02050173WuCOCCC E hn Is O54tC=,n t u yYf vi3. 0 �t. �Lyy�yy O 6p< CIBUILDING OF �tISSIIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: DIIV BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10211 COLBY AV 0205 73 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE 'ELIX KWOK 05/28/2002 ONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH L= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license PORCH UPGRADE/PORTICO is in full force and effect. LicenRaaas uc.0 (NO STRUCTURE CHANGE) Dam Convector ARCHI'TECT'S DECLARATION 1 understand my plans shall be used E public TION understand-� Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor'sLicense Law for the 7 following reason.(Section 7031.5. Biconessond Professions Cock: Any city or county' which requites a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or Rpair any swnuR t s. -prionoiu issuance, also Rqu'sees theaPPliwnt for atschpemunofileaaigned aummem.Tc� 'v ' - '- that co i31ieehxd pursient to Tile provisions of Ne Contracm's License Law, (Chapter 9 (commencnig with Section.7000)of Division 3 of the BusinessaM ppssoofeniom C. e. r. •'9 -11- nT�r' aatlon !J l tali or that he is exempt tNerefrotsi and the basis for the alU,ge t oem}ulrb. Any violation i1.rt su -of Section 70315 by any applicen for a permit subjects he applicant 1.. civil penalty m e � '� Occupancy Type dollars ,of not mum than live hundred doll _ °I, as owner of the property. or my employees with wages E their sole compensation. will do the work, and the structure isnot Intended or offered for In (Sec. 7044, Business Cade: The Commcmr's License Law does Required Inspections .t 9 ns p and'Profession& not apply to an 102 — PIERS owner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself through his employees, that improvements am mend d —_, UFER.. or own provided such not or ,offered for sthe If.w however; the Wilding -improvement ' s gold not year or ..... -..10.3 ohe did completion, the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or 104 - REBAR improve for purpose of sale.). 105_- ANCHOR BOLTS__..---'-' ._..___.___ °1 E r-fTireproperlyamcactusvelycomrvctingwNlicensedcontramotam 106 - _ SEWER & WATER con muI the potpect (Sec 7t]M. Business and Professions Code) The Commcmr's ucanse law does not apply to an owner of property who wilds or improver domain, 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING and.who.commem for.such.projecta with a contractor(s).licenexed pursuant to.the rsLirew. Conwemnsefa 203-= UNDERFLOOR_:MECHANICAL__ -- — ----------- -- ❑Iamexempt pEer cc "i "' B A P C fearthia REon 204 - I UNDERFLOOR �FRAM fi /�/ / ddU�. erg- WORKER'S COM Ea SATION ECLA ATION 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION U 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING I hereby ffirmunder penalty of perjury one of the. following declarations: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER ° 1 have and will 'mamta n e Ceinfieme of Consent to self -insure for Worker's 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the peAomsance orthe work for which this permit is issued. „ 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL ❑ l have and will nommain Workers Compensation Insurance, as required by Section 305 - FRAME - 3700 of the Labor Codes, for the perf ncri of the, work for which this permit is seee: Mr worm, a comp ns don m.pn nee gamer a a Paley namb r a2: 306 - HOLDOWNS V C' aaf.�. s - It•+f Policy No: - ' ��4rAj `L'rSHEETROCR' Vi. i.CERTIFICATIONOFEXEMPDONFROMWORKgRS'l 3OB y -COMPENSATION INSURANCE', 3 0'5- = .EXTERIOR LATH section (This section need not be completed if the perms is for one hundred dollen (SIW)onea:.), 310.- INTERIOR LATH • „j Ic nfyNtin the pert miance nhc o'kf r'wh chN pe t'.'ia. aI 311-- "SCRATCH COAT sh II t c pl y o pe I a r s b i t utew Ike 313 ROOF NAIL co pe aaton/%off Ap I tY >�OaNll - _. 501 - L-;ENERGY_- FINAL ELECTRICAL-: NOE" OAPPLICANT If a[Rr mhkt gNi Cenilcme of Exemption, you should become subjen io Ne Worker's Compemmmn of the laver Code, you must 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY Provisions fonhw0h damply with adch provisions or rets permit thaltxdeemed Rvome. . 503 - FINAL -MECHANICAL- ENERGY,---_;_._,_ ` 'r a '7 CONS MUCIONLENDING AGENCY '" 1 hereby ainim that there is a an nvection lending agency for the performerc< SO4 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY. orNework for which this pemhisiaauart(Scii. y.Civ.C.) 50.5._ -_ FINAL ELECTRICAL - -- Lender's Name= .-...,_ . .. _` .:•. ... LendKsAddress .. 506 - GAS TEST i".. •' .'i r`t lr -, 1 ... slttnify Natlhave read this application and smut thauhe above infomution is 507 - FINAL PLUMBING ' 'corr'ect. 1 agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL ,to building construction: and hereby authorize' mprescmztoes'of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned, properly for inspection purposes., (We)'ugree io save: indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against 509 — FINAL GRADE liabilities, judgments. costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. 510 - F I NAL NG `iikP.PLIQANT UN ANpS,AN� \VILE COh1PLY wTTH ALL NON- ]I %'„T� ? T Issued%] - F A WORKS Date WURCERE'L Ns.( `.'(- ✓Sigothem Re -roofs ' of AppliepMCommmor --YYY. '. aje-, MATERIALS HAZARDOUS DISCLOSURE will the applicant or formal building occupant store in handle hazardous material Type of Roof ._.. .. _ _... .. ...-- _ .. .. __ _.. as d (tied by the Capectins, Municipal Cod Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety Cbae Seas on Y5532(a) ', SOI j," , i t❑Ye No ?I sfr (t`'i t s ,_n� nstalled,_- All roofs shall be.inspected,prior to any roofing material -being .installed._.. li W ll the.epplicant or tutor building cupant use equipment or devices which W - If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection; •I': agree to remove em t h d s'air rent min tx at refined by the Bay Are Air Quality Management D t ct ,., all new materials for inspection, Applicant understands and will comply with___, all non source regulations._; t 1 have read the hazardous trwmrials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Cale, Sections 35505, 25533 and 15534. 1 understand that ifihe building does not currently have a tenant, that it is my responsibility to really the - " CCCapant of th[ R enf;Wlll[h mast bl.' not, poor m i"U.ee of f.• .I, ,C of G""p°"` 6/X]//v"-(% . -Uy V u Crp n� Signature of Applicant Dale All roof coverings to be Class "B" of better O'$~1110110o1idagemr,., „e. - " ' OFFICE