22656 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMITNO. ding Add.: 22656 2l We t AAIL4 � me: Cr Z S7- �o (� CITY OF CUPERTIN68UILDING DIVISION C nr �"�' !`"1=.Na APPLICATION I PERMIT O a J CO'vS�• ( IoY BlI1LOINGELECTRICALPLUMBINGMECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL Y ItM/Engineer. Lk. - No: 2'BUICDING PERMIT,INFO;;,4' .•4 ELECTEtL6PERh11T .' FEEILUM ''1 - - Addnu 0/ PER.WTISUANCE ❑ ❑ LIC N'SED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under prwblonsof Chapter9(comm®c- APPLIANCESRESIDENTIAL JOB DESC 'f ION ingwith Section 7000).(Division 3of1he Bued... Professions Code,and ^' Ilomeisin(ug dMfer. /e//� Q" PANG-'e Sea,(jer L /`/v✓M, Linnx Class LIcY O Date Conerecter 701 UP TO2DO.AM AACHPS ITECPS DECLARATION OVER1000AMPS SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.Fr. ot0 0 I understand my plans slug W used as public..,. to E Licensed Professional SIGNS ELECTRICAL <4u OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION G SI ECTALC RCNT/M SC 7f, IhercbyafOrm Wham exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the Opp following reason.(Sectio.7031.5,Business and Pmfmlons Code:My city or TEMP M=ORPOLE INST. Cc.untywhichrequimapemdltommtruct,alter,Wpmve,demogsh,ormpair any structure priorto its issuance,also requlm the applicantfor such permit to POWER DEVICES file a signed statement that he at licensed pursuant to the provisions of the 83 Commoors License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000)of Dwi- SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION sion3o(the Businev and ProfenlamCode).rthat hebexampt therefromand the Web for the alleged exemption. My violation of Section 70315 by any Ol1TLETSSWITCHESpI%711Rp5 applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to dull penalty of not rrorc than R B6undred dollars W00). NEWRESIDENTIALE,ECTR SQXT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION �n I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sob compensrtica,will do the work and the structure is rot intended or offered for r O sale(ice 7064 Business and Prdeasions Code:The Contractors Llcame Law �$ don not apply toan owner of property who builds orimprovesthermicand OCC.GROUP RES ANTIS c whodoessuchwork himeeBorthrorgh Meow.employe.,provided that uch improvements arc not Intended reoffered forsale.If,howerver,the bullaingor TOTAL: improvement bsold wkhinomyearofeonp)e1WRthe w er.bullderwN have _ _ t4c.Ilurden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose ofsale.). QjY,,;. + _PLUMBING PERMIT'. - „FEET FLOOD ZONE APN u 1 as owner of the property,am exclusively..g won umn. ppn,MTT)SSUANCE "mr, rstom MructW project(Sm 7061,Business and Professions Code: .00 The Comrsdoe.Limue Law does not apply to an owner of property who 4ALTER-DRAIN&VEM-WATER(EA)builds or Improves thereon, and who common for such Plows with a W.-:;Q).• -`-, egn1ractor(s)ucamed pursuant to the Contrsdors License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE ec FEE;SUh1MARY_y„}'�,-{c J 1 am exempt under SB 4 P C for this reason _ Owner - DataDRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY aerFFJ).'N WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ 7 ❑I herbFDnIJRES y affirm that I It.a oMflote of consent to seg-Inurs,or a RECEIPT a certifiam.fWmiteri Comperwtion lmuranse .certified copy thereof(Sec. GAS EA.SYSTEM.1 INC.]OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N 3800.IAb CJ 2 � �, RECEITT0 Prliry a GAS.EA.SYSTEM-OVER/(EA) Com env ,� BUILDING DIVISION FEES �Cemil, pyl-lumbylumilhad.� GREASE/INDUSIAL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE rilflnd copy at filed with the city Inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GRF.ASETRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCESETyEA-SAMI'MXSTORM FA.gppT /500 Date Recel t# (TTI.sectWn need no W completed RtW permit blm.m hundred do0an Q103)onlea.) WATER HEATER w/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y_ N_ 1 unify that W the performance of thewmk for which this permit 1s issued, I.W g not employ any person in any runner.as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Worker{Compensatbnlawsof Callfom..Date PAID 0 Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQST. Date Re i t# Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making that CerWkale of Exemption,you should become subject m the Workers'Compensation pnoxisk aof the Labor TOTAL: C N Code,you rust for hwRh comply with such provislom or this permit"I be_ BUILDING ME deemed reked. ' W � ,oCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE CL e Iherebya(firtnthat there at a coimmctlon lerWWgageruy for the perform• TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE Z ...of the woekfor whkh thin permit b Issued 304/,Civ.C.) Q� O O Iendds Name 0 PLUMBING FEE 30.00 LL t- Ie.aersnaarea CITY. •S,'-:.cMECHANICAL;PERMIT�?'?":'-`..,FEE, MECHANICAL FEE U Iortifythatl have read thatappliotionand statethrttbeabove Wfemudon 0 W econet.Icgm to complywilh ail cityand countyominances and state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: } a relating to building construction,and hereby authoiae represenuives of this d to enterupon the above-mentioned foW 1 ALTERORADDIOMECH. ~ ? city agree ave,Wdemnlfy an d loce�F h property the City of C.P rtWo Date _Reeei t# V against lbbWtles,Ndgmens,mreand..par.which may in any wayaouue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: aid city I ..sequerm oftha gremi.g d thi.pemdt' CONSTRUCTION TAX G � � AIR HANDLINGUNIT(OVER IO,000CIM) um.f Applicant C. Date EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT 100,000 OTT!) Will the applicant or furore building occupant store or handle hazardous Date Revel t# materatl as defined by the Cu Perm..MuMdpal Code,Chapter 9.17,and the Health and SafetyCode Sectlon 2S5R(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER IM,=BTU) TOTAL: O.OO ❑ Y.Willthe ippLica.t No tore bcilding raupantux equipment ordevicea VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE REBID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit hazardous ab contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Ak Quality Marugement Disirkt7 BOM ER-COMP OHPOR 100,000 BTU) . Yea No 1h.w, dthe haa.Q.materials requirerrenbunderChapter495of BOILER-CA. (OVER100,000BN) the California Health 6 Safety Code,Sections 25505,75533 and 75534.1 undnrswnd thatit the building da.nal urremly haveatenanL shat llbmy NEWRESIDENIIALMECH. SQFf. responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which=at be met �� prior to issuance d a Certificate.(Ocupanry. n t�Q Owner or authorised agent Date TOTAL: ISSUED tar--JJ OFFICE COPY