19973APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ON °Y Building Pao' nlaentlfkasion Building Addrm: PERMIT NO. 5m ctsra ae �u �� E 19973 e .: phone.. U P CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION I PERMIT BUILDINGS,ECIRKALPLUMBINGMECHAMCAL ContnctXrr e:Na L CATEGORY ' CONTROL Archl tce/En nem �-+- L Ck. No: "7— 1 'QTY ELEC'T'RIC PERMIT. � BUILDING PERMIT INFO y Add. (9PIsERh9TISSUAN(R ® ❑ 1:1 El CONTRACTORS DECLARATION Ihrrebya0lrm that l am llcenaed under prewision.,dChapuerg (commeri, Ingw1th5 bn7000)ofDr,dm3ofthc Busiressiod Profesd.Cadc, and my APPEIANCES-RFMEN1'IAL JOB DE95dffFZNT__ Ibcrue Is In full form it effect. PANELS ae LbenwCIsLICE Date a,r - C DJP(,FX -IO)OAMPS ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION Iuoderstand my plaraahallbeueed as pubgere . OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. FT. SIGNS ELPLTRICA Lkenxd Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affimnthat I am emntpt from the Comnnor'a Llansclew f«the SPECa1 / f antywhidtrenq.u(S v ape mm15o, mBaa we d, aerr,'rbfpro, dC melhh,orcirttypsiorr TEMP. , anymmmmpd«bibb ams abomuimtheapphl tf«suchpe to file a signed abatement that he Is Ibensed pursuant to the provblom of the POWER DEVICES yyr,�q,,rG}W Contractors License Law (Chapter 9(mmmendng with Se n7000)of Divi- of the Buabomand PmfesebrmCodc)orthat he Iseaempt thertlmmsod VALUATION I he Wats for the alleged eaernt ton. Any violation of Seaton 70315 by any appllnntforapemJ bjemtheapp"ntioadvlpemhyof tm mtlun OVH.EISS-WITCFBSFIXTURES NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR SQFr. !W hundmddolhn(5500).' rir, as owoer of the property, or my employees with wag. as the& sole o STORIES TYVECONSTRLC ION compensation, will do the wmlc and the cincture Isnot Imnded or offered for sato (Sec 70K Buabess and Pnfeasbns Code: The Contractors IJ«nse law V dm not a pply to an owner of property who builds or Improve t hereon,and who d.suchworkhlmseBorthesugh hlsownemployee, provided that nch OCC.GROUP RES. UMTS improvemerm art not Intendedoroffened for Bale. IL however, thebullding or impmvementhaaldwlthnomyearofcmrpletbnthcowner-builderw Varve TOTAL t denofpmvingthat heddnvbuildorlmpeovef«purposeofnk.t as owner of the Property, am er luatveiy contracting with Ikenaed - t ct. to comtnct the projed03. 701A, Buelnm and d Profeons Code: QrY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEEL PERMIT ISSUANCE FLOODZONE APN The Cemnctnes Limase Lew does not apply to an owner of property who Wilds or Imp. thereon, and who, contracts f« such ptojecta with a cjlrl or(s)il«nsN pvenunt to lheCmtnnars Ll ens. I.. LJ I am exemq under Sec (a P (� r thlp mavenOUTSIDEFEES ALTER -DRAW 4 VENT- WATER 0'A) gAp(p1OWP1ROTTCT. DEVICE FEE SUMMARY DRAINS pI.OpIL ROOF,ARFJ�, GOND. SANITARY Y_ N_ BBC= / Owner t WORKMAN COMP E'NSAToat TION ❑1 hrref affirm that I have a «ntllblc t to xH-tmarrt, «a .rtiflatc of odrers'Compenmadon lnsumm ora certified copy themof(Se 3gOD, Lb C) FO(TURES PER TRAP SCTiOOL TAX Y_ N ,.. RECEIPT 0 GAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INCA OUTLETS PARKFEF Y_ N ky I RECEmT Y CAS FA. SYSTEM-0VER t (EA) Ca y BUILDING DIVISION FEES Certdied copyIs herebydwith t furnished. CMlfled ropy Is TON with the city Inspection division. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE MTRCE'TUR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Ihiaaectbn need era he c«npletN B the permit Is(« ooe hundred dollars PAID Date Recel tit SEWR-SANITARYSMEM EA 2XFT. WATER FIRATEe W/VENT/EF.GTR ENERGYFEE Y _ N (M00)«1®J a the war, ermlt la I «not so as to become mpl.y an person, T ork not employ any person (any miner at ss to become subject to the n 1.t he Wwken'Compewtlon Los of GllfomIs. Date WATER S,ST�/TREATING PAID AppliraE NOTICE TO APPLICANT. , after making thisCealllnk of Fremptbn, you should become nbIoct to the Workers' Compensation pro bions of the labor Date Recei t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFI. TOTAL: Code, yw oust (orthwBh comply with ouch pmvdbns mrthIs permed abull be deemed invoked. SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I heminyaffirm that then b s constnctbn kndbgagenry for the perform ance of the work for which this permit Is asuN bee 309'1, Civ. C) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE lender• Name Iender.Addms 1nalfythatIlavemadthIsappW tbnaniabatetluttheaboveof.r Tai noomect. I agneetocomplywlth all cltyaM muntyoftaneesand abate laws MECHANICAL IEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID. relating to building mnstruction, and hereby authortne representatives of this dty to enter up on the above-mentbnel property for Wpectloo purposes. Me) agm to save, bdcmnity an d E p harmless the City of Cu pea bo ALTERORADDTOMECIL Date RecCl t# P ageiret llebBitfs,}dgmeraa,mate aniexpenses which may In any way ameue .8a lrm uld Ctry in conseque., fthe ming this pe �Qvr► 61uo�, � ,/� AIR HANDLING UNIT ITO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: -Q AR "° NG NTrowla000cMn CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigoature of Appli=t/CaaID'ater Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DICT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HATARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT CFO lm,(IOO BTU) Will the applicant «future bulidbg oaupant mom or handk lxvrdwe Cede, material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Ce, Chapter 9.1; and the Date ReceiIq HEATING UNIT (OVER 10,000 BTR) TOTAL: EYee N No kahh and Safety Code Section 8532(.)7 VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE REND) ISSUANCEDATE PAID,' A f P1 1CAID,' ZJBl the appBcam or future building o pant use equipment or devkos whish emit loi.daus air romanct.ms as dell rad by the Bay Arca Nr Quality Management District? 4Yes ❑F� No hevenadthe ha cuamaterials nNuirementsunder Chapter 695of BOILER.COMP OHP OR 10,000 Bra) BOM COMP(OVER10,000BTU) the GB!«nth thatf t h h Safety Code, Sectbns 755(5, 25533 and SSM. I undersnMi(the building does era mrmntly have •tenant tbtltIsny iespovlblllty to nd«y the oavpant of the requlrementa which rtup be met ftyT t: /% N !-yU NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. - SQFI primto Wuanmde C< fhteofomrpancy. ,.�L Ati yyl,I in?TfID(1 14� ISSUED BY: �./"w� t 1�`)Fas�S/�a✓V. Owner«author .Iy,m Date TOTAL OFFICE COPY