03030071DrU 50� 02 V �r Ov r az UC LyoE Lv � V U� CITY OF CUPERTINO "�"•�' 3a •"^� " `'"" ` '� �' ���O�'.-`'�'�i.i<•1�����`.�M�•�,IQ� BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT - 1£ J`i '4L'"�':'j,.Y�^.(lNi'u, M.eC BUILDINO ADDRESS: GREEN FIELD PLUMBING PERMrr NO. OINEWSNAME: 3513 MADRID DR Q A LEE C R' (408) 946-5150 SANRARYN 0 OL NO. ARCHITSICTAINOINEER: - BUILDING PERMIT INFO ALDO ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lb Description o P 1 hereby afNm that I xm licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing - with Section 7000) afDivldon 3 of the Businesx and ProRNme Code. And my license i+ In full fame F I N A I..E D and a ea ueeataw_j tae.«?T f- REPIPE 2 FULL BATHS. Dam ARCHITECTS DECLARATION MAR O 2003 wu 1 understand my plana "I be ed public mcnrds 1"Q' : - - BUILDING Uc%mmd Pmf ngirmal 1 hereby AM= th IN+m exempetmm theontnOoe. License Law for the following moon. (Sudan 7031.4 Business and ProfeWau Cale: Any city Or county - which requires a permit b construct, alcor, improve, demalbh, lir Pepair any nrucmrc prior W its issuance, also requires the applic rm for such permil to Ole asigned memenl that he is licensed to Na previsions of the Contracmra License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area h�✓�1 100 - punuatn (commcaing with Scetlon7000) of Division 3 of the Busineuand Pfafeuiow Code) or Y, that he b exempt therefrom and the bub for, the alleged exemption. MY vlDladon of E�,,i, wwiir7+�s{.�� 3AM V 94LVK 0 0 Occupancy Type Semlon 7031.5 by any Applicants for a permit wbjects the applicant W a civil penalty Of not mart Nu ire hundred doldn ($500). ❑ I. as owger or" property. army employees with mages u Nei wkCompeglatnn, ��Trrr777kkAaaa ��T _ t]]\jl]ER4&()Rd E RJVG willdo the work, and theawmurtbtwtinsended moRemd foraaW(Sec. 7044, Business and Prefeusimu Cade: The Camedors Liaise Law does not apply W u owner of though his `97LL`s`+`s�"`' I pNjA1r° 301 - ROUGH P UMIG present, who Wilds or Wprevva therton. and who does work himselfas own employen, provided that each Improvements am runs mmnded or offered for sale. If. 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY seld within am year of completion, the own- Improveent b er however, the buildings m _ builder will he" the burden of proving that be did not Wild or Improve for purpose or 507 - FINAL PLUMBING tale.). ❑ 1, as answer of the Property, am exclusively contracting with licensed eonuacurt W romllYen the From (See. 7044. Business and Professions Cade:) The CentnaoM1 Ll- .. . cense law does not apply W an owner of property who Wilds or Improves demon. And. , who contracts for such projects with a contracerp) Accrued pursuant W to Conuamora - Lkense Law. I am exempt under Sec — . B At P C fm this mason Dau ORI •R9 COMPENSATIOlD RATIO I hereby ailing under penalty of perjury one of the following decimations: haw and will maintain a Ceniftcace of Cotuent W self -Imam for WshM1 Compun- aaton, As provided for by Section 3700 of the latter Code, for the performance of the wok far which this permit is load. - O 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Inaursnm, As required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for Ne performance of the work for which this permit is iswed. ' My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number art: Carrier. Policy No.: - CERTIFICATE OF RKEMPIION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCE (ITis secden shad not k cc mpleed if the permit b for anc hundmd dollen (S I OD) or La.) 1 aNfy till the pert rmance of the work for which thi+lennit b luwA. I shall not cmployanypemnu yroenncrs Wkc cube tock Warkcrs'Compenution Lavas of Dallr ria. A Iic N LICA :" , making this CcAOcaor odyoushould the Lobar subject Workers Compensation previsions of Ne lames Cede, you menu mi uomp W o forthwith romp1Y with such pmvisiaw or this Pewmit shall W domed ranked. it I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that Nene Is a cowimctlon lending agency for the performance of ' the work for which this permit Is Issued (Sec. 3097• CIV. C.) Landers Name Lender'sAddmas i I agify that 1 have reW this application and stsW that the shout Information Is ' torten. I Agee to comply with all city and county ordiwnaa and ane laws mining W Wlldingcanswction, and hereby authorim representatives of this city m en cr upon No ( shove-mendaned property for Impecdon purposes. (Na) agree W save. Indemnify and kap harmless the City or Cupertino agalut i liabilities, judgmenu. Casts And expenses which may In any my accrue against said City In 1 APPPLICANT UNDERSTANDSmunce or Am snarti.1 of tANhisD WILL COMP Y WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS. Re -roofs Type of Roof /1�� I• �Da• �; SlgSignature:Signature:of Appliw++pp r Dae HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HAZAR WIIl da tuni Wal ingCo e. nom material , gotthandle Heamow Chane As damned by the Cupertino Municipal Code. Chapter 9. U, aM to Health and Safety by theapple=,rtino de. Sedan 25531(a)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.pro+ lNo If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant w future Wilding occupant use equipment or devices which it hazardous air contaminants u dcMcd by the Bay Arta Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. let? ❑Yes No I have mad the hnardeas materials requirements underChap ct6.95of the Califor. nbHcalN@SatetyCode.Scetions13YJ5,15533 and 25534.1 undernend that lffirs, WlWing dm Iui currently Mm • teenE.011110 m notfye tof the mibility mluhcmcnu which must be 1priorcaul arce«;naW Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better oens w.athad Da