00030141 ." :CITY OF CUPERTINO - - - PERMIT NO.BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT `' ° ° it I I BUILDING ADDRESS ...Y,f; r x �//� Thi•. •, S - ^SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE � ,GEAR N 2 — N OWNER'S NAME: - / L N .f,�. 7 ' z .op �.( YJI. - N/C r - CONTROL#IONE . . y 9Z L s 1Y - O ARCHITECTMNGINEER - t J ar•c-n F z, LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION o I hereby affirmthat 1 sm licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing - Job Deseription` , F m with Section 7")sanDivi.i.3-frhe Buslrses, it Professions Code,and my license is _ 4y -1'.' in Poll fame and efiea (p e:Z7$.S' •, , L 3 F Data wClesv Conwcwr I /,7c/ s. �2eisx�p ? +^ a cxlTecrgnec a o 5 w�,� 1 understvld my plans,shall be used as public mcada r - ti o Licensed professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION.' C G F 1 hereby affirm that I and exempt from the Contraccor's License Law for the _ 5 A following reason (Section M31.5.Business and Professions Cade My city or county- i5 m which req nes a permit to conswcr shot,improve demolish,or repair ar swemrc S Ft:Floor. Valuation prim to't ' ante also resume the applicant forsuch pemu,mfl signed statement' (I- ,Ilan he.licensed W ant in the provisions of Ne Conrtacmrs Liar Iaw(Chapter 9 (commencing with Section]0)Hycd Di,hiim2 ofrhe Business and pro(essswsCade)or -this,he 1,exempt dowfirmn and the boob for the alleged examptian.An, maitre e a PNumber Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pem,ii subjects,W applicant to a civil penalty of A'. not more than five hundred dollars(S500). I,as owner o(de progeny.or my employn�with wages as thcinolc compenssuon. Required InspectlOns, will do Ne work,mrd the auumurc is not intendedaroRerM(m sale(Sec.7014,Business ' sid Professions Cade:The Contractor's License taw don not apply to an owner a ' ' property who builds or improves,hereon.and who d«s such work himself or throgh uV'Jv _ his own employees,Provided that such improvements tie not imm.ded m offered for - sale.If.however,the Wilding car improvement is sold wi,hinane yearofcompledoq the - owror-Wilder will have the burden of proving the he did not build or improve for Pur- ' pore ofowe) s .. . Q I as owns f the property and cl lively oats tig with 1..nand rintim ed 'constraat the p., ,(Sa's]044 B eve a d Profauo a Cod )Th Co met s U - - - ter Lewd p aha hoof pr party h builds pr vbe thereon and who - r -who onwsuch contracts for cM1 proj owrth ecommands)licensed pursuantm Ne ContnctWe Lice law. .. ❑1 mon exempt under Sec - B&P C fo/thn Owner s Date '- l! / ! -• WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION - Ihercbyaffiw derpenWyof aCononeofcif-in owmgdedare.Co. O ' Ihave and Provided for by e3i7W of But to self-imumfm Workers Ge op en a - ' tion,as which this for mi Ss issued.3]00 of the labor Code,fire the peAowantt of Ne w3fI for and thus annu a orbas . s ' E!1 have and will rosinedn W pe ffu Circe m such Irk for h his p d by Section " 'MY or, LaborCak,fmthe perfsxmaree ofrhewmk for which this permit is - MyWorkersCompenaetio�s lneurmoe camaelt Polo Cartier G LJi AID Policy No.: ERTIFI—eCATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WOR�g' •t COMPENSATION INSURANCE - (This action need not completed lfthe pewit is forme hundred dollars(SI00) in less) .Ianifytlutin,heperfmmancear Newmkforwhich,Mlpemdtisismed,lshall - o - not employ any Person in any manor so as to become od ecr tp the Workers'Compen- safon Laws of California.Date Applicant •. - q NOTICE TO APPLICANII If,after marring this Cmti&are of Exemption,you should become subject to the Workers Cosnpenisn"provisions of the Labor Cade,you must ,r fonhwiN comply with such provisions or this Permit shall W do mrol revoked. ., . . CONSTRUON LENDING AGENCY, �'p CHI hereby affirm Nm them is a comuwfthm lending agency for the performmme of r the wok for which Nis pewit is issued(Sec.lig],Civ.C.) - [r nil Lenders Name Dander,Address r, * ^ teeegr�... A 1 certify dim I have read this application and mile that the above formation is - U O conal)I agree to comply-with all city and cosset'odimncn and uta laws saluting to building conawction.'and hereby allomire rcpreservatives of th' ity or enter upon the shove msmumead property for inspection porpoaev' _ s 1- W t.,a (We)agree rte save,indemnify and kap harmless the City of Cupertino against C'(J liabilities,judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way acme against said City ;a Win con equmse of the granting of this permit. tAPPLICANT UNDERSTANDS'AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-MINT , ,1 y SOURCE REGULATIONS. a � - Sgnmuse.1 A ptpticunOConractm �tC Dao- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will this.,Iicam or fuom Wilding occupant store or hariNe hmadous noomf Re-roofs v as defined by the(2uperneMunicipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety 1 ^ .Cade,Section 2e532(a)1 t" - Type of Roof ' E]Yet. No r Will rive,amlicantorfuture Wildingoccupantuse equipmentordevice,which s All roofs shall'be inspected prior to an roofing material being'• . rot baccdoa,air Wnum t as defend byth Bay Meng G ality Management installed: If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an inspection um, I a ree to remove,all new materials for inspection. Applicant . ❑Yes No I 1 1 g Ihaw read the hreardwswodalsesuu ouuderCWpha695afda,Cd understands and-will comply with'all^non pomtsouree regulations.' Ionia Health At Safety Cade Section 25505 25533 and 25534.1 undosond that if the , t building does ria cummily have s lana.,Nott is my emsursnbdi1,rte unify the occupant s of rbc m wNch mut met prior to usuwce of a Certificate of Occupancy C n . mrcme s .? Qa-00 Signature of Applicant Date u Bent - Dane: 1 All"roof coverings to lie Class'Brr or better ` OFFICE