03040078 CITY OF CUPEWrINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT C0NTRACTO, RINFORM, 40 . RUI},DINp ADDRFS$.ESTON DR BLOOMFIELD CUSTOM MASONRY PERMITNo.03040078 OW 'KARLSTEN 6471 LITTLE FALLS DR . PERMITLSUBQA�5/2003 . E' 4083231111 SANITARY N101.4 CONTROL N0. ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 ±o ii LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I¢ 1 Mreby affirm that I am licensed under provisions Of CMPIer 9(commencing p < with Section 7")ofDivisionSofNeBusinessandPrurcem.Codc,andmylicense is FIIiB�►L.E® 4 in full farce and c fee ,/ �V Eve ucenaa clas Lica^ REBUILD FIREPLACE/FOUNDATION iF Dau Cantr r FA CTS A ION APR 2 1 2003 I understand my you mail be used u public records Ya Licensed Pm(cuianal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION BUILDING UI DING C 0 2 I hereby mount.sect Nat 11. exempt from IM fe Contractors License c Law for tM a"w�/ f. 1 Y�rl p 0 following apeon it t Ro s 5.Business and improve euirnu Code:Any oily or county 5$ which its imu a permit re construct,alter,applicant forse,h Permit t or mash any structure -iy priamns;iccn ma,also ntu,thathe ovisio soothe Conrutor's Tensele a nednaument ss< that heincing and Auction 7 )of Division of the Contractor's (ChaptersCode) 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area $y j' I6�IOn �Fp that he Is exempth Section and the hasisofr of the Rusinusandon.An vi Code)or Y $ Nu io 7 31.5 b them(rom and or baso for be alleged gumption,Any it penalty of Section ads more 0.1..any undredapplicant oll..( ermltmbjecu Ne applieanua aeivil penalty of 39gDj VOIP�er00 Occupancy Type not more Nan rw hundred Oollan(5500). 0 1,a owner of Ne pmpeny,w my cmploym with wages u Nair rule compensadon, willdo the worli thesweurt 4nm intended ararfemd fmaak(Sec.7044.Botilusa and 101 - FOUNDF} jTd Inspections Profeaaiana u Code:The Commodes License Law does.1 apply an owner of Property who Wildsorimpmws thercon,and whodoes such work himml(or through his 102 - PIERS own employees,provided that such improvemenu aro not intended oraReud for tele.If. lO3 — UFER however,the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion,Ne owner, builder will have the burden of praying Nat he did not build or improv fter purpose of 104 — REBAR axle.). 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS ❑L u owner of property..a.Business mod,anelyd comramins with licensed1 MC Contractor's Li. i. contract doesprojectapply toaOwneofproprty who wilds Ca orOThe Constend.Li 106 — SEWER & WATER censwho conwdocsootapply man who aofpmpeny whored partum ad sComon,and . 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING who contracts for ouch Projects with a canlncmrta)licensed pursuant m Ne Contramota Law. 01 am 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL D roue exempt under w Sec .B&PCfor thisran 204 - UNDERFLOOR FRAME net Data- WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION I Mmby strum under Penalty of Perjury one of the following declarations: 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING ` 1 haw and will maintain a Certificate o(Consem in self-insure for Wartrts Campcm 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER sada.,as provided for by Section 3700 of he labor Code,for tax performance of the 303 - ROUGH .MECHANICAL work for which Nis permit is issued. 0 1 haw and will maintain Workers Compensation iuwarm.as refund by Section 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL 3700 of Ne labor Code,for the performance of the wort for which Nis permit is issued. 305 — FRAME My Workers Compensation lnmnnce carrier and Polity numbe u: v 4 /�t 306 - HOEDOWNS Cartier CEERTIFICATEOFE%EMPf10NFROM` ORKERS' y ��J� 307 - INSULATION COMPENSATION INSURANCE 308 - SHEETROCK or Ices.) (Tho section need not he completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars gI W) 309 - EXTERIOR LATH 1 cenify that in the PaTrOmuue of use work for which this permit is imwd,l shall not 310 .- INTERIOR LATH . employ any person in any marmot m u m become subject m the Worsen'Compcuation 311 — SCRATCH COAT Law a of Califamia Date Applicant 313 - ROOF NAIL NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY become subject in the Worker's Compensation provisions or the L mar Cabe,you must 7z forthwith comply with such prnvisinuorthis pcmtiishallbedeemed revoked. 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 40 y CONSTRUCf10NLENDING AGENCY 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY I hereby affirm that Non is a construction lending agency for the perrommea of x > the work far wNbhthis Permitisissued(Sec.30)7.CN,C.) 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY O snderaName " 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL s Under'sAddret 506 - GAS TEST rremss Q I certify Nat I have reed Nis application and suss Nat theabow information o y coct.Iamettocomplywithallcityandcountyondinaandsoulawsreiningm 507 - FINAL PLUMBING Vbuilding contraction,and hereby rothnind mpmlcuMiws of Nit city ro enurupan the FIN L MEC ICAL above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. XTN tiG (We)agree to saw,indemnify and keep harmlcu the City Or Cupertino against - 0 9 F I ti rq Ilabit itica,judgmcnu,Com xpcns ich may lm any way eccmc against said City 5 NG ;)7 in cnnoil eco a IinB u(I ' Pc il. APPLICANT STANDS D W L COMPLY WITH ALL NON POINT Issued by: C WORKSDate Rc u n Re-roofs Sgnvurc or ApplicanUContrumr Dau HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will the applicant or future building occupant sum or handle harallous material as donned by de Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.13.and the Health and Safety Code,Section 255320)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. 0Yca �4u Will the applicant ar future building Occupant use equipment Or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove It hovordous air conumimanu.0 darned by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? OYet 7k. I have read tM havadnuamaterlalam uirtm T underChapar6.95ofNeCalifor- niaHcalN@SafmyC d SOS 3 2553d.l undcrsund thuifNc Wilting Joos not curremb h c Na u spouibility u artily the oceuput of the mil u k' met r ancear.CnUruateororcapany. Signature of Applicant Date ow car at arivadagem ^6 All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better