NO PERMIT NUMBERLot N No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No.�� r Sanitary No. - Do to 196 � ' Application is hereby made for a permit to ✓ .4— a %Z story, Type y v to be occupied only as -&4 - -0 in (iccordWe with -Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements $ J®. D c G%_ o d FEES"'- 9!d-, &-0 Plan Check b Owr.er Address Contr. Address Phone 8'"o �Z, Kf* State License- �6 f 7- Approved n APPLICAQT`ION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date `A 6 196 r/ FEES c,2G 3 S Contr, t,d, 0 e! / Address !� 74 Phone ..LG'y 7 V o State License ae2 0 0 /J Approved r ,....�.f Z: L4'-/ APPLICATION FOR � OPLUMBING & GAS PERMIT pj Date ��! 196 O GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ c9L'�"�� Contr. _11 / /.Z X Address _f-'- 3 P Phone _a Y—r-)-32-3 State License Approved APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT % 3 Date 196Y FEE$ / Contr. 4p �✓ �U v Phone 7.3 r1 — 5,- 2 33 State License Approved�. Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS �yi� -- BUILDING p _ 0 ?� ��Gl� FOUNDATION DATE —23_� INSPEC UNDERFLOOR DAT Ep ad �L' INSPEFE.DQ FRAME I DATE INSPECTOR LATH & PLASTER INSPE S = DATE 6 FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL 17 ELECT. UNDERI ROUGH FINISH FIXTUR MOTOR! FINAL SERVICE DATE INSPECTOR :ROUND DATE INSPECTOR WIRING 3 , / Go Apt INSPECTOR WIRING DAT INSPECTOR ES pA INSPECTOR DAY INSPECTOR �^ DATE k INSPECTOR PLUMBING & GAS -�'� :RGROUND DATE INSPECTOR AAL ROUGH DATE INSPECTOR fH COMPLETE - ATE INSPECTOR DRAIN DATE INSPECTOR PIPING L ATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR pAIG I— —I.iv APPLIANCE INSPECTED INSPECT DATE MISC W DATE MISC�G�� DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTORS OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ... .... ..... 19............ Building Permit No.44?.?-. The Building Located at ../-P Ownedby .... ...... 0-.,( ........................ . ............. ...... Has Been (Completed ) For Use As: ..... 19rh 14/1, (Ah=d4- ...... ...... . ............................................................ .................................... ... ....................... ........................................... I -------- ... I ------- ....... BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-1M FE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO V( ;s 0 ................. 19(E. ................................. ... TO You are hereby a thor" to connect electrical rv' Owneror Tenant ........................ ..... .. . .... .... . ... .. ..... ... ............ ... . ........... .... At............... -7 ......... .. ................. .............. 4"-k -No. of Wires .......... Size of Wires .....N*/ . ........ Size of Switch ... Motor Load Voltage ................................ Phase Heating Load ........................ K. W . ................. I Light ..... I . No. of Mete" .................... Heat ..r .............. 220 .... Powe.............. ................ Voltage Service............ Meter .............. ELEURICAL GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COP)' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTIINO ......................J.. 01! .............................. 196.R ATO You are hereby authorized to conned the GAS service for Owner or Tenant .. ... .. ...�......... liD919.................................... At - ........... ....rG�l4- —11 eA64...._........................_.... // New Service ..!�.............. No. of Meters ..1................ Reconnect .............................. Move Service ........................ No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter .......................... ................... ............... . PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg..Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No.--rl....S.a..-.... �-)luurnbin� Zoal Plumbing Permit No.,..l...f/�...... QC�uT/�j ) Lot No. ................. Owner or Tenant ........::'rd''...T.t`..L.... .- -----/-----------'--------_.. At Tract DateConnected...............................1 3............................................... 19.-(G?O.. Date Final ......................... T i.a...- .......... r/ PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-1M OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE UILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO e to, i o 17 --0 - TO You are hereby.aut oriel to connect clectrl�tgry Owner or Tenant ....... At - ....... / o-f- 9 ... 1,:/� ...... L-A-- "--, No. of Wires .... Z .............. Size Of Motor Load Heating Load Voltage ... ...... Size of Switch ...................... Phase ........................ K. W. .— .......................... ... Voltage - ............... No. of Meters ..... Light......................... ... 110 ...... ..... New Service......._.._ Reconnect..........._.... Heat. e It. 220............ T e Wi ........... Move Service.......... .No. of Add. Mete. Power... P ... Move Meter.............. ......... --- ELECTRICAL INSPECT -Abets SLIP File No: :`a;•. Date Out Date In /2- zR —7 Location Subject Notes Approved Date Inspector 1% 10197 _I� Cold -Harbor Avenue. 