22374 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY V� Bull ng Pm'ce,Identification a PERMITNO. Bulldingdddrtae: o G a Q n; fis 2r1: 12s e N 22374 rcn m: ane: APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DAM CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDLNG DIVISION ^ ^ I ® ca oto awm : Lb.No APPLICATION / PERMIT e y Ile No: BUILDING-aFCMCAL-PUJMBING-MECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL Y AmhllM/Englroer. ' QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PERMITISSUANCE El ❑ ❑ LENSEDCONTRACTOR'SDECLARATION I herebyICaffU thatlunllcmaedunderpr Wmsof Chapler9(mmmm APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL ILDnagtwe�gth�Syedi.n7000).!D�iWMtn.tl3oorfthe B . .dProf .C{o�dy,wKd.9' RIPTIO bt loenaebbuu ra dedea PANES -Gyr O , unp PS�ARCHTS DECLARATION 1Q�0 CZO I understand my pha shall be usM n public records OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.F(1Y�00R ARFA 5/�.F7. E (0 LieerueaPrd®bnal SIGNS EL RR IQCC'S ye' Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 7 W Ih rabyafBrmthatlamexemptfmmtheCoMr ore Lime Ul f«the SPF�ALCIRCUIT/MISC 0 ,^ O9t- following reasan.(SMion 7WIS,Buabesand Pro(miaro Code:Mycltyor TEMP.hfEPEROR POLE INST. - 1 C\ mL Fvi muntywh m'qulrenapemdttommt Maltrr,lmpmve,demolbh,orrepalr �OO�� 'rQ� anystruture prbrto Ila bsaarcc,alw requlrntheappllantf«wch permxto �,ER DEVICES . �a 4 file a signM statement that he b 1te rased pursuant to the provisions of the O o,rE. Contractor's Lkersela,w(Chaptcr9(co.ruagwLLh Section 700))of DIW.heSWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION 30J sbn3ofthe Budneswd Pr.( br�Codc)orthat be,,empttherefmmard IS the hash for the alleged emmptbn. Any violation of Section 7MLS by any applicant fora permit subjects the appllant to a evil penalty,d not rmrethan _ five hundred dollars($W. . TA ❑1,as owner of the property,or rev employee with wagn as their sok 'U' � STORIES TYPE CON'SIkl1ClION mmu pendne,wllldo the work,and the structure b not Intended or offered for O role(Sec.7014,Bualnes and Pro(eNorc Cade:Tlu CoMrators Wmrue Law . dwa not applyban owrcrdpmperty who builds orlmprwnthertoR and ate-' who daewch wohhlmaeB«through hisownemployees,prvvldedthateuch OCC.CROIIP RES IATIS Imprew,mew are not Intended oroffered for sale.If,hwvever thebuliding or DATE improvement lawldwtthln°neyearofcompinbRthe owner-1auiderwi0 have t nese ofpNngthat hedM Wild d orimw pr •r« w purpoof sale.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE � m T,as owner of the property,am.xcwlvely FLOOD ZOKE APN mntratm to omatrut the pmFt(Se,70K Bushes and Pro(eebro Code: PERMIT ISSUANCE The Comeatar'e Lkens Law dm out apply to an owner of property who ALTELDRAIN4 VENT-WATER ffla ` Wilds or improve thereon,and who mntracb f«.wch plo)aab whin . c-,WLctuaW llatuN pursuant to the Cmtrader.Lice.Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY L_jI am exempt under Sec B 4 P C for fhb ere ' awn• OUTSIDFFEES OwnerDate S ETDRAINS ROOF,AREA,ODND. SANITARY Y_ N_RECE97# WORK MAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FIXTURES I"TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ I hereby affirm (laro that I have•wrtite of csnt to self-Insu «re, • RECEIPT,s arc a o(Worken'Comperiaatlanlw�rjanga amt0led copythereof(Sec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 VEC.4 OUTLETS PARKFEE Y N Co I GAS EA.SYSIFM-0VER4(FA) DING DIVISION Toy �}?y�_X BUILDING DI VISION FEES .ry `"ice°%b-{reeeb' `d' GREnsE/INDUsrnL WASTE 3NItRCEPTOR PLANCKGCK FEE CMWed copy b IOed with the city Inpetbn d W Won. CERTIFICATE OF IXEMPi'ION FROM WORKERS GREASE TRAP PAID ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER&A ARYSICRMFA2EN)T Date Recd [# TI'weectbn need eat he complied 0 the permit b f«aro hundred doBue ($1OOJ Of Ie®J WATER EIEATERW/VFNT/ELECrR ENERGY FEE Y N Irony thatoan persrninanamew«k forwhichtw pesubjcawes, 1 ori, not employ any Peron f any manner at a to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING w«her:camperuatbn laws a/aluamb. Date PAID N7EW RE51DFN11AI.PLMB._SOFT. Applicant Z Date Remi t# Z O Nculdb co APPLICANT:If,after melding Workers' Cetor pro o/Faemptbgyou F N should become, foriFctto the W«hent Compeaatdepor this ermit labor TOTAL: _ deemedyou nvss fwthwhh comply with each provisions°Mw perMtat�llhe W > deemed revoked BUILDING FEE =ELEC7RIC t CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY CL, !hereby atBrm that thertbamatrutlan leMbg agerrryry for the perform Z awe of the worktorwhieh this permit b bared IS,3097,CIv,G) TOTAL 02 IerderbName (�U. H IcnaerbAddreas - QTY. .MECHANICAL PERMIT EE MECHANICAL FEE 7— O W IartOythatlhave readtw appBatbn.rd matethat tLeabovelnfornution _ 4 IamrrM.l:grectommplywhhauetyaMm ntyord/ cma dstatelaws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAI D:. I/G } N relating to building construction,and hereby authoere representative of this Z city to enter upon the ab m,ntbrod property f«Imsetbn p+ ALTER OR ADDED MECH.MDate Recei t# / — (We)agree to ave,t demo fy an d keep harmless the City of inaa _ _ P ago WtllnbWtks,Irdgmew,00LLaard ezperon whkh maybwywayaevue AIRFLSNDLINGUTCIOI0,000CFM) SUBTOTAL: ago Wt•IECIt In nee hegrantbgdtM.permit AIRHANDLINGUNTTtOVFR10,(100CF.M) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slpurun of App /Con to EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: AZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appllant or future buiding oroupattsore orhandle huardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BMJ) - � material.,defined by the Cupenloo Mu Mcipal Code,Chapter 911 and the Date Recel t# Eleahh and Safety Cod rm 25537(p)7 FffATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) r, yes YNo WW the applies building occupant use equipment«devim VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE IRFSTD) ISSUANCE DATE whkh emit haardous air oontam/nards as defined by the Bay Area Air Qu lhy wrugement 7 HOMER-COMP AOR 100,=RM ' ❑ Y. No (have read the hav materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of BOILS ODMP(OVER 100,000 BIU) the California Health k Safety Code,SMbs 25505,ES33 and 2&531.I undent.mith tifthe Wiidingdocenot.mnllyhaveatenant,tlutlttrmy NEW R} IDFMIALMECFL SQFT r6pontlbOBy,to notify the wcvpaM of the requirements whkh muthemet priorto ana to party. erorauth agent Dae I D TOTAL 4— &11 OFFICE COPY