02040087 CITY OF CUPERTINO - •• BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT 'CONTRACTOR•'IIVEORMATION-. BUILDWGADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10423 HISHOLM AV JUST WATER HEATERS INC 02040087 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE PIPE JEANNETTE L 1764 NATIONAL AVE 04/17/2002 ONE: S.NITARY NO. CONTROL N0. (510) 293-9901 O BUILDING ARCHITECTF GINEEWR: HOING PERMIT INFO V BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH `�Fa� O v z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description x1- Ihertby0)of ivislamoftheBrenterpndPiofssiChapter.ndmylicense REPLACE WATER HEATERp wr with In II frce.ncfDivision)of the Business and Professions Code.and my license is in full forte and eRect. License aa5e Lie.« (4 0 GALLON GAS) 3 L v Dao Conuaaor tv C ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION 5 1 understand my plans shall W used as public records c o Licensed Professional a6 E O\VEER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Convector's License Low for the C?a fallowing reason,(Section 70315.Business and Pmfessiara Code:Any city or county ' E D 'hh h requi es a Peanut to eonswv,alter,improve,demolish,or reW'v wy swvure 3$ P!mrtoss swance,also req the applicam for such pemut to fileastgiiW.etc ns - .. _. Wlheul¢im pdrsua un"a pro stuns of du Contrxtors Littnx Law lCAapser9 -,._._ ......._._._ leommene g NSect 3000)ofD 'iion3oftheBujineuamProkssonsGm) c'..t�C:'•5 a )5' Sq, Ft.;FloorArea;1 ' < .. Valuation or 0m he rs exempt thcrtirom and the Wna for the alliged exemption.Any violauon i-v'.. L, 3of 'of tSecdon TOJ18'by anYappllcom for a'pewirsubjass the epplicont w a civltpcnalry- reard than fsve hundred dollds(S500). AFN NumberOccupancy Type ❑l,n5mwnerafN__epropcny,wmycmployccswithwugcsuthci,.I,.mpeustion, _ .ill'do the work and she stricture is nm intended or otfeied'fdwsdlc(Sec:]pal 'Businev and P.11a"inna Cmc:The Contractors License Law does am apply wan 506 - GAS TESTequired Inspections °�`U""::>TF owner of propcny Who Wilds or improvcs thereon,and who does such,work himself -or Nrotrgh hi>gwn employees.Provided anal such impm,cments are not intended or FINAL PLUMBING offered for Ie If hm.,..Wildin or m .- --_.___ _ _.___. - INAL ._ __ _. 'ccmplciion,Ne If, Wilder t ien ofprovrtsold within and year of - - G .... ._ vwill have du Widen of proving,lath tldmt Wild or reprove for purpose of isle.). ❑1:u owner of da propmY•am uduively eontmetint vent 1 tt d eonvumrt ro _. _. ---- _ _.__ _- _ ._ a altm-she project fS. 70aa Bunmss and Pmfassions Cod )The Contractor's r. e License law does not apply to sn Own,of pmpeny who Wilds or improv.thereon. 1:� C uacw c1 Luise la h peJecss-wish• omracimO IioensW pursuer ow.the _ _ __ ___ _ .. __ ._ __. __ __ _ Ellam.