19966APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Bundles Pmect ldeminatlan Raid Ing Address: PERWIT NO. �3 c-Iz;S7,) ZG., Dv—. Up rs t6 „ PE 6- 1996 m : one: r-c�..0 ji &-,Q.OL- - CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT G –U -S'S Cmtnao/e Name: Llc. No: LtqBI111DINGdECIR1U4PLUMBINGMC�HANIGL CATFLORY CONTAOLa Archltetl/Englmer: Llc Nv/ Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO -i y-. C AdIme, 60 1 1 1. J Ft PFRMITLSSUANCEPLUM6 MUCH l� [:][—] ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that lam lkeved under provlsbn. of Chapter 9(®rimen Ing with Section 7000) of Dlvisiou stv 3.fthe Buo es and PrefessioCode, and nyy APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIALJOB DF RITTION It.. is In full fmw and tlfe PANELS D en.c Clan C.M Dae caRTECE puPLF X Ml -1000 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION IundetMand my plan eluBbe..w mpublicrtmNa OVER 1000 AMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA $/9Q. FT. SIGNSEIECTRICAL LI¢nsed Professional - E D I N OWNERBUILDER DECLARATION Ihereby.(nrmthatlam exemptfromthe CoMratlor: Llavalaw (¢the SPMIALCIR=/MI9C . T - . 7�{P.METEROR POLE INST. OM ]OWER DEVICES - SWIMMING IDOL ELECI'ItIC following rtewn.(Sea1m 700 I5, Buelnm and Aofmbv Cade: Myclty or countywhlehrequbena permhtoromtvtl, alter, Improw,demolish,orrepalr anyemmmprinir beuame.sb requimthe.ppBantf¢mchpermdtto file a signed statement the he ls paved pursuant to the provisioro of the Contractor's Lleenae Law (Chapter 9 (amnencing with Seabn 7000) of Dlvl- sion3of the Busineseand Prdmlov Code).rthH hebeumptthere(mmard R Q • /3 / 9a� VALUATION - thebaafafortheallegedesemptlm. My violation of Sectbn 7WIS by any appfiant(or•pemJt aubJecb the.pplkatto. tlWl pevhy dn¢mort Hun OUTLETSSW[TCHESFLYfURFS aL. Oa NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR �'�'' flvc�urndnd dollars ($50M. UI, a owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their note J STORIES TYPECONSTRUCTION' mor"ounket, will d.tle work ad the rtvlure Is out, indended or affemd for ale (Sec 70K Basions and Profmbna Code: The CMm .tloe. Lame Law —� don notapply roan m,.f propenywho bulNeorimprovn therroRand doessuehworkim hself ¢through Ma.wnemploym, provded that such OCC GROIII' RES UNITS Improvememsee not Intended .,offeredfor see. l4 however, thebulldin8 or me Impmventbwldw hlnomrarofcompletbn,theavne Wilderwlllluve - TOTAL: It - 2-3 t ben of proving the he did not bund or Improve fee purpone of ala.). L as owner of the Property, am exekasweiy mntncting with Ifaved n m us" to vtrad the project(Sec 70K Rusinmdmbru and P,Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE PFltMIT��� FIAOD ZONE APN The Contnnoes Llrerus Law don not apply to im owner d property who bullda or Improve thenaR and who mntntla fa vreh ptojem with .• cq,j da(s)Ilao.ed Ina meant W the Contnn./s Ll¢ve low.gACK L_j I am exempt under Sec B k P C for this rtaaon ALTER -DRAIN k VENT - WATER (EA) - _ FEE SUMMARY . FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OUTSI DE FEES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. FD(.NRES PER TRAP SANITARY - Y_ N_ RECEI T 4 OwnerDate WORKMANI hawa SATIO RATION ❑I booby affirm the I have . l r r est to opytheu a a MID,�Aifiabof Worken'CanpevaHonlmura¢ma¢rtlnM ropythereof (Sec. Palk, G SCHOOLTAX Y_ N_ RE -C IF r a GAS EI. SYSTEM -1 INC4OUlI TS PARKFEE Y N I RF�maT1 GAS FA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) Goata ��rry BUILDING DIVISION FEES I ICertl(Ied ropy 6 heedjth thehM. LriJ Cenined copy Ls flled'Mth the eNy Ivpeebn dlWelon. GREASE/INDUSTL, WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP . CERTIFlUTE OF IXLTEPTION FROM WORKERS PAID gRWFR-SANITARY-STORM EA. 100FT. COMPENSATION INSURANCE (I'MsaedlonneedndbecompleteduthepermitbfroomhundreddoB m Dale Reoei t# WATERS TER W/VENT/o�.R ENERGY FEE Y_ N_ PAIDAppilrai' (sl°°)r*la`) an the wmkfor Ianoy tortoy to an personas to hlhb permit bbsued, I cork not employ any person f any minter De a t. become subject to the Wwkese'Compenatbn lawn ofGWoma. Date wAT'ER SYSTEM/rREwTlac NOTICE NOTICE TO APPLIUto the cher making perhis Cerfiartunt pro o(Eaempt a Labor should bamme.forth to the Woekers' Compevationprovbbvofthe Tail or Date Re i t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLM B. SQFT. TOTAL. Code;you ,loo forthwith amply with such provlsbv orthls permit Mall be deemed rcwked. BUILDING ME Li SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION L DING AGENCY 1 herby affirm that then Is a mvtrudlen lend Ng agency for the perform aoaoftheworkforwhkhthb permit i bus ed 6ec3097,CIv.C.) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE Lender's Naim . LeMeraadd. I certify that] have read thls mpplicetlonad state that the abm ove Informuti Iamrmd. Iagentoc mplywhh&Uc yandmuntyoH[nanae.ndg.tel . - QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relating to building rovtrutllon, and hereby auth.rlam represenatiws of thes citytoenteruponthe above-mentbned propertyfa lmpetlbn purposes. (We).grm toeave, Indemnify an d keep harrNm theCity Cu pertW ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date Recelpt# SUBTOTAL: r agalmt BabiRtln,}ydgrmnu, mn..nd openers whkh myln any wayamue agenift s cl Cay lo ennael.e.,af the graMin tMe pe fon�h 6,2LjJ/�. &YGe�j AIRHANDHNC UNTT(IO10,000CFM) AIRHANDUNGIMTE(OVERl0,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigvture.f Appnant/Gsamwm Desk Ea iA11SF HOOD(W/DLCD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: t HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DLSCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (TO 1W,(00 BTU) Will the app"m or future building.ccVpent stow or handle havrdous material as defined by tie Cupertino Muoldpe Code, Chapter 9.11, and the . Date Rttei t# HEATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTM TOTAL: IaHYesM Safety Cod, Scalaon 75531(.)? nithe appliesntm tare building oocvpant one equipment or devks wh kh end[ )uv rdm,, abcontaMvnts as defined by the Bay Area Air VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER -COMP OHP OR 100,000 BM Quality Management District? Yen No �e.�YspH BOILERCOMP(OVFJt1W,000 BIT!) have mad the luetague materials requirements under Chapter695 of • Y the California Health k SafetyCode, Setllov 25505, 2SSU and 75534. 1 ' NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQn. underarcithat lfthe boUdingdom not arrently have s tenant, that it es my rnpovlbgUy to rally the oceepantdthe retrylrtmenta whleh must be met prim to luoua. d a Certlfiatc dOmtpanry. ,a 7U .a. PJ City of 0410 ;u - ISSUED BY: fTV MC o I Ownermeithorbedagent Dale TOTAL: OFFICE COPY