19682 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES— USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY building Pro+ect Identification PERMIT NO. Building Address: vy9K dow-e7 Ale 19682 rs ante: Phone p ,f, !�• W4A) L/Z K I �b CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISIONAm G.nt r Lk.No: APPLICATION 1 PERMIT 3 10 e M U'7 BUILDING-ELECTRICALPLUMBINGMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL N Arch teci/Engineer. Llc.No: QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERIMITINFO Add.. PERMITISSUANCE - ❑ E:1 1:1LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby ecflonAffirm that DiAsiam en3oftheuMmmandpo Chapter9(rommn APPL[ANCESRESIDENTTAL JOB DESCRI'1TON IngwlthSecdon7W0)of DlWalan3o(the Buslreea+andProleuionsCode,and e Ifmnse ie In cad effect. PANELS Limn Ch® Lich /)p'Jp UP TO 200 AM ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-1000 AMPS mO Zp Iundenland my plaruehall be used As public recordw . OVER 1000 AMT'S 'SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA f I$/SQ.FT. Licensed Professional SIGNS ELECTRICAL 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SI'ECIALCIRCUfT/ 7 E'�� Ihercbya(firm thatlam exemptfromthe Contractor's License law(or the p following reason.(SMion 7031.5,Bunlnen and Profenl...Code:'Any city or FZI.e TTMP,METER OR PO ST. 0A W � �` counlywhlch requlrma perrtdttocorutmet,alter,improve,demollshorrepalr q < anystructme prhRto its lsuance,also requlrestheapplicant forsuch permit to POWER DEVICES U Ole a signed wtemeol that he is Rcenaed pursuant to the provisions of the Q6 3 w Cnnlnct ea License law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of Divi- SVkMNG POOL VALUATION O Akm3 ofthe Buu slnnsand ProfentmCode)mthat he lsesem lherefmmand S f' G the basis for the alleged exemption. Any vlolatlon of Section 7011.5 by any O 'ISSWITCFiFS Applicant fora permit subjects the applicantto a civil penalty of not cones than N V R five hundred dollars(SM. NEW FNTIAL TR sQTT. STORIES TYPEe STRUCnoN' I,as owner l the property,or my employees with wage as their sole E,7Q coo it willdothework,and thesroctureh norIntended or License Law ^� ❑ sale(Sec. pply to an owner of propeProxfsolonrty who builds CImproves person Law d.esnot applytornownelofproughhisonemorlmproovidethnand OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS who does such ntsworkNmse intef on nded hleowne.If,ho evertheed that gigot ImpmvementsAre not Intended earofc pleio If,h mer-buflderiklingoe TOTAL: improvementatuld wlthlnoneyearo(completion,lheowner-bu0derwlllluve ' t rdenof provingthat he did not build.,Improve f.rpurposeofsale.). QTY. PVIMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN Ll I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed PERM1137799DANCE - rontncton to construct the project(Sec.7044,Business ami I'mfmalc m Cade: The Contractor's License Taw don not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT--WATER ffN Wilds or fmprovn thereon,and who contra for such pt.jects with a FEE SUMMARY co 14) pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE I_J 1 am exempt under Sec B&P C for this reawn DRAINS FLOOR RECEI'f X OUTS1 no ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY Y— N Owner Date =. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑I hereby affirm that I have a mrtlBcate of consent to self-moanFIXTURES PER TRAP Sp{OOL FAX Y N,or RECEU'T N mrtiflnteofWorkqers'Cqomper/Jtim�1lruuranmoramrt^ifWmpythereof(Sec. GAS F.A.SYSTEM-1 NC.40UTLE15 PARK FEE Y N RECEIPT Cm anV lOR� a81.�Ma9.[� CAS EA.SYSI'FM-0VFRd(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES oECertlfled ropy 1. ❑Certlfled copy with thherebytthe de ty city Inspection division.- CREASE/NDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR ' PLANCHECKFEE - _ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GREASETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER.SANTrARY.SORM EA.200FT. ' (TMs section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars Date RCtfl I# ($100)or lees.) WATER HEATER W/VENT/E.ECTR ENERGY FEE Y_ N I cerlmfythat N mit the performance of the work forwhich this perIs timed, I shall not employ any person in any manner m as to become subject to theWATER SYSTEM/TREATING Workers Compensation Laws of California.Date PAID e 0 Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB._SQFT. Date RLroI# Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after nuking t his Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject t.the Workrse 'C°mpemsatlon provisions of the Labor TOTAL: LO Code,you at forthwith comply with such provisions or that perodt shall be BUILDING 0p W > deemed revoked. CL CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE Ihembyaffl thatthereisa mrehuction lending agency for the perform TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z anon of the workfor which this permit at Issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) U O Lender.Name PLUMBING FEE LLY= Leader.Address QTY.I MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE ImRffythatl have read this application and statethatthe above information 0 W 1 iscorrect.Iagreet°complywlth all eityand countyonlinancesand nate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: >. N relating tobulkhagmrutruction,and herebyauth.rlae represen/ativesofthL9 I.- Z city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purpose. ALTER OR ADDTO MECH. Date ReCel t# V — (We)agree to save,Indemnify an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,pdgments,costa and expenses which maylnanywaya a AIR HANDLING UNIT Q010,0D0 CFM) - SUBTOTAL: agal dCity in con uquei M ntin o(I 1.permit. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER I0,DXCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX 51 gWdmof Applicant/Conor or Dat EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUC'D CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARD S MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Willtheapplcaotorfu re building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(M ID),000 BTU) Date Recel t# miterlal as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code Section 2S532(a)? HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTI) TOTAL: Z rt ❑Yes nt No U0y Will the applies, pplicaor lure building occupant use Nulpment ordevicos VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISJ A dDATE which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air rM M Q+a Illy Management District? BOILER-COMP UHP OR 100,000 BTU) I I ex 9aueomateriabnquirements under Chat pter6.95°f BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) MAR 081990 ve mad the hazy the Callfomla Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. 1 4 understand that if the building doe.not currently have a tenant,that it is my NEW RESDEMTAL MECH. SQ.FT. onFausibllity,to notify the compact°f the requirements which=at met ��E Af�qn--4iBn rm Issuance da Cart of pa t--- e D '/f 1 eermauthoriz<dage to ISSUEDBY._.��6 v`uC`1 TOTAL: ` OFFICE COPY I