B 0387PP ICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES -USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY - /" 1 OFFICE - CITY DI CUPVISION - BUILDING - ELECTMECHAICALNICAL BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMPING E T IDHANICAL BUILDING PROJF.CT,IDEMI'Ik9CATION - PE' °#0387 0 3 8 7 SOOO I _ /��/� J B Al DING ADDRESS: J a'1Kq l Cokum9an Au PCuR�k�+�a SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE /3 WNF AME: y PHONE: ���P „ \ ' Lj� ^C -1 Ci J CONTRACTOR'S NAME'. LIC NO' i/ �T� NIC ❑ CON'fROLp 3 RCH ABN L LIC NO: V A� E55: _�'! CONTACT: PHo E:.BUILDING J \ F1 Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) .... ....... PERMIT INFO BII�A'fC�" ELECT PLUMB MECH Yom. ❑ ❑ ❑ 7l) �.r �V Ly) Q0. Dm Zi W ,....11 L 6 1 U ? F' N0 d F � � Z i. Z yds❑Lothe 3 � LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm Ih t 1 licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 700RofDhrsimn 3efthe Btwirpx. dPofssions Code.andmy Im x .n railforceand ellen7499 License Class _ Lic.N Data Contmemr . ELEQTRICPERMiT FEE' QTYt r ' " .' JOB DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL DSFDWL �I(Il'CHEN REMODEL' P<DDFFION El PLUMBING RE -PIPE []MULTI -UNIT El STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION f�TERIOR El CI HMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT I] SWIMMING POOLS - ATH REMODEIAREPAIR 0DEMOLITION D OTHER �J� J Z/sit /s /;F— rr PERMIT ISSUANCE. J,S� APPLIANCES -RESIDENTIAL CHITECq'S DECLARA I understand my plans shall be used as public r res _ PANELS UP TO 200 AMPS Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby erfimt Ant 1 am exempt from Om Contractor's License Law for the fallowing moron. (Section 7031.5. Business and Professions Gde: Any city or county which requires a permit m construed, alley, improve, demolish, or repair any ammture poor to its issuance, also regaime the applicant for such permit m flee signed statement License Law (Chopmr9 IMI menccenseA Section7")pmvisiena of there Businessesslons iummode) or (hot ha n, tngwuth Sermon. and the basis f J of the Business exemption IMI Ire is exempt therefrom and the basis for positioned exemption. Any violation of Scetion]0315 by uny applicant forvpermit subjects the appliwnnn acivll penuhy of not more than five hundred dollars(S500). owner k,ofthe and property, or myemntended with wages raid(Se. compensation, will dvthewonsande: swContra pots Licensoroffered awdoforsale (Sec.](H4,Businee and Professions Code: The Contractors License Ince Jces not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offernd for sale. IL however, the building or improvement is sold within one year ofcompletion,the ver -builder will have the human of proving that he Aid not build or improve for put- pmenLsole.). ❑ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to 201-1000AMPS OVER 1000 AMPS SIGNS ELECTRICAL SPECIALCIRCU SC.-' TEMP. METER OR POLE COMMERCIAL: ❑NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑DEMOLITION DTENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE OTHER IMPROVE OTHER POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL P,IM,Cq OUTLGfS- SWITCHES -FIXTU ' - NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR' SQ IU'. `SQf. FT. FLOOR AREA AAA k Vv q - , $ISQ. Up. _ {� )i x d — r+ r _ TCYIAL Z•� construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code) The Contractor's Li- cense Law does not apply to an owner ofpmpeny who builds or improves thereon, and who wormers for such projecta with a oontmGor(s) licensed pumuanLto the Connector'I QTY,. -PLUMBING PP.RMITPP.P. PERMIT ISSUA --.'