59 J 5 J 7 LOT NO. m , •Jro.�� `�" Tneer Plan 2261 �q# i��J APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT p 0 IJAN 9 1960 CITY OF CUPERTINO o-5376 oa SU W w I 0 W w 0 a � ZN aw w x J W o_o > W O < ZJ J Z J 0 3< - W W Z W W rc a O 0 O —U Sanitary N . Date— December .26 196 7 Permit No. • S// % 9 Application is hereby made'f6r a permit to build WO story, Type Building to be occupied only as S.F. DA, in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. Estimated Value ofImprovements, $32,000.00 Fee$ 95.50' It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cu ertino will be com lied with. �Ti°llistm Par�C,A.Ltd.PartnershipAddressP•O.Box 1135 �410-- .. ,IOS Gatos.Calif. State Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR le Ole RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR P4 w Z f Y Y 4 O � 3V W LL ' O ,W 0Q iW K W Wx S� 00 >�n r 2J O 3Q W Z 07 au APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT p 68 F CUPERTINO Date II 1 Permit No. Y� JAN 16 Fee$113's6) Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to instal %+ SipOl�inc�l10[T ft Tj6Agbe reverse side hereof, and agrees to instal sal appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises . nn -- nn /3 UwnerQ�W- a/� IJ�rC Address es-r-vim B MERCURY SHEET METAL & HEATING. INC. Address n Pioneer Way Y Mnuntein View, falitnrnla 94p4n CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone. �7.F9— State License 166835 Approved fLLIAM D. 8jENE•_%/ICH PLUMBING INSPECTOR v Type of Appliance I Units Fees Remarks ((heck ✓; New I Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges I I h I I Wall Heaters I I II i I Gas Plates j I II I I Circulating Heaters Blower Furnaces - Gas Fired Boilers I I II Waring (hens Percolators j Griddles j I II Steam Tables I I II I I Gravity Furnaces I I II I I Suspended Unit Floor Furnace I I II I II I Miscellaneous I I I NAME TYPE) I I II I I .call I ,f— I.-P0all I pppphance Vees 3..5 — - I Inspected and Approved ............ .. DATE INSPECTOR 01 Q-1 I AMW I . NO. STREET LOT NO. S / Z Z r o ?,:4LeQb ri f�OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT 0 Y OF CUPERTINO U AR g 19 LL o Date 144/ Permit No. 0 n rr 1 i`- UTy .r CL Ct T3i",Q Fee S 3 sS a W Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical awiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 00 wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the > m City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable� thereto. z_j Use of Premises J Z O 3 a Owner ddress — w U w z By w w ¢ a ti `'' CANCTOA, yA�GEN a o Appro —VPhone: 73 &- CZv /� fi ELECCRIGL RKIH lP State License: Q h O NEW RPL FEES_ Size Service Conduit ..... :? .... ........ Number of Ouflets ...... /Y ----- ---------- --- ...... ............. �e -2 ........ Size Service Wires....-- - n, .. V!,- Number of Switches —1.. .......... ........ �5 .. .............. O(2/!�---Nurnber Size Service Switch.._ of Receptacles3k.. - ---------- ---------- ------------- Size Sub Feed Conduit ------------------ Number of Fixtures------- ........ .......... .......... .............. 1- Size Sub Feed Wires------------ --Ranges---------------- KW- ... ........ ------- ---------- -------------- Number of Circuits ........... �T? ---- Oven .............. KW-------------- ---------- ---------- -------------- Number of Meters ................ - ...... Signs .......... Transformers-------- ---------- --------- -------------- Misc---------------- ------------------------------ Dryers --------- .... --------- -- -------- 1 Motors . ...... — ...... HP Phase Permit Fee $3.00 Motors .................... Up ------------- I ....... Phase -------------------- Motors.................... HP .................... Phase ----------------- — H P Charge--------------- I - -- TOTAL FEES 1< RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS RoughWiring .... .......... ------------ ----------- .... Fixtures ------------- -------- ---------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FinishWiring.. ........ ----------------- .... Motors ....... ..... .......... ---------- -- ....... DATE INSPECT DATE INSPECTOR -- Final ------------------------ ----------------------- T DATE IRSPEC3`OR /C' STREET LOT NO. .5-7 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT ® w � r!sITY OF CUNERTINO d Date [b.5— Permit No. S�/� �/ _ Fee (� Ap�t n tre made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiringv6lip�or 1 tur URERTtPjaie reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. r .� Use of Premises v y`_E a rJ rl Approved _. ELECTRICAL INSPICI01 State License - NEW RPL ,FEES Size Service Conduit Number of Outlets Size Service Wires Number of Switches Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Number of Circuits Oven KW Number of Meters Panels Transformers Signs Misc. Viers Motors HP Phase 2.00 Motors lip Phase Motors HP Phase Permit Fee HP Charge Total Fees