19984APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building project identification Building Address: 23S_7120 C IST e . PERMITNO. 19 9 8 4;/ � ante Q if es CITY OF CUPERTWO-BUILDING DIVISIONlet APPLICATION / PERMIT _,Z� — ce atle •N•nrIJcNu O Ce) IjU4 CALORY CONTROL Y Architect/Engi Ik No: QTY ELECTRICPERMIT. FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address: El El El ❑ PERMITI.RUANCE' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ihereby.ffhm Nat lamllceveduMer pcovWoru of Chapmr9(commm Ingwlth Se n7000ofDiv m3ofthe BuN mdPmfntl Code,and Boers, is In full for¢ and effect LlareeCt. Lk.11 Date Cormactor ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plsmahall h used as public remNa Licensed Pmimional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I henebya(0nmthat lame xempt fr�mthe CoNnctore Ll¢ve LAwforthe rmntywhkaxon.(ection mlttomairmas andPsnossuen Code: Any city county hichnen.(Bectlon70315, Business.1m,urmbns e.14h,yatyor or preno, any.tructure prior to Its leeusece,alsu mala ion the.ppg¢nt for such permit to file a signed statement that he b Ooomad pursuant to the pruWbra of the Comrseum: Llceree Law (Chapter 9 (commencing whh Section 7000) of DMv siun3 ofthe Buslnwand Profmbn Code) orthat he is exempt therefromaM the bells for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 70315 by any applicant for s pemdt subjecta the applicant to a civil peruhy, arta more than five hundred dollars (SM. F1 1, as owner of the property, or my employes with wages a their auk compewtlon, will do the work, and the structure b not intended or offered for Mk (sec. 7011, Busbuas and Profmlon Code: The Contractors L oe. Law don rout apply to an owner of property who Wlds or lmprovn thereon,and who does such work hlmalf or through hls own employees, provided that such Improvemow are rot intended oro/(enrol f¢ sok. IL however,the W ldleg or Improvement bsuld whhlnoneyeiro(complabn,the owner -W Oderw U haw Xt Men¢ofprovingthathedOrw Odorlmpmveforpurpoaeofsak.). I� Late owner of the property, am exchulvely contracting wLLh Iben•ed t s to construct the project (Sec 7014, Businessand Prambm Code. The Cmucadm'• Leer. Lw don not appy to an owner of property who Wilda, or Improves Merton, and who contracts fee such pTojeeb with a c9lailsetm(a) 11cenued pursuant to the Contractors License Law-. LJ I em e. 1.0 under Sec B 4 P Cfor this muton 4o APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIALOB [ION T DE9[R"C21- C il\Z", C —T l e r SI 1 -� �I V PANES — UP TO 2DD AMPS -&M-15 OVERTWOAMPS - SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA E D 1 N �1 , TF l7■ (7� Aa / f/9Q. FT. SIGNSELDCTRICALF1 UK- - SI'FJ,7ALCIRCIIIT/MLSC 7EMP.MEI'EIt OR POLE )NST. '� ItiTJIFR DEVILS D � . SWDRANG POOL ELECTRIC OUTLETSSWITCFIN"rH)CIl1RFS VALUATION NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ'FT' STOEUES TYPECONSIRLCTION TOTAL QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE OCC.GROUP RES UM(S FLOOD ZONE A),N PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER-DRMN&VENT - WATER PEN FEE SUMMARY BACKFLOW PROTECT. DEVICE esse DRAINS FLOOR. ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N. R�EB'II ��Z7L-[OFD7{�e'.y7a WORIO.EAN COMPENSATE A� N [-]I hereby aHOm that I Tuve a ¢ cQ! @i est to self-I�nrt, ora comf31M, ab of Workers'Cmnpemauonlrouran¢mat anHkd copy thenro/Cee. 31M,LabCJ �� a FDOMJRFS PFR TRAIT SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT If GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INCA OUILEPS PARK FTE Y N RECEIPT' 1 CAS EA. SYSITM-0VER 4 (FA) Comm Csty BUILDING DIVISION FEES ICenNed copy Lr ffledbtretumecity IiJ� CcrtlOed ropy 6 filed �Mth the city Irupttibn dlvlsion: CERTIFICATE OF E)(iIM EON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (IMssMbnneed n¢bec Dieted If the permit is for one hundred doBan m°°)or lmJ lam0yLou ft, the performance work for wlorwhlch this permit issued,is eaed, I 1u nM empby any pennmt b any manners ate to become eubjea to the Wmknn' Cmmpensatbn Laws o(C. Womb. Date Applicant GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR P CHECK FEE PAID ate Recei f# GREASE TRAP SEWERSANH.ARYSMRM EA LI(BrT WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR E'NERCY Y N PAID DateRegi # WATERSYSIFMj[REATING NEW Rk30EN'IEN.PUEB. SQF7. NOTICE TO APPLICANT".H,.Resmaking this CoAtfiam of Exempt ion, you mhmme subject to the Wor shld klsbm of t em' Compensation poevhe Labor Cade, you must forthwith comply with such provielon or this permit shall be doomed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDINGAGENCY Ihereby.ffirm tart there ba construction lending agency for the perform, once of the work for which this permit ls burred (see 30Y7, Civ. CJ lender: wn,e Lord or'•Add rm 1 cMiythat I love read thbappllatbnand state thrtthe above Inlormnlm bmrrm.l.grte tocomplywithaOchy•M countyonlNanmandsoulaws relatingtobuildingenntrumm,.N hereby•uthorirerepresentatWeo(thio city to enter upon the above-mentioned Property for inspector, Purpo. . (We) .gree to mee, mdemNy an d k<ep harmim the city efCLpenlno agaWtVabWtbs, ydgmerds, mstsaM npenen which mayN mywayaccroe againut old CityGb Mmnueryerzz+(the granting of this pemW. �a�G/ 9�ja/p.� (-Datte Nl .TOT BUILDING FEE EISMIC FEE TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL 'E PPRMPrISSUANCE FEES PAID: , ALTERORADDTOMECH.' Date Receipt# AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 GEM) SUBTOTAL: AIR HANoulvc vNrr rovFRlo,000GFnn CONSTR ON TAX sgtalure of Appuant/ s HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WOltheappliantorfuture WOdingoaup.nt store or handle haaardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.IZ and the He❑ahh.m[ Soley Cure, SectlY.oon zs533a)r Wllltheippl"menfutum Wlldingomvpantuseequiprnent ordevlc which emit havrdnus air osntamW Ne as defined by the Bay Area Mr Qna1By Managerry nt Dlstmt7 Y. I� No have read the h mous materials requlremenb under Cha per 695 o/ the C.hf.UHeahh&Safety Cade,Sectbru75505,SS33and7S5M. I understand that i/ the Wn building donot mrrentyve+te hanant Is It my roporalbility to really the occupant of tho rtqulrcments which at be met prl¢to Issuance of aao1il teotOmnPancy. EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONST CTION TAX PAID: - - HEATING UNIT (TO 100,0)0 BTU) ate Recei t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 1W," BTU) TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN(ShWLE RISID) ISSUANCE DATE G /l FD )MI ' r)t7 'I<(„SWI APR _ I City of furertinn ISSUED BYj+ (Jc k!/� W BOILER -COMP PFD' OR 100,0W BTU) BOILER -COMP (OVER 10(),(C() M) NEW RESIDFNRAL MECH. 5Q.ET. Ownermautherimd•gent Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY