00080130 CITY'OF WPERTINO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BIDLDINC.DIVISIon,• - ' PERMIT - BUILDING ADDRESS. .k " PERMIT NO. ft�17.06 COLLINGSWORTH ST BUDGET_ PLUMBING 00NfS�Zl7.30 .OWNER S NAME: _ e .-LL APPLICATION FOR DATE, I_EOhIG' THEODORE E" TRUSTE ^8695 ROANOKE`_ST •e :08/17/2000 ONE: - - - SANITARY NO.'a• CONTROL NO. .,. (51)3)'303-7847 - volOOTETI ARCHICENGINFER: - t - - -it •IHIILDINGPERMITINFO 4 y, • - •4 BLDG 'ELECT ^.PLUMB MUCH a z Z�<� LICENSED CONTRACIOk S DECLARATIONt Job Description 't • ' �' - 1 h n by ori tlit l 1' eJrude,p r Chapter9(commercial, - p - _ - F�Ca with Section 7000)ofDavisiun 3oftheBa a„irted ProessionsCorle.andmyl „ �Y is mar < andeffe t WATER HEATER- K W 6 License Class L # r 1 � 3 w y Date .Cmrmmr - ry• F Q ARCHITI CI S IIECLARATION 4,f �y J I demand y plan, hall he Used a,public J. of m C O Licensed P le., , / r % OWNER BUIL DTR DECLARATION mI hereby, ff ti t, pt f m,M1 Contractorl L ,1 C + - - Z� IIIown,oeir,au(Section 7(THSB IPnf Coale:Any city or County '' • j fY❑ which y p tl 1 1 Iter,improve,demolish, p air any't- t ., O .. mF prior to its..srance.also rcyuac'the applicantl h,permal'a rile a signed scanner, - �a that hool,sOnedpar,mal1 fh powroehieftheC tint License L (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft,Floor Area i ,Valuation -. .. (ea with Section 7000) fD' . t freedP r Ca) $550 a thin he is esompl thcreform and the bar+for,he allegedascription,Any vulation of Section 70315 by nn,applicant for a puri,wb)nats,he applicant if,a civil""fly. 7:1 " Occupancy Type of,,.,from than five handed dalmry($5(0). ri -,,, APNNumber” ° ` 356] 7053. 00 ; °I,as awnern_fihe property.;mmY employees with wages_as the ifsolc ed.np....cl se, t , All I the k J The smcture-s not ir d J off"d......1 (se'. oD,,," „ Ba .and P nc,hous code Toe Channel law does not apply 10 at - Required Inspections weer nfpr..peny Who bond, p a,thereof, d too Uses inch work h' If . '502 — FINAL' PLUMBI.NG' .ENERGY or through his pl y- ,provided,h,such'topovements are ant'intended or offered Lou sale.In mb'1l 'g or arpoostater,i Id livitlen oneycil,of '30E, — .GAS TEST pl t n the ee b Ila rdet c will have the hul aiming da,he did not ateld or completion, for purpose 1 le)•f1. o. I , .. 507 —.°FINAL PLUMBING. e I,as owner of the progeny,un exdunively d Pfissi with licensede Contractor's In - Lo cf til parent(Sea 71144,&S tea J e fission,ilE n, The Conn e Llc ash contends far .o mint owner fprageny'whn)licensed ves )em .1:- �.� _ - o'nd who co tlraens fo eM1 parents with a eanarnor(x)1 c eJ P um 1 'he - 01 ,acaContractors License Law, ❑Ian ercemp,under Sec. .B&'PCfonhls ace,con1 , �• " r Ower' Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DUCLARA9'ION J u Jc twlah of c e of the R II w elnmli°ts. , �I herehw vRrm n r Y I Y P rluiYo i b . 'I " ° 1 base and will Ontario a Certificate f f l t;leff-insmalor Worker's Compensation, as Forsidod ror by Set i U.3700 Of.the Lha, Cady Il r ,he _ • - ( r' ` perf,mtvnce of file work for which this permit is issued.a S�' - c • 'y O 1 have andwill muimain Walker's Compenmiian Insurvnec;as required hy,Section 1 t v 3700 of din, r Code,'for the performance of the Antk for s'vhlelf this permit is " issued.My Worker's Compensation Insurance currier and Policy number are: Carrier. Policy No CERT IFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' '^ ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE + a (ThissectionHantd not benple,dTlM1 fault Hilt is future ht Hared Jollnli' ($100)or leaxJ I unify that in fire pcffnrmance of(he work for which lhlx permit is ienued,I - . •. E'. shall hot employ any person in tray manner 9nvsgn hccomc'subjem to the Workers Cmpensetlon Laws of California:Date Applicant - . . NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. Ii k gtl :Cn'Ict (If B%eltllnloe,you should • - becanesub3ecf to the W feces Cron,pro,ation p' f the Label Code yo st fnnhwth comply with suchp ry o ms per nif shall bedra ned revoked.' - - FH CONSTRUCT ION LENDING AGENCY aI lincbY air,,,. that flacion is a ccannorknoleading., y l'°r Its Onfo herace �a- - W 'nf,hc weak for which this-pconat is kated(Scu 3097,Civ,C - ❑ Lenders Name r7 Z Leader's Addressat V ] - 1 tGthtrtIh ercedB , gill t dine muh ti of rniun'a tis Fat small I agree to comi with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating' V tabusing construction,and hereby authorizecpmsentttile h ol, :ciry to enter upon' tbe b e menti n d property f 'inspection purposes. e, (W)'g to save,indicantfy andkeep l m1a(haCTy ofCaat o agents, r y ,lairini . idg 1: t' tl pc:th wh .. Yin any y crue -P tt d, e a WITy� U Z City regUND of UNDERSTANDS of,h ire , - '^ APPLICANT REGULATIONS, AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON�POLNT " SOURCE REGULATIONS - ISSU y 'DflIO _ . sis�marearAppucnMCmracldr _-' r Dai Re-roofs-, . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the apple t or fame naiimng aeeapam amrc ar handle hamonan Undo al Type of Roof - -as defined by Oe Carrot noManneipal Code,Turner 212 d the firsthand Salmy • Ede,Section 25532m) ` a 'y -•+ - - ' °vB5 ( -°Nd` All roofs stiall�be inspected prior to any"roofing material being installed. ° ` Will the ppli or fulare h old,s orcupoofUecommend or d- era which If a'roof-is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove , all hazardous air commitments as delit l y th Bay Area Air Quality Management rale,?. all new'materials for inspection. Applicant understands and'will_comply with ° C1 °No all non-point sourceregulations. - 1 have and the hum um mmenals no,or ems ander Charlie,6.95 of Iho _ r'• ,4 ° " California Health&Safely Code Sections 25505 R5533and 25534.1 nndcrstind that if The huilding tl"a,not currently have vtenvm,thm hoc fay responsihil'ny mnntify the • - rceupunof the r,,utrene its which must be me,ap' ,o ir. f a Certificate of " Oecupancy. .. - r,.' r ,Signature�of'Applicant , Date Own erorauthoraea agent Date All roof coverings to bp'Class"B" or better OFFICE h . to ' t