-P,trade Sec I �8 At P C far.this reason - - OwoePENS .. WORKER 5 COMPENSATION DECUBATION tau (here aRrm umv 1 of g — bY pw ry pc Jury uric ofthc follown tled exons:' 1 ha'v ad'will maintain Cenificete'of Conacm 6 self-houre for Worker's -S, Compcnvtion- _povi as- dm-fn, by-Sectio -J]00-oh n Ne-Labor'Cmc,-for'she performance of Na woh far which this permit is iuued,,,t, 7 ❑I have an" will meimvin Workv i Compeuat on l sunu req-red bY.Section 3700 of th-labor Cade for the performance of Nc wart foi whi.h Woe permit is ssued My Wortears,Counk seudn l rance come policy nbmbe ClrHcr f CERTIFlCATION OPEJCEMPnON FlZOM WORI�FR$n. L 51 i 1 yi>l_ t CZI 1`(rl>.'i'�� 1.._t .... ._CO PISVRANCE,'l ••_ 5 ••r _. ..,----- --- 11 "n need nil be cdmplcwd if the perms a for ane hunched dollars '`1•' ••,.i r -- �.Y..T I fS1007or less.).. torts 1 ckfY that in the per/,tsar ce of the wfoA f which th j _ I pcmui Y s'ed 1 C.m1hall not ploy y person y tier so u to becii e's bJect m inceWode Compenhas nIs sEf Cal form Dir'- .. I �.. 1 NODCE TO APPLICANP If after m k F Nls C nlf see of Eu pi o Yo M Id becomes b)ea to th Wod rs Co pens t o 0 forth the reply ,lis ch pin onto thsp ons of the lAbm Cme you most Z Q _ - perm t shall be dtt ed re ked L:S fc5 r 'CONSTRUCnON LENDLNG AGENCY � + ' -"' "'� 1 hereby aSmi that there a co swot o 1 nil n agency for the pcdomu Ice a�.i. of Ne a k(o( h ch tM1a permlus i seed ISec J09T C C) 1: Gds- !=riders Naeie."..'•. �. ,_: _.:,., ...-..w... i,r. -. V O: nionons A,_, Ic nfY th tlhave dths ppLcat n Mute th tri aW cmformu /� Z coirttt 1 gree ro comply 'rA 11 mtY ire coo tY mrd n rocs am sine hws rtlamng V' to Wild gromwv on.amh rtbya thorize rtprescnuuvca otdus airy to enter upon tM1e ebave mentioned properry for,ipspecdon puryoses,„� I y.L” fM'e)9piee}o,ave;indemnify and keep'haiMess Ne Ciry of Cupertino.gams, h liabilities,judgments,cosy orb.pens.which mry in any,wvy.aecme•against said V Zr,� �Iry n c nuquence of the pram g of 'perm t _ APPLtCA\TL\UERS7A.\'pSA.\'�t}g74L CQkfPLY RIi}I ALr[\O\�POL'v'T""t 1 soused REGbL:A7iGs Issued by: Date StgNmre of APPI wUContnnor x . / 1 7, f HALIRDOUs MATER]ALS D7SCLOSIIRE t i Uxi-. '�1t i, Re roofs a W 11 the yrpl cant m f tort Wlbmg ate pent store a handle herardo's metenal7),'Pe Of BOOf u defined by the CupcnSrro M sec pal Cme CNet 9 12 sed She Hca1N and Safety - - ------ ..-All _All roofs shall.be Inspected, nor to any roofing. n Wllthca➢Phcantmfuturc W 09..Pe t useequipmenth d.tta n n P matenal..bemg installed.,,_.., ..... t hazardous air content rets de by the Bey Area/ser Ovaldy Manaj mem If a roof is iristalled without first obtaining an ifispechon I agree'to•remove IsnlCl „ oY t „ ON. __all new materials.for,inspection. Applicant,understands and will-comply with t ` y all non point source regulations Ihass.revihthe It. material''rtquirtmenu'andar Chapter 6951oinhe 'J71. California H.Ith k Safety CmrSecuans 25505:755)3 and 25536:1 understand that it.Pa illi g do.nmgtrrtcm hick most be Net us my rtspons b l ry to notify the _..... aeecput of Ne equ rements iiieh must be net p66 u isivarice of.C rii8cate of s ,;.•v Octy utc 1 . p Y lll ,. Signature.of.Applicant. - .. .Date Own ro ph nttd ogcnt F t i .v , D¢ .-_. .. a ,e•. All roof cove rin s to be Class;5`B or better � g -:rc