R-4129 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT R- 4129 CITY OF CUPERTINO NUMBER INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT EXPIRATION REROOF PERMIT (408) 252-4505 EXT. 228 PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR IN DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. BUILDING ADDRESS BUILDING USE q2_ vl RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL OTHER OWNER'S HAZARDOUS ROOF ,A r � NAME I N Z , '1��Q- nQVIiI 1% �G FCOVERING CS ING ADDRESS w �o( e!'A- !! \J ' -SA-.-SA-. (ISTING ROOFCOVERING PHONE GW) +/ — JO 3'S NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS / CONTRACTO 'S 1 TO BE REMOVED / TO BE RETAINED NAME �V l d r �Or� C evHp�. �l TYPE OF ROOF COVERING CITY&ZIP l$ �3 S -7+11 ( EXISTING �/ PHONE 171 - 2SOO BUILT-UP ROOF X LICENSE it T CJ ZQ 'O ASPHALT SHINGLES NUMBER WOOD SHAKES LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I nosey affirm thst I of ivi.grd under provision of Chapter s(commde, anp with swoon a000l ase Diyi.ml 3 or m. Burins. a P.o+es.mn.case.. WOOD SHINGLES and my licenf i•y rKy® fee affect. Osu sa Cl ur/)s+�sC... J /,c•• Contractorr '1 �fil y1V J OTHER (SPECIFY) OWN• ER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1_Y—lam' 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's Litems Lew for PROPOSED the loRowiny reason. (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Prot anions Coe.: Any city .� County which requires a permit to construct,alter, improve, da ri.14h,Or palr.nr nr➢cerre, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such BUILT-UP ROOF pomH to file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's3ofthe Licend Lew (Chapter . (commencing with Section t7000) here from Division 0 or basis Business and gedn xem tion, or that he is exempt meld" ASPHALT SHINGLES from ane the Does for the alleged exemption, Any ant to of Section of7031 not o any applicant fore permit subjects one applicant to e civil peneltY of not 1.as that stye the redpro dollars r my em WOOD SHAKES ❑ I,• owner of ma property,or n. employees with wends as toff role con it (Sic. will do me work,and the nruCo re is not intended Contractor's offered for ash (sec. apply tofinao end Profusionswhoa: The orprovsLicense WOOD SHINGLES Lew does not apply •O an owner of properly who builds to improves Provided thandat Such who don such work not int or edorthrough offered owes employees, howiver,met II,,��,,�� 1 such ng ., .mann are not old wild or one year 1or sale. ti oweveq me OTHER (SPECIFY) YV10�` WA2N building or improvement is sold proving ossa veer o+completion, me owner. op builder will neva the burden of proving m•[he did not build or improvelor 3! ! 2- pOr05 o+sown PROVIDE I.C.B.O. REPORT NO. ❑ 1, n to co construct ma property,Project ( ec.7 44.vely comress a wiles licence ode: Trs [o consquct icen. seL (sac. x app Business stns and P.properly Code: Tnsoonvcove's License and does whoco[eppts foeuch projects c�tswith a PROVIDE MFGR. INSTALLATION SPECS. who ac fldsor( o mOedypu pursuant to and who contracts fore La projects wiles a co EJ I a(s)licensed purser enc n ma Contractor's License Law. ❑ 1 am exempt purer sec. ,Bea Pec m.this APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE Owrar Date WORKERSCOMPENSATION DECLARATION Building List- I hereby affirm that 1 have a certificate oi consent to sell-' re or•car pp 111 Qin hficata of Workers'Compensation Insurec. opyt hereof(Sec. A i D -7 OG' Seismic 3800, No. ilt 1 � V Policy of Comoeny 8 Certified co s hereby furnlsPdtl. IUN21 1(�95 Total Cdrtitie pv +ilea wi M1e ✓pion. , 9 AOOlicent CE CATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' -P AUTHO DATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE N.C.❑ CI -I V yyt , IThis section need not be completed if me permit is for one hundred dol. V len($100)or I.N.)_ IssuecoHtr m•1 in me performance of ma work for which this permit b a, I sneH not employ any person in any manner so as ro become subject fill to the Workeri Compensation Laws of California,n Den Applic•nl NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, offer making this Carbficata of Exemption, you should become subject to and Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Coda, you must forthwith comply with such provision or this permit shell be loaned revoked. All roofs shall be inspected prior toany rooting material being I certify That I have read this application and state that the above informs Installed If a roof is Installed without first obtaining an tion is correct. I egrn p g p to comply with all ciity and county ordinances and Inspection,I agree to removeall new materialsfor Inspection. uta laws renting to building construction, d hereby ahthoeita .prasam fe[ivas of this city to inter upon the above mentioned property for inspection p Live.o. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino again.,liabilities,judgments,cost.and expanses which may in any way accrue against said City in consequente of the granting of this permit. IGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE PRE-INSPECTION: PLYWOOD: IN-PROGRESS: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BATTENS: FINAL INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION __ OFFICE COPY