01110043 CITYILDING DIPERONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 1042 CRANBERRY DR CUPERTINO PLUMBING 01110043 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE COLE CAROL K 10297 S DE ANZA BLV 11/07/2001 1 10NE: (408) 253-0618 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. o s z ARCHITECDENGINE dI: BUILDING PERMIT INFO rc u BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH h ZU to CJLICE z H z 1 hereby or.th01EDCONTRACTOR'S drDECLAR9ChaN 9(commencing lob Description 5z=p provisions si per v,tm am mfullf ](q8)ofDivision 3ofrheBusiness and ProfessiamCode.and mylicenu COPPER REPIPE, WATERSERVICE C je E is in full farce on H y e O 6 V Littnx CI _ - J Lic.M� Y U i 3 u oi Dae S DECLor T ARCHITECT'S DECLARAI p,0 AN V 1 undcrsund my plum shall be used as public records r erO Licensed Professional o ad OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ='m 1 hereby affirm on 1 am exempt from the Contractor's e,Any c Law for the following reams(Santos]8315.Business and Professions Cude:Any city ancounty O which requires ape t 1 w t,after.improve demolish,ore a si any tweets $5000 i = �priwu ]iase p rsalsnmq the applicant for swhpemJtmfikse nedi aw(Chapter9. - _ __ . . _. __ _.. __. ___ _ _------ s Na he- fttn it p ansa thep s ons of o the Contractors suedes Law(Chapter 9 } p,� ,rs (romm n s exempt th t o ould an f D alis o t rhe le'S8 d ad Profess ons Code) f;{s,4�? )v3'���41 ' ®�:'lU�iK1 t r$'�,-C.il t Valuation or Set he Is31Z bth y ppli end c.fou bass for the allege)eiempbbh My violationof of raw.than rive hundred dollarsw058),patent subjects ins applicant to a civil penury PN 20� W�"LWRFLOOR PLBINGOccupancy Type ❑I,as owner Of the progeny,w my employees with wages as their sole compensation. n 1 _ RaUnw pT.jTmpTNj�M1: will do the work,and me structure is not intended or offend for sale(Sec.7Da4, Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an 502 - FINAL PRVN1V1 PI31dMGY' '• " owner Of Property Who Wilds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself or through his own employees.provided mat such improvements am not intended or 507 - FINAL PLUMBING mmied for sale.ILC68weven the building is soldwithinone - --" -"'- - " ' - ._ .__.. ----- completion, _ orofpmyear of `r-- -- --- cam ova O,the owner-buildent will have the burden of proving that he and not Wild or improve fw puryox of sale). . . -. ...._.._-. _. t _......._ o ❑Las owner of rhe n - - ----- pmpeY.vin exclusively contracting with licensedconnnemrsto F I' il"a0 ,:.�•t,:"':'+1 ��construct the es n Sec. appl]844,owasBusiness and Professions Code)The improves tmnor's 1 F ' License Law does not apply to an owner of property who milds w improves thereon, •.. and who Corridors License for such.pmjecu with a convanor(s)licensed pursuam m the. �y�p� 1 - CoI am Sec.: Ir I'IaCP�Va LI=�- ❑Ism exempt under Sec.: � � .r � 'B'&PCfor this reauo Owner Dale' JAN 0 3 2002 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of pcjuryone of the following decimations: have and will maintain.Ckficate Of Ganx t to self-came for Worker's BUILDING f C�fot�snana of the ressu.n. as work fw which tfor hi,Se.if 3188 of the Labor Codc, for the a Action is issued. ve and will munuin Worker's Compensation Insurance,as requited by Section ](p or the labor Code,far he Acro..of the work for which this permit is issued MYW hers COmpC t 1 suranc carrier and Policy bi ate., _ ....w...r _. .. . . amer�Pdmy N A/ AnI TOfwRq' f""l : a ' _L✓. `;_.. ._ - - - IVCE FlCATIONOF E%EMPTION FR MW RKERS' s `� a). .it_ .. j, r­ VS7}g:a„S';ZY; .:n ._ .. .. COMPENSATIONINSURANCE' ..�________ ,_.'•' `._ _ .....s _ (Thil assets no mar be compleled if the Permit is for one hundred dollar - fI108)orless), "1 cenlfy that in the,Performance of the wodr for which dins permit is issued,f - - -' "'-- "' •- — - shall of employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' a " Compensation Laws of California,Dale, NOTICE TO APPLICANT If.Of madding this Certificate of Exemption,you should I - Z bacon¢ b) t t the WodeYs Co pc anon D v ons of the lobo Cad you muss ' 0 O forthwith comply with such previsions or this Permit stall W deemed oked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - - - - - - - „-, - ----' - �,' I hereby.Rrm trot there is a cdosuve6on leading agency for the pedormxnce t {i7 of the work for which Nis permit is issued(Sm.3897,Civ.CJ - = ly Q lenders Name ;;I,Z Lender's Address - - V . , 1 unify,to c 1 have with this application and sum that me above inaws mion is ' U toren.I agree to dimply with ell cry and county representatives o and state laws relating O V mbaove-menswedpropedhemby ipection pupasemaives of this city to corer upon ;,,,{. the above-mentioned agme to propend for ify and keep, purposes., C. (Wj)Sgmearosave,indemnifyand keephamyin the City of Cupertino against r4 liabilities,judgments.cons aad expenses which may in any way wane against said V i City in conxquenc< (the gra99' gof this'pnor rAPPLIC U:DE TAD'bS AND WILL COhIPLY WI ,A NON-POINT'°' - SOURCE E" AT ef5. IT'��o Issued by: Dale s g ti r of 1 p f CO ucto 6 Did Re roofs HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE '.wn the Apra t or firnme building t oe t same car I done luxradoZ,materialIT fRoof- Cade: �ZJ r as deft rd by the C pent Mun pa,Code, od Chapter 9 13 d thery Type oRoof Health and Saf _ - - "^ J• -- Cade.Secu 25533(.).: - ... I _ 0"s uft ❑No [kx P: .tlrl t t� t -.x ctr (,Y a'f�iS its E .!r , ( '• . All.roofs shall be inspected poor to any roofing.material being,installed.AOL _ win the appl cam r future bulldog occult-nt use ea Air t .r devices a melt If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an'inspectioti;'llagree 4o remove mit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay sten Air al Mikes mem g i""`" .. all new materials for inspection. A licant.understands and will comply with Oyes ❑N - P PP t ' ^ all non-point source regulations': . - - I h d the'h"ardo 'els regdirembms under Chaps 695 of the Califdm a Health&safety Code.Seinjims 25585,25533 and 25530.1 understand that if the building docs not cum" JY nave a moan,,brat it is my responsibility m notify Ne - - - upam oyge requir menu rich must be ma prior to issuance of a Certificate of . e� Signature_of Applicant Date _ Owner miss ised.gem, All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better ' OFFICE -