21284 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pru'ed Identification PERMITNO. Building Addma: 62 . 21284 2 ere one; Iii p/ 2F SbZ CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDINGDIVISION /O'l��a cmrt.d°2 /,. u,N°: APPLICATION If PERMIT t U Arehltad/Engl er. Lk. BUBAINGELECTRICALPLUMBING-MECHAMCAL CARRY CONTROL If No' -- P— QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address � � J pERMITISSUANCEIgS � ❑ ❑ El CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(mmmm APPLIANCESREBDENIAL JOB DESCRE'77IN Ingwlth Setion7000)ofDlWslon3ofthe Buslneessand Profes.Ionaccain and licroxabin fuIj deffect. 9�s^�� . PANELS �,,L}-��, `�+y DateLicoh C. Lk tl4�j><.-�r-(f✓�L- -F/l NJ.' Gil{ -U.1 G Date Contrado, ARCHITECIPSDECLARATION 201-1000 AMPS reOZ I understand my plana shall be used as public record& OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. cO Z E Licensed Professional SIGNSELECTRICAL �tN OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPFiCIALCDtCUIT/MLSC .t.., � IherebyafRrmthstI am exempt fromthe Contractor's Lienee Law for the following reason.6ection 7MI.5,Business and Professions Cole-W ct or - p 6 countywhichrequlresapernetoconstruct,alter,Improve,dem.l}ah drrepalr TEMP.MEfERORPOLEINSP. y� v anystmture priortoits Issuance,also tequirestheappBo( nt forsu rmlIto pQWER DEVICES E5 O file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to 1�provlsi6rlY of the Contractors Llcrumlaw(Chapter9(commencing with$e61gn 700())of Div(- VALUATION �0� Won3oftheBuelneaa and Profmlons Code)orthslheLgev`empt lhc.fm..edSW1MMINGPOOLEL ` ECTRIC the Weis for the alleged exemption. Any;vlplaTioa of Section 70315 by an r' 1'1 c o Y OUTLET&SWI7'CHFSFIXIURES QQ &,,Dani fora pertNt sub' Iheappac9nl Ilii dWl,(wily of ndf i/rorciAan five hundredd lottars(55001 � I W /wages th 1 NEW RESIDENTIAL E.ECTR_SQ.FT. STORIM TYPE CONSTRUCTION ❑I, .,=lot s owwr of the pro or my employees with .tMlr sale compenefon,wBldotM wor ndthestructurels notirifendedor of1f , dfor O aale(Sec70kiki.lnic essiow Code:The Contractors Lice13iv' 111 don not apply to an owner of property who Wilds orimproveslhemaUnd' OCC.CROUP RES.UNITS whodaesauchw.rkhlmsel(orthr.ughhi'owriemptoye ,providedtsuch lnprovements arc not Intended orpffemd.forsile.IQh er,l e gor TOTAL Improvementiaeoldwithlnoneyeirofnompletion,the er have t Men of proving that he did'not Wild ar hrP�va f p e e.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE Lj 1,as owner of the property,am excluslvm {ant In�with Ilrensed FLOOD ZONE APN contract..to construct the project(Sec.7094,Bu a Pro(ealonsCode: PERMIT ISSUANCE The ContnttoeB License Law does nut apply to an o r of property who ALTER-DRAIN kVENT-WATER(FA) ' Wilds or Improves thereon,and who contracts s ch p(ojecb with• FEE SUMMARY contractor(a)Danced pursuant to the Contractors License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE LJ I am exempt under Sec- B k P C for this reason DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,ARG,OOND. SANITARY Y N_ Owner Date RECEEPT R WORKMANCOMPLNSATION DECLARATIONm FO(7l1RES PER TRAP SCHOOL FAX Y_ N_ hereby affirthat I have a ceMRcate of consent to self-Inure,or• RFFLEE'T 8 ¢nlficate of Workers'C°mpereatlonlrearance or a certlfied copy thereof(Sec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 INC.40I1TLE75 PARK FEE Y N 3800.Lab C.) RECEIPT a PolicyM GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) Com ray BUILDING DIVISION FEES �Ce copy b hereby furnished. GREASE/WDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE .Died copy Is filed with the tty inspection division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARY-STORMG 2Wh7Date Recei t# (Thlsaetl.n need not be completed tithe permit Is forone hundred dollars (5100)°rleasj WATERHEATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N l artifythat in the performance°f the work forwhich this pemdt is issued, I shall not employ any person In any runner so as to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Workers'Compencxlon Laws of California. Date PAID O Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQFT. Date Recei t# Z O NOTICETO APPLICANT.U,after making thin Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject to the Workers'Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: V) Code,you swat forthwith comply with such provlalons orchis permit shall be BUILDINGTEEl W > deemed rewked. CL c CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE Ihembyaffirm that then Is a construction lending agency for the perform TOTAL, ELECTRIC FEE M Z ..m.fthe w.rkforwhich this permit is isued(Sec.3097,CN.C.) U O Lander:Name PLUMBING FEE LL H Lendrea Address CITY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE OW Irertifythatl have readthis application and state thattheaboveinformstlon 1 iscomd.I dgreetocomplywlth all ttyand county.rdlnancesand statelaws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: >. N relating tobullding construction,and herebyauthortze representativeso(this ttytoenteruponthe above-menllnwd properly for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. ? (We)a to save,mZronify an d keep harmless the City of Cupertino Date Recei t# V agaWtllab' les,Pdgments, sandvpenseawhichmayinanywaya.c c AIR HANDLING UNIT TT010,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: against City in coneryu rating. t .permit AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER l0,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX gruture.f AppDce,t/ ontra br 11121 t EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appBant or Tutu building occupant store or hand to hazardous HEATING UNIT ITO 100,000 BTU) Date Recei t# manrlelaedefinedbythe peMno Municipal Code,Chapter9.l2,andthe Health o and Safety Code FFI Mon 25533(.)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: c 111 the applicant orfuWre building occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN L5INGLE MID) ISSUAI which emit hazardous alrco taminan.as defined by the Bay Area Air d��IIS slily Mawgenunt Dl7 BOILER-COMPpM'OR 100,0(D BTU) ` 11 N. 1991 ve read the baza sue maletals requlrertrnts under Chapter 6.95 of BORER-COMP(OVER 1W,000 BTU) C 1 } 2 the Gllfomia alth&Safety Code,Sedlons25WS,25533and25534.1 undentandt aUfthe Wilding does not corrently have a tense,that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFT. ds� res powibll- to ndifythe raI flhe requirements which mu at be met Vs r1IE1yYF1 Friar to ance of a Ce I f e my, MI naror eithoroed agent - Date TOTAL: ISSUEDRY: Wrs9�s t,wt•w.a'K� OFFICE COPY