02090070 OF CI BUILDING DIIVIISSIIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE , JEFFREY JOHNSON & DOL RES 09/11/2002 (� PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. t] O ARCHITECTENGINEER: a BUILDING PERMIT INFO g .2 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH a r'"� r-U f__U L---I S m = LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description z_C 1 hereby Boren this 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9lcomoraving rn t- wish Section 7000)efDim,iea3of the Business and Profession,Code,and my license 2xf� iamfall form ad effect. TEMP POWER re c U Liecnsc ClassLic.a Date Comracmr Iet_ r ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION to I understand my plans shall W used as public rtcoods 3 i p O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION tan��-'w I hereby affirm that 1 am evempl from the Commctm's License law for the ?Cfollowing reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Codc:Any cis,memory which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure C 2 5 ria-,ca p' toksmrttt.alsorequimthc applicant fur smh permino flea sigrtM summent ____ _ $ n'3- f ncing i(pdnuembtMe .fDsii,i.ftM1elhnRuaors License L.w,i.napmr9 _- cooinmcncis 1hSccrgn80W ofDivisionortheaBmidraandii.AnyviCao) " rf"1tV S FL, Valuation that he rs 9i or tM1ni lie is eielnpt thcrtfiom and she basis for the alleged ucmptiov.Any violation 't\ "32 '3 2 O 120`62-.'�(]"ti �-')'t 1)}"S -of Section than v anyapplicant Pora500). subja¢she applicantmacivil penalty' infant more than five naaarea dollars asw). APN Number Occupancy Type ❑Lasnwnnrnnnepmpenr.urmrempmyeeawitnwvse,astneir,nlecnmpee,aslem 103 - UFER will do the work:and the suacmre is not intended or offered for sale(Sri.7000 - Busincss and Professions Cale:The Conimnnr s License Law does not apply to an a Ulre resp ctions'­"" 0 caner of pm,m,Who Wilds m improves thrown,and who does such work himself ar er through h m ever.t provided Nm suchimprovement.,kt ended or oRc df '. 1 If.Ftwever the building - __. ..._.-. .. .._........ ..... _..... ._-. -....... _. _ _. _._... _._..___... ger mph of Prov s W.,thin et year of compos,fiv the uwneo.11der will have the W Men of proving that he did net Wild or ' improve for purpose of sale.). ' O 1 - f thepmpcnY exclusively contracting with licensed tractors to � - - _ - —- construct theproject(S 70W Business nd Profe.s o s Cad )The Cont ter s ;;1't r J., t. II' Lice L d of apply 11) ne ofp pony h Wild. r improve,thereon FORMAL I � and who `_cath tact res)licensed ant to.the _�O_ "�'^te!?� Cyntroctor Lt p 1, \ P �r contracts or s c is Mo. t ndcrS B&PCTs this reason ,. o,r9, �� �t_t o_ OCT 04"2002 WORKER'SCOM ON DECLARATION IM1erehy affirm under cenahy of pcjuiy otic or Ne following dmlamtionr. BUILDING ?(� O 1 have and will maintani Cenificdte of Consent to sel6insmc for Worker's LLiitl7N�,l Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfmmance.f the work for which this permit is issued.. , 111 h d will maintain W ker's Coinpe s t o 1 'ounce a.mg6imd by Section 3700 f he Labor Code for the peAoimance of the work%f M1 ch this permit is issued.My Worker's Compensation Insurance tamer and Policy n mbc ere: ," Cam Is d. f:'"t '.' t 1'erPoliyN. .~: 1 't P: :f tCE nFICATIONOFuEMPTIONFROMwORKERS;.. s i eY } :bt I- 1 S, fp, 1 r St_,. '•:i, n. .I. deed CO�ENSv nedNf the pc Aunfao hltdredd _ r` (Thstilt ollars ..r t tilt Jill' o. , \ ( tlr .U(:,r'1. "Is 51 W1 I ) - Co - ,. ...-....., ,. I _ ., I nfy iht in the r. I of the kf hich th pc 'i issuedI """"^`•«.-.,- ly h W rkers stall t , ploy anY,ce y ne t be< e V 19pc t La�wS of C l f m m ICE TO-Zi�L ANT If ft rk gn this rtf to of E pun You broad bcco abjecit theWorker's Compensation p ions of the LaW Code.You ua s 1' Q 0 faith nhcomply with so on P rovisionso r th perm t shall W deemed resolved, ''CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY -. '" " � I' 1 ;n. T I '1 '„rll -----� Ib by ffrin th nh viva n I d ng igen y f the pert oma toe p: .1. . -t.t ,r •. t t. of th<work for which this pc is issued(S' 309] Civ.C)_ G..Q Lender's Nm ae ' , r . _ .. _ ._ _.. ...-u. ......_ - ..__._.-_..._^_-_. ............. U-z 0 1.6d!r',s,Addnry I cortify tM1 t l have nouddri,applicationd thate,hu the hove information is kT+ E.t comet( 1 gme to comply with all rity'rand county,orodinturaces and state laws rdaung �.0 to budding conatmcton and hereby autnorze mpmsentatves of this city to enter upon jjj ;a...,(a] the ata e t o d propend far inspection p ryoses. [-r 4 U g tos demmand k phamnlestheCty fCpen egainrt iZI liabilities.judgts,costs d expanses h h y y y ga rest saidZ Ctry ' c sequ 'ce of theg..,,a,of this pe h. PP CANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLYWTf T Oh POINT cUL ons - Issued by; Date tAllAI Vnr �I-f1-02 Signal=o pplrtar omractor •• Date Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE call the applicant o future b ild ng pant storeor handle hi” neo el Type of.Roof _ - tlef e0 by the Cucen M cJJpal Cod Chalts,9 12and theHealth end Safety - Code S t 255J (1 \1 X11 L' \, 4 •_ iii s 1 .. OY t \ IJJN ITI YP he h - t t '.) ' �) 1C, , _All.roofs shall be inspectedprior,to.any-roofing material being installed.._ .11 Will she applicant to.Wilding he int useBayAiica p uidayMan9 wmcn If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an inspection,'I'a agree' remove all non- oint source re ulations. B ten h raMo rote ¢a d f ed by th B y A g Q 1 ty M gement °ia`r° all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will cote 1 with ❑Yes - No j - PY. -. r1 1 .. B .t.:'e . !in ave rend the h znrdous materials reqs remcros'und r Chapter 6.95 of the p r 'ti FIs Celifoma Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505.35533 and 25530:I understand that if the Wildingdd snm cumcnd have.amount, it is . Y my responsibility anaifY the &cups t f @e iequi¢mems which insist be met p - to issue a of a Cenifcete of. °°0a P ry, or Signature of App licantDale I :n ..use . - ... ._. .. ... . .-_ ..-- _.. ... atnor aced agent n All roof coverings to be Class,`B or;better ` ...' ., 1. .Y d ! ......