25158 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES< USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO ml,lou •L A PERMITNO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 25158 tlUILDIN(:PROJECTIDENTIFICATION BUILDINGADDRESS: o SANITARY NO. APPLICATIIOONSUBMITTALDATE 3 UNIT# LOT ERS NAMER'S NAME: LIC NO: IIkP L ,•C � NIC CONTROL# RCHITE /ENGINEER: LIC NO: ADDRESS: ❑ CONTACT: PHONE: QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELE PLUMB MECH PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION Metz I herebyaffirmlhet l am licensed underprovisions of Chapter9(commencing with ❑OO Section]000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Coda and my license is in PANELS ;yfWE full force and effect. FZw License Class Lic.# UPT02WAMPS ee<a Dam Contractor 201-1000 AMPS ZFyZ ARCHITECTS DECLARATION SQ.IT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. OO OVER 1000AMPS O Z—A I undersand my plans shill be used us public records. CY� SIGNS ELECTRICAL Ca ..1 Licensed Professional Was< OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC. Xis U I hereby off.that l am aman,t from the Contractors License Taw for the to3R.ti¢ following reaam.(Section 7031.5.Business end Professions Cade:Anyciry.county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. t O J which requires a permit to consumer.alter,improve,demolish,or repair my structure Sst't^s�Y� prior to its issuunce,imrequire,theipplicmt famch permit to rile aligned statement POWER DEVICES pJ C<OK than he is licensed pursuant to the provisio.of the Contractor's License law,(Chapter Li�LL 9(cotmnencing with Section70(0)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Predestine.Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION y_oe orthat be is exempt therefrom unit the basis for the alleged exemption.Anyviclationof p FZQ Section 7031.5 by my applicant for a permit subjects the spattered to a civil penalty of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES EjG not mom than five hundred dollars($50(t). NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECIR _SQ,FT, STORIES TYPECONSTRUCDON p1 m ❑ I,usownerofthepropeny,ormyemployeeswithwagesastheirsolecompensation, y3_ will dorhework.mdthe atoctuteisnm intendedoroffered forside(Sac,17(A4,Business and Professions Code:The Contractors Limese law docs not apply to an owner of property who builds m improves thereon,end who rices such work himxlf nr though his OCC.GROUP ownemployeca,providecithat such improveemsaenot interaedoffered fertile.If, mor0.15.UNITS however.the building orimproverent is sold within one yew ofcompletion,the owner- TOTAL: builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of W<.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ Les rject(Sec.7 em sites irontraaing wishde:)n Cmitrmnto construct theProjectno,apply to luno Busowner of pe Professions Code:)The Conbwmr's License law dcesnot epplyroanowcerof popery who builds m impovesthcreon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE who contracts for such projects with a conlmctor(s)I ieensed puauant o the Convector s - 1 L taros L w. ALTER-URA(N& T 1'R ) FEE SUMMARY \ ❑ I nn exempt undo See. .B R P C for this reason OUTS' LADE BACK FLOW PRO' CT. 6 1 ITAR YN Owner Data RECEIPT# DRAINS-FLOOR, REIrE WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION C L A% YN ❑ Thereby affirm thmtlhaveacenificere mfcmnsem to self-insure,orecenifimte of FIXTURES-PER TRAP RECEIPT'# Wmrkcn'Compenution lnsuran<emecertifcd copy rhereoF(Sec.3800,Lab C.)which PARKFE YN covers ill unpbym's under this permit. GAS-EA.SY 1 M-11 .4 RECEIPI'p Policy# BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company - GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4GEA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ CcnificalmpyisherebyfumishW. ❑ Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. GREASFJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEEL CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need posts,completed if the permit is(atone hundred dollars($100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200FP. ENERGY FEE or lest.) I cenifythar in the performance of the..,it for which this permit is issued,Ishall WATER HHATF,R W/VENT/ELECTR not employ any person in any meanerasto cram,subject m the Wmk,m PAID ComweDate Receipt It irst Iawsof Califsrme Da• 6ef�' WATER SYSIEMIDUL TING zx. Applicant e�✓—�D_u NOTICETO APPL NT:ILaftermmking thins enifictiomf Exemption,you should NEW RMIDENTIALPLM13 SQ.FT. TOTAL: ,r V) become subjauo Ne Workers Compmeation provisions oflhe Labor Cede.yoummt P� 5 Forthwith comply with such provisions or this pernir shall be deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE 12.1 " A CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE I hereby affirm then there is i mad(Sm.3 lending agency Ibr the performance of V O TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE the work for which tMs Details is issued(Sec.3097.Civ.C.) Lenders Name fi � Lendera Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FLEE PLUMBING FEB I<enidy Net I have read this application and state that the above information is MECHANICAL FEE a reset.l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE building construction,and hereby mthoriu representatives ofthis city menter upon the U Z above-mentioned prop arty for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We)agree to save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in my way accrue against said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) in f the gree ting of Nis er 1. c emcee AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,"CFM) 'ippatu of Ap wMConuaaor pts EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUC1) PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS $CLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO 100k000 BTU) Date Receipt# Will the applicant or future building occupant start or handle limitations material TOTAL: S as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety HEATING UNIT(OVER I M,W B'TU) Code,Section 25532(,)7 VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) El Yen ❑No BOILER-COMP I3HP OR l0JW BTU) f SSUANCE DATE Will the acomarmmrfamrt building by the .eequipmcn Qualitc Martaghemit I o Z heaardo. air cmtammanu m defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Maragencm BOILER-COMP(OVER 100.00)BTU) (/�/A, Disrriut7 v'Y ❑Yea ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH.—SQ.FT. 1 have read the hmvrdous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the n't4h 1993 Gdifar..ia health d:gafwy Cute,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534. 1 undemand that `Ur othebuildingdoes not currently have etemnt,dent it ismynesponsibility roundly the occupant of the regairemeats which must be met prior to sentence of a Certificate of Occupancy. Owner or authonxed agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: