199700 � N Q j W O CL 7 U_ LL L) Ow � a F N Z U— APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bulldl Pr. en Idemifintlm Building Addman: - PF1th9T NO. " 1.,'Sao C_e{Sto DV_ 3 3 s -r P 19970 me. Kajl{ CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT 'O SCJ C-om7tName: Lk.Nce lii{.I-7 BUILDINGELECiRICA1,PLUMBINGhfECHAI%rICAL GTfS,OftY COMROI.I AnhRect/En nee QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Addrem (gyp IbU PERM]TIS'SUANCE 1Q{ ❑ ❑ ❑ I� LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am lkerued oderpmvWweo(Chapin9(cvnnen n7D00)oIDMkm3o/the BuMem dPmfen Code,and APPUANCESRESIDEM'IAL JOB DESCRIPTION - Brevetiesfu0 form and d"o" PANELS L4enac Clam Lk.a Date Contnct.a IMIQ2DO ANIPS DUPLF�C 201-1000 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION Iundenh niyphnahaubeu. pu Eciemds OVER1000AMP5 - C. FL�QaAQIA s/9�. F[. ELET:IWCAI, FiP LkevM professional9GN5 EY OWNEReGUILDER DECLARATION thereby afRrmthat Iamexemptfrom the ('nnttdessio Clave Mwfor the E R SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MLSC :1 IFAIP. M=OR POLE IN T��1 POWER DEVICES .' W� folbwbgrearoclutesaprml5,BuMnm aM Nofeabv Cala. Mycity.r county, whk pm wiaPera tomnateun,Wer,bnprwgdemolish, su&pr to any abueurepatement !sauces¢, abomrybnsuant t t he provisions of to IRs a dgned !element that he tv 9 (cod pursuant to the tion 7 ) of the Contractor's lXense Mw(Chapter 9 (mmmendng with Section7000)dDivi. abs and Prdsi.vC exempt therefrom and /� / SNTMMINGIOOLELECMC - VALUATION aidsInBusNeu theap haat for the alleged eeotsth a Any violation .f Saabs 7a3not m ne any Any of appli¢nl fora pearlt abjcvta the applicant to • civil penalty d not nnmtlun OU17LE S-SWITCHES-FUCIVRES f:�7 'Z'l I 3? 8 NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQFI. fivr�h1, a edl owner of the pro. i, u owner o/the property, or my empbyeea with wages u their sok oornpevadon, wllldothe work, and theatvaum b not tmerdedor offered for sale (Sec 70K Boll, and PmfesbmmLlano M ns Cade. The Coons Law ll J SIORIFS TYPE CONSTRUCTION �, 1 _ N does not apply to an owner d property who builds or Improves thereon, and whodoessuch work himaU¢through hisown employee, provided thatuch OCC.CROIJPs RES. UNITS Improvements... rest intended or.ffered for tale. If, however, thebtdWing or Improvement bwld withlnorcyearofmmpietton,the owner -builder TTI have TOTAL: R-3 tpchaHe. of proving that he did not bund or Improve purpose of nab.). I, a wvner of the Property, am ex l aively amtracting wish 11¢nad t ¢a to mralrvct the pmjea (See 7014, Bovies®and Prdmbro Cade QT -y. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PERMIT I%UANCE FLOOD ZONE APN 7T< Comraaor't Lksme Paw dm not apply to an owner of property who IstOda or Improve theseem, and who contracts t¢ such Inepo, with a oin"et¢W R¢vN pursoant to the Contraaara Live taw. LII am e erupt urdar Sec 4 P C for thb reawn ALTER DRAIN4 VET f -WATER IFJa BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE FEE SUMMARY DRAINS FIODR ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ REfm't0 ' �p_.,... Avner tie ate+ WORKMAN COMPENSATION 1` N ❑1 hereby af(bm that 1 have a ¢rtiB¢n ant to aeR Wane, ¢ a mrtifiote of Workem'Compenutlon Ircuran¢ ¢a ¢nifbd copy thersof (Sec. 3800, Mb C.) F n,6 -PFR TRAP `.A100L TAX Y_ N_ RECEIPT 4 GAS TA. SYSTEM -1 INC -4 OUTLETS PARK FEF Y_ N— Poileyt RECEIPT/ Y CASEA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES Certified copy is hereby tuMcity ID city Cci rttled espy b (fled svlth the Ivpectbn divides. CREASE/INDIISTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE _ GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE need eat be compiaed B!he pemdt b(ororc hundred dollen PAID Date RCCEI tic SEWQLSANTTARYSIORM EA. 200FT )ne Imo) (f]ID)¢Iy that of Is I ¢nor WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECIR ENERGYFEE Y N — — oy anyhe erman, anye m neerwork w to beelapembjedit employ to theed, 1 aldol nae empty any person b any manna ao u to berme �bjttx to the n Compensatbnlawad UllfamU. Dee ' PAID WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Applicant ppli NOTICE of Ferops to should berme abFct to the Worten'Compewtbn provbbv of the laoo NOTICE TOraesub Grote corarro Corcing pe saIlonf¢leislom o theL bor Code,y.anuatforthwhhmanplywithuchproW m.rthbpermitshallbe Date Rete! til NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQJT. TOTAL: BUILDING FEE 12L4 1. t% deemed revoked. SEISMIC FE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihertbyaork for Wt ht bamnstesissud(Sm3 g7, Civ. C.) perform an¢ of the work for which tab perms b !cued (sec 3097, Civ. C.) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE heMerb Name Madero Adores. 1 ¢rtlfythu I hese rtad <hbapp8¢tbnaM clots that the above Information QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE' PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: eooncM. Tagreetoccmplywlthall dyard countyordlnanmaand suRelaws PERMIT NUANCE Matingto Wilding construction, and hereby authada mpreenutiveao(thb aYtoentuupon the above-mentioned Property fee haps for purpme. (We) agree to uve, bdemnily an d Iusp harmlev the City of Cupenino agaivtllabWth,judgmenb,mMaaM espsve kh mayinanywayamue agalvt said City in mnamuence ofthe gr min dthispertulL I )WvSUBTOTAL: N 6r*,VPr 4/ ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. AIRHANDUNCUMT(TOI0,0)0CFM) Date Rmci til AIREUNDWNG UNIT(OVER la=CFhD CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature.. Appli.1/Guaaneter te EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATER ALS DISCLOSURE BEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 IM Will the applicant or tutur, building omvPart ltomorhardle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12, and the Date Recei tis HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) _ TOTAL: Healthard Safety Code Soaloo25532(a)i I—I Y. M No Ill thcappR .t¢ future building arvpirt use quipmem mdevlmt VENTILATION FAN LSINGLE RFSID) _ _--e R ISSLSANNCE DATE ntaae de(InM by 1M Bay Arca AU Itpn cit -COMP PFB'OR 100,000 BTU) QualityMahererdoueairrict? M Mavgsmem W ]N7 Yn [�� No I have read the ], z Woos materials mqultemennunderCha pter6.95of �l I U EOTLFRCOMP(OVER 100,000BTI)) the Calilomia Health k Safety Code, Sectlov 25505, 75533 and 25634. I and erata rhe that if the building does not currently have a tena est tlat it is my City 0 C11"..iUn't%.t NEWRESIDENTIALMECH, SQJT. re�povlbllity to not ify the ocenpam of the requirements which neat be met / prbr to tauarce of a CertiRo4 o/Omapamy. OILS ISSUED BY: Owner or aulhMved agent Date TOTAL OFFICE COPY