19980I• OZ z P N W Q a D Z U2 LL ~ OW r (L N 2 U— APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bulldin Praiser Identlfkatlan TNQ. Building Addw: 235-00 CYLSTO L bY' 1 9 9 8 rcr. am,e ane: Forum. Groi n CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT Q / rte Contractor's me: Lk No: l co K-7-BLUfLDINGF].FCIRKALPLUMBINGkiE(:I IA MCAL CATEGORY CONTROL0 ArthB / 1Y No: — �T (T '4_T - Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO .D Address 4 0 PERMITISSUANCE ® ❑ ,❑ 1:1LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby, affirm that l am beemed under prwWom of Chapter 9(mmmm Ingwlth So dm`70B0)of Dr hdon 3olthe Butlnee.and ProfessonaCode, and my APPLIANCES-RESIDEM'IAL JOB DERRIT N licenseliIn filart foe and dletl. Claw Lb. Y PANELS �F'i' F_ Port U Yid er Date Cic.a Date ,� " U,:Mt 201- ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION - I understand my plana shall be used as public records OVER I000 AMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA FT. SIGNSELECIRICAL Llecrsed Prvfmlonal SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MLSC OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby,ffirmthat I am exempt fromthe Contr ctori License Law for the TEMP. METER OR POLE INBT. folbwing reason. betlim 711715, gualnm and Pro(esbv Code My tlty or muntywhichrequbeapem wmr ct,alter,4 pr ,demo h,orrepalr anyslrutlure prbrto lW huanee, alw requlrcthe appllant for ouch Pemr'lt to file a signed statement the he la II¢rued pursuant to the provisions of the POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC»w 0[IfI.E�WI�F�H%]iJR6 Contractor's License Law (Chapter9 (mmmendng with Section 7D= of DM. lana of the Busle. and PrefeE IoCode) card at he exempt th,rafromand the mala for the alleged exemplars. My vldelon d Section 7m15 by any appllantlor. pemdt subjects the,ppacanttaativll penehydnat more thin VALUATION O � � � � I 1 t 0 D o I NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR SQFT. five hundred dollars (SM. F-11, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sok R S TYPE CONSTRUCTION mmpensetion, wal do the work, and the structure E not Intended or offend for sale (See 7044, Busmen. rd Pro nabru Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or impmo thereon and whodooeuchworkhlmeeR orthrwgh hleown<mploym,provHed that such OCCGROl1P RES,TIS improwam a¢notintendedoroffered!¢sale. If,however,thebulldingm impmvxment beald whhln orcy¢rdmmplelbn the ownrrbu Alder will have TOTAL: Kme of proving that he did not Wild orimprove, for purpose of.ee.). owns of the property, sem exclusively contracting with IkaneM L asn m t oto nelme the project (Sm 7014, Business and Prafes ons Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FIGOD IDNE APN PERMIT ISSUANCE The Contractor's Liaise law doe not apply to an oven of property who wilds or improves thereon, and who centum f¢ such p(ojects with a gngactor(a llmneed pursuant to th, Ccumeda • nee Lloelow. LJ 1 am exempt order Sec B 6 P C th ¢ ALTER -DRAW 4 VENT- WATERrate BACK FLOW FEE SUMMARY DRAINS -FLOOR, FLOOR ARY Y N — REC= Y Z; Pvn,r pat. -WOR"ANO PENSATI IARATION ❑I hereby affirm that I have • ¢rti0a e f unseat to self-Iwre, or ¢rtl0ote of Workers' C¢nperwtion Insurance or a ¢eiHM copy thereof (Sec. 3800, Lab C.) Policy Y PLCIlIRFS PER lir 100LT % Y_ N— Y GAS G.SYSTQ.f-1 PA Y— N_ RECEIPT Y GAS EA. SYSTEMT OVRR Y (PA) Com ny � BUILDING DIVISION FEES Certl(Iedcopy Lsherebyfumlahed. Certif ed copy is, filed'Mth the chy inspection dlvlelm. ' GREASE/INDUSIRI, WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE C;RF.ASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF IXFI.IPIION FROM WORKERS PAID SEWFR-SAN)TARY-STORM E.A.X)()FT ., COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section deed out be mpem mpletel if the Jt Is forum hundred dollars Date Recel [# FffATER w/vFxT/ELUCTR ENERGY FEE .Y N — ' ($100)arless.)WATER I nertify that In the performance of the work for which this permit V Issued, WATER SYSTEM/TREATING I rhea not employ any person M any manner so as to become subject to the Wm)ers'Campematbn Lawsof CilBornla. Data PAID ' Appllant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: IL.Rn making this CerBfleate d Erem, pflm you NEWRFSIDIWEIALPLMg. 5p�, Date Recei t# TOTAL: should become subkct to the WorkeA Compereatbn provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such proviebro or this permit andl bo FEE deemed revoked. EISMIC FEE • I L CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCYBUILDING 1hereby afOrm out there 0 a mnstmotion leading agency for the perform- sore of the work for which this Permit Is loved (!S c 309'/, Civ. C.) 1<rdare N.rrc icrder,Add. 1 cerflythat I have mad this appllatsenand stateth,t the above information bmnacf.Isgrt<to complywithall tlty.rd muntyordlnanmand late laws TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relatingtowlldingmrutmction,and herebyautharice repre,entativesofthh _ my, to enter upon the abovcmentbned property for hopectiopu (We) agree to save, Indemnify an d keeps tamalethe CBy of pertW ag,Wtaablatka, jndgmew, misaM experm which may ln.nywsyacoroe agahatsaid Citylnoonseque�oftho gn am dthia permJL �a,AA.. /-_O L,^ / vY li.,l "7Y /.�`a/iL./�y-' V ALTFRORADDTOMECH. Date Recei t# AIR HANDLING UNIT CFO 10,000 CFTO SUBTOTAL: 3- AIR HANDLING UNTT(OVER 10,O)D M CONSTRUCTION TAX F>oinusT HOOD(W/Dorn CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: Siiggmltumoff'Ap`pbesnntt/ Ntee HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (TO 100,OD00'Rl) Date Recei t# Will the appaant or future wading ary pant stme.r herdic havrdaus material as defined by the Copan]. Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Ekahhand Safety CodeSection 2S532W7 ❑ Ye No HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: Q�r VFNEIATION FAN (SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE WWthe applioantoQture building ompantuu equlprecat or davit which emit havardousalr crontaminents as defined by the Bay Area Air Qualty Management Wtricti 4Yes No havereadtheh m., material, requlrcmenbmule,Chapler6.95o! the Gllfomia Heahh k Sof Code, Seer ions 25505,25533 and 25534. 1 ^i A. �� BOILER -COMP OI [FOR 100,000 BTU) SCB ER-ODMP(OVQ2100,000BTLD NEW RESIDENTIAL MICH. SQFT. u rdenta M that if the wilding does not currently have a tenant, that It 6 my J resporama By to notify the occupant of the requ hementa which must be met prior to lsuaren of a Certificate of Omnpancy. Cjhj (If r'I^ f9qY+.t o e--�,�QuP�er-tiynIo- ISSUEDBY:_ O.vneroraulhMrad.gent - Date ' TOTAL: OFFICE COPY IT, L