of Worken'Compevatlon Inuranaora artifkd espy thereof (sec. 3800, Lb CI mley R p�S, PER TRAP SQiOOL TAX Y_ N_ RECFd GAS F.A. SYSTEM -1 INCL OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N_ N RECERar Y GAS E.A.SYSTEM-0VER / (F.V Com nay BUILDING DIVISION FEES Gem Lfiedmpybfikd fumbhed. CedWed espy b filed'Mti the efty Inpecibn dfvWon. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE CCM. lesion need neat be completed If tM perMt b (sou hunded doBan a100)o. tem3 o the pare. I an lhewerk sor wMcbeeom emJl le blued, ] a.. t1hatemploy I shag not empty any TAw3 In any manner at ss to become eubjett to the W pllean Compenaatbn lawn o(GWmnh. Date AppOont NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL after raking this Certiflnte of Exemption, you ,bald become subject to the Worten' Cemp monfen provbbm of the labor Code, you must forthwith comply with ouch proWsion or thio permit Wil he deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hemebyaffirm that throe is a mntruction lending agency for the perform ana of the work for which thio permh b boredSec ( 3091, Clv. C.) Lendar:Name Leoder:Addmes Lartlfy Alhaworedthbappliatbnardstatellattheaboveinfor ion bconer . l agratneemplywxhail dty.M muntyomdlnanmand stau,l. . mlating to wilding cora rudlor, and hereby authorize repreeentatluis of thb city to enter upon the above.mentbed property fee kapedbn purpoaa. (We) ages to save, Irdemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cu p"tb'o against llabditln,0dgments, costa and experuea whkh may in any way amrue ago ins asid City 1m mneequenoe of the gram log N this permit. GREASE/WDUSML WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE p'plp Date Recel t# GREASC RAAIa SEWFFSANITARY STORM EA 20WT WATER HEATER W/.VENT/o-Lr['R E'NERGYFEE Y N PAID ' Date Real t# ' WATTR SYSIFIA/TR TING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLA/& SOFT. TOTAL: BUILDING FEE SEI MIC FEE TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Q Q - QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE ' FEES PAID; - , ALTERORADDTOMECH. AIR HANDLING UNIT CrO 10,000 CFM) Date Receipt# SUBTOTAL: AIR HAN13ulvc Darr (OVER lo,InocEM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigatu re of Applicant/Contractor Date, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WW the appllnntorfuture wilding oavpant Toe or hand le h.d.. material u defined by the Cu Perrino Municipa l Code, Chapter 9.12 and the HIlthand Safety Code Seetion7 24)7 YrjNo n Wthc applkantmfutue w0ding oavparA use equlprnmi or devious which rout hazandoua air mnlamlanb ae defined by the Ray Area Air Quality Mamagemrod Wtriet7 4YnhavcmNo dtheha .m trio b Yq IrtmenbunderChapterG9 0( the Ghfemb HeallhkSafety Code,Senbn25505,25533and2S53/. T umdb mmd that if the wilding doero s t currently have a tenant. that k bon mopoaibilfly to realty the o pant of the requirements whkh must be met pmrto a da Certtficateof Occupancy. wee, or; Pvnermauth agent Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HEITRNG UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) Date Recei I# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: - '?CAB /CA3O VFNIILATK)N FAN!SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE P_ 40 APR 2 s '1990 �LI �b BY OE l�( OE ISSUED BY: L+L BOILER -COMP OHIP OR 100,0(0 30I1CILCOMP(OVFRIM,0008I11) NEW RMDENIIAL MECH.' SQFI. _ MORAL: OFFICE COPY