23067 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project identification PFRMITNO. Building Add ma: 23067 � U� S ���/Dr ' wTr ners sail: V� p t nne:a CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION A A A cnnmacterr, a `D Lt..N. APPLICATION /PERMIT 1Z' 'meq • 4 /.SSG r BUfLDINGE,FCTRICAL-PLUMBINC MWHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL N Architaa/Enguat,.. Lk.Na u< 3.yY [tuck rs * s.-ra.r a, z„u7. 'BUILDING PERMIT.INFO -' PC= MULTI QTY �t. ,„ -FELECI'RiCPERMTI' m -'"FEE �,N - Add. PERMITISSUANCE 1¢ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACrOR'S D LARATION 4P Ih'by affirm that l am licensed under p laiessol Chapter9(mmmenc- APPLIANCESRESTDENTTAL ]OB DEKZPnON _ ingwe is In Jon7U)ondivfect. heli andlarofeWovCode,wd my /rte 1s�(—�.a.j�]^ Cs•�f license bin full FrZ and effect. PANELS Llcen Lh or ,17 Date Cdradgr UP TO 2DO AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-IOW AMPS q00 u pre I understand my plane shall be used public cords. OVERI(DOAMPS SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA f/SQ.Ff. a E Licensed PmfeweLmal SIGNS ELECTRICAL WNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUTT/MISC •s„�Z I herebyaffirmtbOm atI am exempt frothe Contreaor's License Lawfarthe op following reasat.(Section 78715,Business and limitations Code:My city or TEMP.MEIIR ORPOLE AST. :o countywhichrequWs issuance,ms,requirsthe improve,b=tfordemolish,permit ir to j anyNvaure prior tationo lb issuance,theis llsg requires pursuant to the fmsuch ions of tt a POWER DEVICES file•signed aatsmeLathat he b r 9(coo pursuant it the provisions of the j6Ou Contrucors License Lw(CNpter9(mmrrcncin with Beaton 7000)o(Divl- VALUATION 05 Non3 of the Business and Pro/eubnsCode)orthatt he is exemptthere(romand SWIM'WNG POOL ELECIWC J T<f the bub far the alleged exempt Violation a!Section 78115 by any OUTLETSSNTT'CFIFSFTXfURFS -• O 1 v 5”, applicant for a permit subjects the applicant m a civil penalty of net more than U qq� fi=e undyed dollars NSM. NEW AF500EN17AL ELFLTR SQFr. STORIES =CONSTRUCTION (a - L j L u owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sok ZH^ cempewtion,wWdothe work.andtheahuaurs is not Wended or offered for C C O sale(Sec 7064,Bustmas and Professions Cade:The Cont adoes License Taw $ don notapply to an owner of property who builds or improve the.,and OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS u who doessucb workhlmself orthmugh Nativism employees,provided that such improvements are not Intended oro8ered for sale.IL however,the building or TOTAL: Wpravementbwldwithinoneynrofcomplet Ntheowner-Wllderwillhaw . ti;*.rden of proving that he dim rot build or improve for purpose ofsale.). QTY:. ` t""W'4^'PLUMBING PERMIT;"''?^k,:,>�TEE* FLOOD ZONE APN Lj L as owner of the Property,am exciwively contracting with licensed ppRMITISSUMrCE .�..e mntrsdan[o mramed the project(Sec 7014,Business and Professloa Code: The Contractor's License Law dm not apply to w owner m property who ALTER DRAIN 8:VENT•WATER(PA) bulls or Improve thereon,and who contracts for such plojeces with a f�-•a-'a^�q,,-(- �q¢t(udor(N licensed pursuant to the Contraanri License Law. w.:.�._6v.:P::+=,!_.r'FEEjSUMMARY,}"A,r^FC;.;.; LJ I am exem)rt under Sac 8&P C for this regain Bs«FLOW PROTECT.DEVICETS IDP FEES Oil Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY RECE N rte' WORIMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ F11 hereby of irm that I have•centfiomss te o!cnt to ulf-Inwrc,or a F'DCISJRFS PER TRAPRECEIPT N mrtdicateofWorkeWCompevatim Imuranmora cerviflodmpythereo((S.. GAS EA.SYSTFM-1 AC40UILMS PARKFEE Y_ N_ 3800,lAb C.) RECEIPT M m any S PaI GAEA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES Com Certified copy is hereby furnished. CREASE/BJDASIEINTFRCEPTOR- n aP)kCHECK FEE F1 Certified copy la filed with the city inspection division. _ V Ie 1 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP COMPENSATION INSURANCE _ Y a. Date Recel t# O7dseectian need net be completed B the permit later one hundred dollars SEWEILSANITARVr\STORM EA'200Fr' - (5100)orlessJ WATERHEA W/V�NT[ELEC7R Fr RG FEE Y_ N_ IceMfythac tsthe pedomance of the wok lgrwto beco pemniHeltothe / A I shall not employ any person in any manner w as to hecnme wbjed to the WATER TREAI7NG —---- PAID-- Wokers'CompenuHonLawsofCaWomb.Date OZ Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFr. Date Rece1 t# Z O NOTICETO APPLICANT.If,after makingthla Certificate of Exemption,you TOTAL: should become subject to the Worker'Compensation provisions of the Labor LO Code,you neat forthwith comply with such provisions orthla permit sball be BUILDING FEE LU _ deemed rooked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMICCTRL FEE CL Z Ihfth.w firms tlherelaammtvctinud(Ses, 097,Ci .Cj peaomt ELECTRIC FEE 70TA i� Z audiee.ework forwWch this pemdtlalswed(See 3097,CIv.CJ _ LL Lenders Addrcu Q7X'>^'?"'.M6CEiANICAI PERMIT•>„;,? '2FfiE`, PLUMBING FEE LL tion MECHANICAL FEE 0U omiI all to averead is with p8utlanand dcountyordinances edgat laws O W barred.building complywnh allcityhereby auntyice representatives gate PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: 8' relatingto to abvMoryanddproprty otlnreprexnpurpsof this N city enter apt the above-mill, ned property inspection of Cup s. ALTER OR ADDTD MECH.Z Date Recei t# ;1 (Wd agree t save,Indemnity an d keep harmlen the City of Cupertino V agaWtliabB es js�nb,coNsan(l ezpenus which may In anywayamve AIR HANDLING[NIT(TO 10,000 CFM) � SUBTOTAL: against sal C segu, of the granting of this permit. � ;/9 . �� AIR HANDLING uNTr rovER lB,000cFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signatu o(Appecant/Contractor a EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or hand Is haaardous HEATING UNIT CTO 100,000 BTU) Date Recei t# material as defirud by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code�+.-S�edion 25532(.)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,00)BTU) TOTAL: ❑ L Y. _I No Will the applicant orfuture building occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit harurdous air cantamirants as defined by the Bay Area Air P� a5 Qua lily Management D❑istrict? BOMER{OMP OHP OR 100,000 BTU) P A � D 4 Y. H No have read the Raza o�muterbls requirements under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100.000 BTU) DEC •, the CalifombHealth&Sa! Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 1991 understand that if the building don not currently have a tenant,that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFr rnpouibdily to notify the occupant of the requirements whkh must be met prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ^IIY Uf VUNCt(I114V Owner or authorized agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY