19961APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 7— affirm affirm that I am Ikmaed under Ilave l.In full fore ad effM. Idmve Class Lk:.I nate coMrid., ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I underwaad my plant shall be used as public Cuda Llocnted Prefesbvl OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Cordrenor'• Llarue Law for the owing reaBon. (Seaton 70115, Buer. arta Prof elov Code: My tlty or file • signed latement that he at Braved pursuant to the pmviebm of the Contractor's Lberue Law (Chapter 9(mmmenMg with Se Ilan 9W0) of Di 4 alon 3 of the Bulnee and Pnufeabv Cade) or that he b exempt therefrom and the lista for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7MIS by any .ppBant fora permit subieee the app".t to • dvil penalty of not more tion flvthI,undred dollars (S M. u . owner of the property, or my empbym with wage as their sole osrnpevadce, wlBdothe work and thelvaua b not intended or offend for ale Su, 70µ Buetnea and Pruferbv Cade: The CoMraaora Llama law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or impmr as thereon, ard who dm ash work hlmaelf mthrtegh hie own employees, prwtded that such impownreob as not Intended or offered fee Bale. If, howas r, the bulidingor Improvement bsold within one yea rofcompletbn, the owner-bulW erwill have Xt rden of provfng that he did not build or Unprove for put rpose of Bele.). L a owner of the property, em cel aively oantrading with Named IXon in covtva the projet(Se, 70M Brims and Pmfrubm Code: The Contractor'. Lirenm Law don not apply to an owner of property who Wild. or Improve thereon, and who roMrarts for aueh projects with cgn4v�1turw Bormed pursuant to the Cantractal. Llan. Law. LJ I am eamp under Be. JB 6 P C for thio aamn ❑I hereby •f@m that I have a eerORrateof Worken'Cwnpematlo 3800, lab Q Co�mparay I I CenNed ropy b hereby fumlehed. LF`Ji Cerifird copy Is filed with the city Inspection dlvWon. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Lids section need not be completed if the peradt b ferone hundred dollars Rt 00) or ler3 I certify that in the perfomina of the work for which this permit Is bred, 1 shall not employ any pennon In any runner so as to become snbjeet to the W«kerx'Compi,.timn Lwsof GBfomla. Date AppBcent NOTICE TO APPLICANT: 11, after making thla Certifiate of Exemptio , you should become subject to the Workers' Comp<vatbn provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such Imwisbm or thio permit shall be, deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that thea b • coretvaglon lendinagency for the perform as of the work forwhkh this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097, CW. Q Leader. Name lender's Addrva 1 mrtify the] have rad thbappllratbn and steethatthe above Information h correct. I agree I. rnmply with all dty and county onBnancce and late laws relating to binding mmtvctlon, and hereby authorlm mpneenutW ofthio tlty to enter upon the abwo-mentbned Property for Wpe lcm purpoaaa. (Wr) agree to save, indemnify an it keep harrrJ m the City of Cupertiro against IlabWtka, jodgments, oora and expeva which may in any way a. Aga Wt said City b c..aque of thegnmbg p t this perm. ?"F/Wfl �4jf a %m-4%9 1<� Signature of AppBrant/Cbmrmterjf�v (—e pal--P--- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appIrmnt or future buBding ocropet store or handle h.vNous material a defired by ted C.Pedi. MuNdpa)Cade, Chapter 9.12, ad the He❑alth anSafety CodeJL—SJ�eason 25532(a)i WYn u� Blthe appBant« cure building oacvpatux equiprrcnt or devim which emit harandoue air contaminant... defined by the Bay Arca Air QueIR Mavgemend Dbtruct2 11e, �� haveradt Health& mte ode,Se rnrybemcnb5533 aChapter .1 of the Calffo t tifthkSafety Code,S mm25505,25.tandt,th.t ] andeMandthat notify theocc dont not a rrcntly loves tenant, runt b fs nary rapovBaaoe to of. cthe occupant of the requirements which nasi be rret prior to lauana of a CeNBvb of Omrpanry. Owner« autharbcd agent . Data CITY OF CUPERTINaBUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUfLDINGELECTRICAL IMUMBINGMFLFUN)CAL ELECTRIC PERMIT ELECTRICAL METER OR POLE INST. n;gLfrx� NG IDOL ELECTRIC ALTER -DRAW A: VENT- WATER (SA) BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, ARP-, COND. FIXTURES PER TRAP GAS FA. SYSTEM -1 INC4 OUTLETS CAS EA. SYSTEM-0VER 4 (EA) CREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR CREASE TRAP SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA 20 FT. WATER HEATER W/VENT/EIEC7R WAT IRSYSTEN/TREATING NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. TOTAL MECHANICAL PERMIT PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER OR ADD TO MECIL AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) AIR HANDLING UNTT (OVER 10,000 CTNO EXHAUST HOOD (W/ DUCT) HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) HFATING UNIT (OVER 100,000 BTU) VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE RESID) BOdFRCOMP OHPOR IW,RD BTU) BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BM. OFFICE COPY FEE FEE FEE I'IXhIT NO. 19961 APPLICATION SUBM= ecy CAIT;ORY CONTROL BUILDING PERMIT INFO ❑ ❑ ❑ JOB DESCRIPTION PLF_x D SQ. r�R AREA TER $/SQ. FT. s VALUATION STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION VV OCC.GROUP 2-3 RIS UNITS FLOOD ZONE APN FEE SUMMARY QUTqIDFFFVq SANITARY Y_ N RECEIPT N SCHOOL TAX Y_ N RECEIPT N PARK FEE Y_ N RIZ Env W- -BUILDING DIVISION FF. CS PLANCHECK FEE PAID Date Rani t# ENERGYFFE Y ' N PAID Date Recti t# TOTAL: BUILDING FEE SEISMIC FEE ELECTRIC FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: Date Receipt# SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCFIONTAX a CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: Date Revel t# TOTAL: ISSUANCEAATE 01��J 'City cf CIlo�rtino ISSUED BY: WE -7 1 --Na I:A