92103833 Cotton Wood Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required 1-1 CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS PIPING PERMIT Date .' ---------- ----------- - 19.7/ Permit No. ---- �CQ The undersigned here ma s lice' n e� n In r of }he City of San Jose for a permit 4o ins}all umb' i ure d ipe n} d r versa side. P g Exemption from re ui r }a of Cali orn e r or's License is hereby claimed by undersigned:. es owner ❑ statement fileds/sM Undersigned attests that his State of Ca' ornia Contractor's Licens �tJ is in full force and effect and properly au}ho '(sj a li,/Q", //—��- San Jose City Business License e#y ICJI'^pIC-/ (/ I certify that in the performance of the work or which this permit is issue shall not employ any person in any ner s as to Aiolafe the workmen's compensation laws of alifornia. OWNER t fat /� -z& e- 19G IJi4e a ADDRESS USE OF B 26030 833 Cottonwood Zimmerman No. Lines 0utle Size FIXTURES FIXTURES MAIN DRAIN Water Heaters Wafer Closets Bath Tubs Showers Floor Drains Hoppers Sand Traps Urinals Size Material /�. To To Septic Tank RAIN WATER DRAINAGE Size Material Lavatories / Area Drains To Curb To Main Sewer Kitchen Sinks Wafer Leaders WATER SYSTEM Dish Washers Waste Disposals Trailer Space Swim Pool. Size / Z Material /f!i ES' Wash Trays Washing Machines Indirect Wastes Drywell =FeeOO Wafer Treat. Equip. Backflow Preventer Sinks Dental Units Survey Av Gas Piping Fee .. Drinking Fountains I EL��Permit Survey Fee v' Q TOTAL TOTAL FEE ' A,Q No. Lines 0utle Size