- License Law. D I am exempt under See. B K P C for chis reason 0-1 net Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION ALTER-DRAiIa'R ATER (Efl VALUATION y HACK FL Vl PROT VI I hereby affirm under penalty of penury one of the following Awlnmtions: have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to sell -insure for Workers Compete sation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, fmnhe performance of the work for which this p dmil is issued. E] I have and will mountain Wor1w,x Compensation Insurance, as terminal by Section 37Wofthe Lahr Code, for the perfommnceef the work f_oy'rlwhich -•t�hhiis pemth uiss---- Myler. serf nLy(va9eC)ertiuPol iy No,�! / Carries OC Y DRAINS AtEWOR, RODE, 0 FIXTURE ITPER'rRAJb Il M1.J STORIES f TYPE CONST RUCTION I OAS -EA. ,STEM -I LNG 40UTLETS OCC. GROUP ^�IJCERTIFICATE GAS-EA.'Yftlr M-OVER4(PA) GREASFAINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTORG+COMPENSATION _ OMPESATIONiINN FROM WORKERS' INSURANCE ortwo.) � QING DIVISION HP.S GREASETRAP � �'I cenlfy that in die performance oflhe work forwhichthis Noun is issued, l shall employ any person in any manner so as to become subjectmthe Workers'Cmd,m- effort Laws of California. Date ApplicanthNOTICE SEWER -SANITARY -STORM EA. 200 FT.not - O WATER HEATER WNHNTIELECTR WD TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Cenifieam of Exemption, you should subject m theWorkers Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,youmust WATER SYSTEM)TREATINGbecome WATER SERVICE forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall he deemed revoked.' t E'' L) t ISILeader's t V�1 iz �-I ' CONSTRUCTION AGENCY agency hereby amthi lhm there is sued (m . 30 lending agency fur the perinnnance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec 3099, Civ. CJ Lender's Name � Areas' 'statet ice information Rncaipl N NEW kESIDF.NTiAI. PLMB. SQ.PiIpI AL: - - TOTAL: 79 BUILDING FEE T S '12- OV certify mel I he ad this application andm that the n n cntred 1 agree mcomply 'th II ty d my M" angio d t t elml g m bmildingcnnstrvctlon, andh by Ih - rep caner oa of lh': eityn enter upon the .abovemwnaned property for inspection purposes. (Wc) agrce to xave, indemnify and keep harmless the Cily of Cupertioe against QTY. ,MECHANICAL PERMIT + Fu SEISMIC FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE ELECTRIC PfAMRI y 2 Ilabili0es,judgments. costs and expenses which may in anyway accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. AITERORADDTOMECIL AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM) MF.CHI CA . FF.F: 'lay , Z� APPLICANT UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY, W I' III ALL NON -POINT SOURCE. REG AT y( AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER 10.000 CPM) CONSTRUC ION" X Signamreo Brun ontmad Dam HAZARDOUS MAT LS DISCLOSURE EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) HOUSING ITTOATIN FEE W' vd,dcnnonfat ure build; mivardaemormleadle hazardous material IEAl INC, UNIT (TO 100,000 BTU) - as defin y the Cmperlime Municipal Cade, CMpt,, 9.12, aad the Health and Safety Codd, Section 25532(a)Y' HEATING UNIT (OVER 1(h4000 BTU) YceD No VEN'T'ILATION PAN (SINGER RESID) PAID Data keceiptM BOILER COMP OLTP OR 100000 BTU) - - , Will the arapplicant or tbuilding occupant use equipment or devices which hardI,contaminants air ontnlaminvants a es defined by the Bey Am er Air Quality Management UiaMct ❑ Yes El No TOTAL BOILER -COME (OVER 100,000 BTU) ' " AIR CONUITIONEk - 'hove raadthe ry Ced,Se ems ials 2555,2553 ntsan under 6.95 thethat Cali- that if the forma Health &Safety Cada Sections 25505, 255JJ and 25534. I to notify building Aoes nmc n0 en tenanp in it is my resrymeCirrylono fOthe rcuparry,m of the I yet priors Certificate of Occupancy. - ISSUANCE DATE L /) NEW RESIUGNr IAL MECH. SQ. Ff. _ 3v- ?y TT ISSUED BYyJx�e— 0101J77w�� TOTAL:'7LI, Z net Ifagent Date OFFICE