19876 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PEIUOTNO. Building Address: 19 8 7 6 Oovc\ — L n ante. hone: A A CZE C CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION CpptnRre Na It'd5Lk.Nt APPLICATION I PERMIT - -2- O ` 0Iu1 BLT -CMCAL-MUMBING•MECHANICAL CALORY CONTROL • A Ilett/Engineer. Lie.Nor Z x u Q r '3 C) IC PERMIT i' - ,$ .&-BUILDING PERMIT INFOiyar„""' Ad reit �^� PFRMITMUANCE ( LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION El El I hereby Alfbmthat l enlicenaed underprevWonsof Chapter9(rommenc AMJANCES-RESIDENTIAL BDESCRB'T10 Ingwlth Section700D)oi Dlvlsion3ofthe Bus andPmfenionsCode,andm Ilmnx Is In foUjit.and effe t. 'r v�yy �1 PANELS Llan C11- Lice SIJ / I (T �t .—�f• Date2 - _aContrstar — 1LUP TO 200 AMPS ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 1014000 AMPS q�+neOp ZI understand my plam shall be used w public records. OVER1000AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA S/5Q.FT. C Z t;�NoLer n ed ProfessionalSIGNS E GL OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCR o. I M1ereby a(0rm that I am exempt from the Commtors Linme Law fm the ZOtZ`� followingreason.(Section7015,Bualmosand Professions Code:Mycityor E ST. FF' cvuntywhichrequlrnapermittommtu caler,lmpt ,demllsh,orrepair g, < a nystmmmprimtalb Wuame,al mquWtheappBontfmau&permitlo pD CBS ps O U file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the proWlom of the 03 tp� Contractor's License Law(Chapter9(commencing with Seton 70W)of DIN- NG ELE 1„rs, aion3ofthe Businnsand Professlona Code)arthat hebexempttherefromandCmk\a VALUATION <-O the basis for the alleged esemprlan. My vlolatlon of Seton 78715 by any applicant fore permit aubjets the appllcanito a civil penalty alone rorethan I)qMEkSMTC4S"T flue undred dollars(SIM. REgm AL ELEC STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION.. �I,as owner of the Property,or my employees with wag-as theirwle Zp mmpemafIon,will do the work,and the couture isnot(meMed cur offend for CO .1.(Set.7044,Buslmnsand Pmfe-ism Cade:The CaMntors Uterus law $ da-not apply to an owner of property who builds or improv-therrcn,and OCC.GROUP RES.UNITSwhodonauchworkhbrueBmlhmagM1 hisownemployen,provldedthatach 2'{t� impronurr re nor Intended oroffered for sale.If,however,the building re TOTAL Improvement b eoldwithlnomyearafcompldloMtheawner-Wllderw0I have _ tlgikunlenof provi.gthathedid nm WWorimpmvefmpurpoaeo( is.). QTY. ..!"ti i.:PL NG'P IT _)'� FEE:r LJ L as owner of the property,am eachulvely contracting with IloemM F7.00D TDNE MN conmton to conatmtthe project(See 7034,Bualnnaandprofe-ionsCade: D The Contntors License Law don nor apply to an owner d Property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WKTEK(EA) builds or Improves theeon,and who rodrata for ouch pto)ecta with a �gBf�ator(s)licensed pursuant to the Contntora License Law. .,.a' ..,.no C FEE SUMMARY::'�`,;,)r-��,)4.� LJ I am exempt under Sec. B&PC for this reason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE Owner Data DRAINS.FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N_ WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECEB'T/ ❑I Fenby el(Irm that I have a certificate of consent to uB-loon,m a �S.��P SCHOOL TAX Y N • mni0oteafWorken'CompensationlnauranmmaartRiedaopythemfOec. REGEB'T• 3800,Lab CJ CAS EA.SYSIIM-LING OIIILbIb PARK FEE Y_ N_ , Policy F RECFR'T N C. any G'4 EA.'SYSTEM-0VER4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES MCertlfted copy is hereby Liml.hed. GREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE MCertlRed copy b filed with the city inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF F7 EMPION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE $EWER-SANRARY-STORM EA.200FT. Dat¢ Revel tic (ThIsaetton need norbe completed if the permit is(mora hundred dollars MOD)mIeri WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N Imni(ythat N the performance of thework forwhich this Permit Is Issued, I shag not employ any Person lo any manner n.to become e,r6je�to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Worken'Comppp� sotlonLa (Gllfomla.Djte er;P,] PAID O Z Applicant I-F��•�at NEW RESIDENTIAL P[.MB. :Q.FT. Date Repel t# Z O NOT, ICANT:ll,after ma—king this Certlflote of Eaemptnn you Fshould become aubjett to the Workeri Comperuxbn prosialom of the Labor TOTAL: N Code,you resat forthwith comply with sucA provisioner or Nb permit shall be W j deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE a � lhombyafRmlhat them paconstruction iendingagency for the perform, ELECTRIC FEE L M Z anmaftheworkforwhlchthb oriented permit oried(Sm309/,CIv.CJ TOTAL U O [.Mae.Name r ,: .i PLUMBING FEE U. h 1<nder.Aaa-. d4.,:MECFiA1IICA_I,PfiRMIT FEE g MECHANICAL FEE O Wl bconoetlfythatlhavereadthsappll-tbnaMYatethatthea einfornutlon a et.I agreeto comply with all city and county ordinam nand orate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: >. m W rdatinglobullding construction,and hereby authorise mientativ-ofthb H Z city to enter upon the above-mentloned property for lmpenim purposes. ALTERORADDTOMECH. Date Rxei tR _ (We)agree to save,indemnify an d keep harmlem the City of Cupertino AIR HANDLING IINR(TO against liabilities,jadgments,omemand expenses which may In any way acme SUBTOTAL: .glom sold City In conseque.of this granting of this permit. AIR xANDUNc uNrr(OVER 1a,DDocEH) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Apptiosnt/Contrsctm Date EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO I OO,ODO BM Date Reeei tF material-defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.11,and the HeAth ami Safety Code Section 25531(.)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: ❑Yon - r]No Wllltheappliant orfutum Wilding occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE READ) ISSUANCE DATE which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District] BOILER-COMP OHPOR 100,000 BTU) 4Yen ❑No hawereadthehuardommaterialsrequimmentsunderChipterG95e( BOTLER-COMP(OVER 100,WOBTU) the Califomla Health&Safety Code,Setlom2550S,25S33and25534.1 NEW R[5IDENITAL MECH. SQF7. understand that If the building don not currently have a tenant,that It la my 1 responsibility to not ify the oro pant of themqulnmenis which moat be met prior to Isuanre of a Certificate of Ompa my. a Oy Owner or aulho trod agent Data ISSUED BY: "•� � W-9" TOTAL: OFFICE COPY