01090080 CITY OF CUPERTINO I ` - _-0 BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: - BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20198 CAMARDA CT PRO ROOFING 01090080 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE YUM SU I AND YOUNG J TRUSTEE & 100 BLOSSOM WAY 09/20/2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (831) 440-9100 O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO s m BLDG ELECT - PLUMB MECH Qu yea L'.0 O U L_1 LICENSE-Z! Ihereby affin I]am]],tensednndeRproviamasof hapter9(commencing Job Description IATION yt with Section 7000)ofDivision33oafttheButmenisand ro cions de, dmylicenu REROOF. Ss t rnn force arta err,�r( f- INSTALL 4 0 YR. COMP. c 6 Liecrec C s ` 2 U1.1 e aO�u Dam v ,DECLAr ea.0 ARCHITECT'S DECIA O� 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records iaf i p O Licensed Professional 6=, OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm thin 1 am exempt from the C scions o e:A, Lew for the t 8 following reason (Section 0031 5,Business and Professions Cade Any dly or county O which require'a permi'm construct, Iter improve,demolish,or repair any structure c. m •-pn , ¢ innaalcor 9uve provisions of me Contractors icameL — thin hd I Gained pursuant[o the prop ns of the the Business L Gene Law Chapter 9 5' t �"looL ea (commencing exempts (o Joon) frn Division a the.Bnhm .aaahal i loo) A.,(?'a`_ 1a � 9, i,sl- _.',.+mss.,re C -Valuation:,.�.' 3? ; or that he is exempt therefrom and the bass for the els the eztmpnion Any violation of Section 703 LS by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty' of not more than fiverandreddollarxa5w). um er Occupancy Type °I,as owner of the pmparty,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, f '%ill'do the work;and the stmwre is not intended or offered for side(Sec.7044, ' c Business and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply,o an 307 - INSULAT ft4Dired Inspections' owner ofp parry Who bdda or improves thereon,and who clues such workhimself 601 - ROOF TEAR OFF or through h' ply provided that such improvements are not intended or offered( 1 ]f h thebuild improvement is sale within one .... I. ._. _ .. ... .._. ._. . .__ .. gunmen of Pr year or 602 - ROOF PLYWOOD NAIL'] io'pl tion,the owner builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or ' mprove for propose a Is ale.). 603 - ROOF BATTENS y ❑Los ownerof the p openy, exclusively contractingwthli nee convacmrsm 604 - ROOF IN-PROGRESS , construct he paged(S ]044 H nes d Professions Code)Th C t czar s A C License Law does not apply i n owner f property who builds n improves thereon, P I N A LED " �aaa/ 1, _ and who omamos for such.projects with..contractor(s).l licensed u muam[o the : I;. Co v set rs L cense Law ... .�..... .... . . .. . . _ ......._... . exempt under Sec B&PCfor this reason Fav„ j 2001 Ownm i' U "WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penatry or Qerjury one oflhe following declarations: BUILDING ° 1 have'and will mountain a Certificate of Consent'to self insure for Workers Compensation, as Provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,-for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. . °1 have'and will maintain Worker's ComPeralfifimahaviounce,as regoned by Section 3]00 of the Labor Code for the gaeurmence of the work for which,his permit is "ell.„My N'rke C rope l 1, see c d P Icy numbe r:.. �. COMPENSATION INSURANCE ertat IPJCATION OF FRO Y „ - 0 ,I _ r a , '�' 111 $4 1..,5 ... M WORKER { 4 . ' lilt's sectiohundred - r, ._.. . . . .......... . .... ... .. CERT t. n ncid tint he oomplemA f the permit is for one h ntlred dollen ($100)or less.) i. I cemfY,tha,in the performance o(the ark for which fis panni,is iss d 1 shall not empl y any ny man so a m hecom s b)ect to;the W rk ri Co ge rd ori La Caor NOTICET APPLICANT If afmrmakrg the Cendicale of Exemption,you should $•n -:r ;' becosubject to the Worker's Compensation pro ision's of[h lab Code,you must Q Om fonhw ith comply with such provisions of this permit shall lis deemed revoked. S ,Z _ ... .. .. .. ......._ F-� "CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY - a, 1 M1 by R th t there construction]coding ag Y f m performance oftn we k f which th perm,' tied(Se J09J Civ.C) Leader'.N ..: .: .. . . . .. .Z _.... _.,. .. .� ..:_. ,.... LeadeetAilifire,ii C.) .I cemfy that,I have read this application and state that the above information is ' IT 1; coact.I'agrte,o comply with all city and,county ordinances and slam laws relating gyp[) to building cruswetian,and hereby autfiori eiepresentativas of this city to emerupon the abeve-mentioned property for inspection purposes.., _. (We)agree to xf,,J indemnify and keep hm adcss the Ciiy of Cupertino against F+. h liabilities judgments, t d expenses h h may in•any wit,arcane against said V City in consequence of the grafting of this p rain APPL ANT NDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WTfH ALL NON POMT so UI.ATIONS Issued by: Date Sig am fApplicam/Contreclnrv;. r, t:."I Date: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE '” Re-TOOT$ CJ ,handl healt team 1 Wu th .pphes t fid.bti long ace p r r Type of Roof- .. ... , az d E ed by theCupertinoMunicipal Code Chapter 9 12 and the Health and Safety ode Sat -25532fe) 4 'sA4a si f s' -%`J:1 0. ,f`♦ }t� p ;,� f1 e: - '.: : rl '. i °YC5 Q" + at- _.. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofingr material being Installed. f— Will the applicant orfuture buildingoccupant use equipment ordevices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining aninspectid' I'agree�to'iemove y Management inspection. Applicant .. .. _ A Q al i , Y Y r -'• all non-materialsall new t source re uluons. A hcant tinderstands and will comply with amt anarlin,air contaminants as defined e a Area ❑Yes DNC P g 1 h e read the hazardous team els rrq menu under Chaps 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code;Sections M505,25533 and 25534 I understand that if the building does not currently have-am t that it ismyresponsibility to notify the dcca Yupan f th requirentt wh ch must be me,pno to iss nce of a Certificate of III ' SI nature of Applicant Date Otrautho : , . � .:. ng SP✓��G o„y All roof coverings to be Class"B”or better ICE _ . . J OFF ,,.,(,