00070141 CITY OF CUPERTINO I' BUILDING DIVISION pER1VIIT'r'. CONTRACTOR LNFORMATION: ` -RUILDING ADDRESS:' - PPRMIT NO'' v 1 r. OWNEWS s NAM` 19160 C07ETTE LANE APPLICATION SUR DAPI. t ? BUDGET PLUMBT'NG' 00070141 • H n ONE, ' LIIJ " 286 pJ RIJANO�E; rjT ,I .SANS PARY NO. CONTROL NO. ;07/24/2000 ' Z ARCHITECDENGINCCR. -1 " !T' '+A- % _ t HUTLDINC,PERSHI'INFO C ❑O❑ ('510) J0♦377847' BLDG ELECTI'LU MECII' v ,zel - _s LSI - <y LICENSED CONt'RACTOICS DECLARATION a O z 4 a 1 h ny « m o d I P fel pt 9 ma,tne ny =y.,' Job Description -I F�kia x',h5 ts' F11111111f 7000d)effect.U t ftleSt ePrnRssi nCJ nA mYl r t y. " - 4 Licence Class Lu. M do ad Date C n, I ARCHITECTS DECLA WATER 'HEATER , .so1 u derswnd try plan, ll bi r d ap ilil record' - „Y i p O Licensed Professional "p. r " OWNER BUILDER DFCI ARAI'IOY - AL4 , _ 1 Ev,, I hereby affirin that hain ounip,front he C t L - the lzvfall b (S f 703,5 H :rio IP f it.Cad All,city or h p q n: p I Icstsitue p d po Y: Iope ad ai 't,pre t t L. un al y ' the appIe ,t M1p a re fileasined,latepead 3 0i.,he I,tire:di normant(,,,hep ions iddeContractors Li,croc L fCha � ,r9 S ,Ft.Floor Area' (e nen'ng widt Sectio,]INNI)of Dris n3ofthe R,sne nd Professans Crclel 6 „ , ^ "Valuation nr ibis he is exenPt theaefter,red,tl hanis far the II S J cacnaptiod'Au'r violation of Section 7031.5 by > PPI I t Painful tabled'th PPI I(' l be Try - _ of"atnanePanlinn if,III,I ($500) a - APNNtimber - ' 'Occtipancy•`y e t - , ' $ ,yp,�T °1 t the p Pent y PI Y lh g.a bedside P :'F ° .. YJYJRf ill do the k d the I I :act irt,pl in opered lot saleowl-10,14,' - - - - " Biomass d P t : n Code Thec I I L Lad . t 1 alpfly t3750702r"Rr�ired Inspections Fp p gWh h ea 1 d eon .ndwboJ h mandator bw • n er gh M1'. ply p 'd J thro'a't nprove I. t' t Wedbr offered f 1 If,If th hiding P nen,i old wah'n ,a,ywrof ' I. - onddi n the h ld III d burden fpmvng,hat he did not huldor t" imP tier 'ton"a"n ) 502 ._ FINAL. PLUMBING $NERGY 506r — GAS- TEST °1 n Ili I p ,y a exclusivelycontracting. Ihlicensed contrnat rs t ` asnotroo the p ] 'I Nice,70418 = dPf- ' nCl )The Ct 507. — License Law daev aa, pldy, ntow r fp p ty , b ld p tr F,INAL :PL"UMBING�I a,id whin contracts for such prolces with onandin(')I'en:ed puma m I the - Contractors L : Law' " . S _ ,q °1 n scaut under Sec. ,B S.rP C fonhls rearm if Ow D., WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION - S " 1' 1 I j I t , IWI/I1 I t rory afT m nt Pe 'Iqy f p l Y ent In ll g l P t s �� V e" ' Ih and II I CIf , ICnett II f Wk _ oal pen , p ided f IrS t 3700 I ,h Labor Code, [ II 11/ crf of the work for hhthis pemt , i d �r� `. I N11( ork b -S I t°1h ad lI I I r s d , 3 3]fl f the Lab C l f thef 1(lie k 1 which,h 1 ,is issuedMy Workers CouBuroation I and Pill a pclivara. it Carrier Policy b iICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERSO a COMPENSATION ;f INSURANCE (Tti. .et t need ons hccsmplctd if0 prmll isr lone hundred dollars r r ($lnlp or les'.) 1 I ccrify that't the co ccon ll vo,k'ku hd1 hall tpulpit, 1pl Y' typrcnto tinymine, t be 'objectt the W k ` f M1tt \ ApplicantII(({qqq rllt1pq/j' NOTICE TO APPLICAN I if. II nkiyll .Cn'I ale of Exenp,on.you should '� 4 Z bee object ,h W k C .t t p Rh 1 h y mus, Pooh IM1 ply d h p thispatina doll bad d-Code,d ' CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY aIh by aft nthat tha I nd'ng age Yf the perfannance - W of the work farwhich11 p i'. ild 30970 C) Ga Leader'N II \' ♦U _ Lm e Addtl:: I (hillcertify Ih a leadth: pplc, d.tt iklthe h f I s g ' reel l agree m comply with all city and county ordinances L t t 1 lit g - „ , C.I building c n incl n dh by' d pee n vs fth':city uncmcr upon " theloose" - nlanedp l nyI -peen partm '.ta ` Ft O. Iµ 1 grat 'nl fY dk pl n I , the city fC p , , I V) Ilab ht es,on,rocn,s. I' d ea se vd Llt may m any yracial.fairs,sold. t" t City in canseyuena of the Roundup of,Ids Perinid APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS " C U ER TANDS AND WILL COMPLY W C L WITH ALL NON-POINT ISIS b � SOURCE REGULATIONS. - - 1 J Y, 'Date, Sigi I rnppl WC mart ,Data ..' Re- 'Pfi - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE , ' Will theppr ka, n bu king c p' ,:, r handle hamnl to, 1 'hype O 'Roof ' asdefned by the Cu pent Mlnc Pnl Cvda,Cla pmr9.12 and the Health ands f D;, ^pI t' Coda Seaton 25592(n)'. " 1 °Yes `❑No' , ' - - _ - - '•All roofs shall be,ins inspected prior to an roofs p p y , ng material being installed. Wit to alffi6 , future_ building Pat use dyu'P t di ce'which" If a roof is installed without first obtaining an ins ec'tion, 1 a re'e,to remove',- . cant bard on, t I a.deotie 1 by the Pay Area A' (Iwl ly Management - - - -g P }�' 7' respa trict7 ' - all new materials for inspection: Applicani understands and.will comply.with - °Ye - °N all non-point source,regulations: 1 ba e d the z d a.- I Is rcgmmmenls.I nd Chapterfi 91 f hip, " if H IIIffiSaflyC 1 S t .25505,25593utd 255341 til wtdlhr r b'Idngd . n lfyh ale ttht , . yrcp hlty, tfythe _ t it a Rqa re t.which must ba ,P' , i } Cloth nic a( ^upaney ySignature,iof;Apphcant ' Daten r ,b_nmd igen, Da,e •+• ,• '' All roof coverin s to'be Class `;B':or better '+