19957APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY N Building Proed ldeml(knion B 'PE'RMIT W. P� ff 19957 nae. ame:R�R'p-L=tesuT I-busl'►-� p CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION / PERMIT BUILIXNGELCC7itICALPLUMBINGMECHANICAl -y Ca�lt�nao/a Name: Lk`�Na: I OLL CD�,1GT�CTIOQ ( CATEGORY CONTROLY Arthltect/Engineer. Lk. Na QIY ELECTRICPERMFr FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address .GO —tSS b S PERMITISSUANCE �j O ❑ MECH❑ VAI LICF.NSF.D CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under Provisions of c1haper9 (camanure, ingwlth Setlbn 7000)of pvlsim3dtheeutlnesnand Rofeal«uCodq and APPLANCESRESIDENIIAL - JOB DESCRIPTION Ilceneolain fullfoimandeffM. PANELS , Limt. Clots Lica Date Ge 7R.i P1�X 201-lo)o au ARCHITECT'S ARCHITECT'S DEcugnrroN I underwnd my pbroehaObe used espublic remda OVERIWOAMPS SQ. Fr. FLOOR AREA 5/SQ, FT. lav Led Professional SIGNSELICTRICAL E D I N .. OWNERexNLDER DECLARATION IherbyaffirmthalIamexemptfromthed U TER SPECIALC RCUIT/MLSC TEMP. METER OR POLE IN5T. P.f WLicenseLw/mthe following realm. L a p 70115, Burin®ard Pro pe , CMr. My dty or pernR to ct, aitch p damolbh, or muntywhine l J p for Cosa also re a lira irm pursuattot he por such wilonsermte mit to any. Agnedu,tement he he Ne a signM tlatertent the N b licensed pursuant to the proal Wv d the Cuntndm"Lkeve law(Chapter9(mmmencing with Section 7000) of Divi- idea 3 ofthe Business and Prdembv at Code) orthheir exempt therefromand ROWER DEVICES DA `/T / i ,t SIMMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of SeGbn 70115 b/ any applicant fora permit subjects the appeant to a elvll penalty d not mo rthan OUTLPISSIVIICHESHJ(TURES 00 NEW RESIDENTIAL ELEC IZ SQFT, Ove hundred dollars (55001. ❑ 1, as owner of the property, or my empbyeas with wages as their ante STORIES TYPE CONMUCT10N cvmperaatlon, wW eto the work and thestmdure Is not intended or offend for sale C�ec:70K Bualnas and Pudesebv Cade The Contractors License Law U—N does not apply to an ower of property who builds or improves therean,and' who does such work himselfw or through his on employees, provided that arch OCC. CROUP RFS. UNITS Improvements are not Intended proffered for sale. If, however, the Willing or Imp mens bsold wlhlnovyeare!<ompletbnthe owner4nilderwlll have ' TOTAL Q'7 ��.�rden of proving that he did hat bund or Improve for purpose of salt.>. �[I I as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed 6ii Lctan to mvtroct the pmjcd (Sec 7014, Business and Pvfe®lom Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE I'FRM171�UANCE E PERMIT IWARAJN FLOOD 7D APN The Cam naves Limine law don not apply to an owner d property who Wilds or Improves thereon, and Who contnm for such plojeas with 93174+cior(s)11¢nsed pursuant to the Comrades's Lkeve Law. LJ 1 am exempt under Sec B Mason6 P for this Mason & WATER SUMMARY BAER FLOW PROTECT. DEVICEFEE QIJTSIDEFCES DRAINS FLOOR ROOF, AREA, CONT. SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEIPT Y ,s p�/'WV Owner - tle WORKMANI have afti TION Of hereby solum that 1 have o ire nca' o c sent b aeWlwrt, or a artlllc to o/Worlan'Compenaati mfmunnttorsanifled mpythereof l$ec. 3800, Iib CJ pp(.pURp� PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX - Y_ N RECERrT Y OAS EA. SYSTEM -1 INCIO(IILEIS PARKFFE Y_ N Palley 9 RECEIPT GAS FA. SYSTEM -OVER 4(FA) CRy BUILDING DIVISION FEES Certified copy b hertbyfumWed. CeN(IM mpyb Ned with the dtylrepectbn dlvlelm. - GREASE/WDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION MOM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (rhb.eetk,n fiend not b<compldM Rthe pemdt bire one nanarea sonars PAID Date 'Recel tH SEWF3YSAMTAAY SIOR.M EA 2OWT. ( 5100) or Iem3 N tha pe ra of thawmk fo b thla pemdt Ill WATER HEATER W/VENT/EIECTR ENERGY FEE Y N sot ehtl erson i ct to ttd, I ehaO not employ any peau b any manner so u b become wubjca to the as to Warkeu Cousepavatbn Iowa d G Warty. Date WATER SYSTEM/TREATING PAID n ApplicuNOTICE NOTICE TOAPPLICAM:e after not Co the CerWbte1b Exemption,you should become(eathsubject to the Workers' CorWensstlm pmvbis p of the Labor Coda dare moat forthwlth annply with such provbbv or this permit still be Date Recei t# NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. ']'O'FAI-: BUILDING dmnrd mesiad. 5EISMIC FE CONBTRUC'TION LENDING AGENCY IherebyafnrenthattherebamvtrudlonkMingage�uy lar the perfom, ceoftherkforwN Uh pemdlbb M6ec3097,Civ.C3 Lewonder'. TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE None Lender:Addems I certify the I have read this application and sonethattheabove Informatlm QTY. MECHANICAI.PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE . MECHANICAL FEE FEES PAID: Iamrrm.lagree to comply wlthaO dtyand o>unty oMWnasand tlate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE relatingto Wlldingmumtru lon,ard hereby.whorlrartpretentatfvesafthb ' dty to enter upon theaWvcrrcntbrcd propertyfor Wpectlon purposes. (We) agree to save, IndemNfy an d keep har lese the City of Cupertlno ALTFRORADDTOMECH. Date Reeel t# P agaWt habWtlro,Judgrcw,c®nard expenses whkh rvyln anywayamue n agast said City In eonsequerem of the gnming this permit. nrne,M "&�' ­sMNL(, 4,_ !y, AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: . AIRH,.NDLINGUNTT(OVER10,000CFan CONSTRUCTION TAX EXHALIST HOOD(W/DUCT CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: Signatun.f Appllaant/Cbntrae'IBF 1441 Date HAZARDOUSMATERIA sDl IOSURE HEATING UMT(TO100,000BTU) WRlthaapplkantorfuture Wedingoavpant rtareerNrdleha:aniau raterial as dMlvd by the Cupertlro Mumdpal Code, Chapter 9.1 Z and the Dare RCCCI [k' HEATING UNIT (OVER iffy" BTIA TOTAL: Hnnith and Safety CMa Section 75532(a)t TvYes�� Rl the appliamor tore Wlldingomupantuseequipmemmdevkea which emit hararduuaib oantambuaa as defied by the Bay Arta Air Management duktl�_ trOIIFR-COMP Yes ❑ No Ihave read the haamomatertabrequbb emenunderChapter6.95of the California nia ealth 6 SafetyCurie, Sexrbv 25505, ZSS33 and 25534.1 undantaM that it the Wilding don not eurrently have. tenant. that it b my reapovlbOlty to notify the oaaupant of the mcialfemema which most be met VFN77LAT10N PAN LSINGLE RESIT) ISSUANCE DATE PAID. r 'T a B OED' OR 100,000 BTIn BOILMOOMP(OVERl00081L) 00, NEW RESIDENTIAL MECN. SQ.Fr , priorto bnuamo da C<rtiliatc ofOnvpauuy. of, MiTeitino ��ax��C'..t1je ISSUEDBY:VS>S—IT•/Wil:' Owner or authorlred agent Date TOTAL OFFICE COPY