14768 20624 Cleo Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS/PIPING PERMIT Date--------------- -------Z.. ............. 19�-—: Perrnif No.------ -=-!------------- The undersigns arab me z a n lu nspecfor of the City of Sen Jose fora permit to ' tel I b' g i d/ pi6�fhe reverse side. Exemption f nt f r ate a rnra for o.fractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner ❑ statement filed _ Undersigned attests that his State �f CaaUffornia srpnfracfor's Licensa.#. is in full fore and effect and props e� y?az t 'CSS fc91 j . San Jose City Business License rpo— 1,certify that in the performance of the work for which this perm' is issued I shall not employ an person in an ,anner so as t� vio ate f e workmen's compensation laws of California. yOWNER /✓ 1//n ADDRESS Z06 Z y Lot No. USE OF BUILDING 280-30(9-73) Signed------.'-_ ` /Q U D'/"V1% 292 Cleo Apache Unlercfromid � Wv � tnlf aC to S 'n0 vtnE � ff 7cr to pp � f ' 'OE S p N 1 E f too p a° N o C m 3 ° _v 0-n O N !1 R N N O Y y N " N jp N N A " T T p N N N T N 0 T m m Op D W D W D W D A H G'f : to r T to Z ZIE 1 to stn p p p < " A p K ° N R A A p m N• S ° O a T p T T " T m N 3 m T T D A r N m T o O T m p mIm