00050075-' - BUILDING DIVISION PL'(q, BUILDINGADDRESS: (tet B Z t nqu- f3- k Aiii,, CilPrYI'D Ate.*_C </ I' z ° `l�Al i At V, n Z O N Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION O Z _ thereby sffmm Net 1 am licrnsd oder provitione of Chapnr 9 (commencing F=C with Section 70ro)ofDivision3ofthe Busimssmdp fe ons Code.admylicen"is < y i in lull force ad affect - 5 in 004 U Litems. Class - t ' Lie 0 Can m O ARCHITECTS DECLARATION , 1 undenreM my pfar rhalf be usr4 a public ancrods - a License!PmBumaW uw1 - OWNER-BUR.DER DECLARATION . I bertby M. that I an exempt from the Comracmrs License law fm the S E ❑ following room (Semon 7031.5, Buitneu ad Profacimt Cade: My city a early i.3 2 which taryirta a parnit m economic, dm, improve, demolish, or repair any atrucmre prior w its iesuance, alw requires Ne applicant fm auch permiva file A dilads"Wment rim W is Reamed pursuant mUn provisions coolies Co names License law (Chapta9 (commencingwith Section 70)0)of Division3 of Wa BuumuoriR feuiom Code)m Uma he is escmpt therefrom end the basis for Ne alleged aemprian. Any violem, of Section 7031.5 by any.,Iic.t for a p osell subjects Us, applicut In. civil prmlty of not more Lin five hudad dollen (1500). 1, n owner of Ne progeny, or mY emPloyoer with wages u rheinele maps nudon, sed do Newod, cod Nemutton itretintended Lion, do(or"l apply 70Ed, Buaineu ad Preproperty wh b Cade: The Conoanml Liame law don ml apply ro 1f owner It his own who builds or improve, t Merton, and who dor such work Mmulf or a mugh his own cmewc, t e, provided Nn such Improvements ere na intended a offered for come IL however, rine building or impmveroent is sold within one ymrafwmple for she wn pmbuiMm will have the burden of proving Nat W did mol build m improve for pm- ' -pore of cele.), ,. I, as owner of this, proper, sm eselusively cootr"tin8 wish licensed contractor W casecall the project (Sec. 7014, Business ad Profnuia s Care:) The Cmlr"ta'a Li- cense law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such pecie,ts with a con riclmfsl licensed punuhnc an the Conmxmrs lianas law. ❑larrr eaempr oder Sea ,B&P C for this moon 0TwarOwner Da¢ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby iMms under gamely of perjury more of the fa0owing declantiom: Cl Iliso adwill nuintaina Certificate of Comanuo aelf-meurefaWorkersCampen- k m."provided fw by Section 3700 of she Labor Cdc, fm Ne perfonmoee of the for which this permit is issued, 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance.In raquird by SaaionUgfNe labor Cad, Marine perfwmu�ttofrhe work for which Nit permit is homed. tier's Compensation Insurance carrier end Palley number tae: tlin: - Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF Pf10N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This .1sma need men be completed if the permit is far oma hudred dollar (1100), a its".) I renifY that in the prrfasmme of the work fa which this permit is issued, i shall nd employ any person in tiny manner so as to become subject o We Workers' Compen- sation Laws of Cdif rmia. Den, Applicen NOTICE TO APPLICANT, If, after making this Certifmare of Hampden, you should become aubjat to the Warkera Compensation provisions oPUn Labor Ced, you most Nobb.id, comply with such provisions or this pa nd shall be decreed s.vokd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY l hereby slBnn Utas there i, a consrmmlom lending egenry forted Nor.. of z dne work for which IN. permit is loud (Sec, 3097, Ci, CJ Lenders Name Lender, Addrt" d Q correct. certify Nu 1 have read this it'hI"inn sod sora Wt she above foreman ion is nen. I agree to comply with all city and county calm...ad ems laws rtlning to C.i Obuildingcroswcdn..d herebyauthorize representatives ofthi, city m ennrupon the above-mrneiond property fm inspection paposes. (We) ,gra an cove, indemnify Nd keep bummers the City of Cupertino .'em" Q V liabilities. judgments,costs and expenses which may in any way acme against said City. } W in consultant, of the granting of thi. permit. 0- AP .ICANT UNDF,RVIANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT . U RCF, REOUTATIONS. rgnaturt of ApplcenUConvactor Dan PERMR NO. r , SANITARYNO. APPLI=A TONSUBMD7AL to In eV` a /J . NN I CONTROLB o... Job Descri pt ion , Sq. Ft. Floor Area ' Valuation ei� APN Number Occupancy Type 37 Required Inspections 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will sheepplicem orfutme Wilding ampenr strrrtmhadle haaANoua manrisl, Re -roofs rs defined by Ne Cupertino Municipal Cade, Chaper 9.13, ad the Healb ord Safety Cdh, Section 25533007 Type of Roof... El Yes ❑No Will the applicant or future Wilding mcupant ire equipment or devic"which All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being' 7=uilld3 mit It On$ Air e°^W,inann"defined by the Bay Arca AR Qn.liy Management installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection nii7 I agree to -remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant ❑Y<s ❑No, d W W " m,�Anw, mgm;m ne n d r exp 6„afN �. i- un erstands And,will comply with all non point source regulations. Hulth & Strictly Care. Sodom 8505,15533 end 25534. I udenmdl Net if Ne; nL hevcemnam,thnhitmYrtspomibilitymnaifyUteoccupantf the rmust be mer prism rise. ofa CartiOas. ofwnerr ran Signature of Applicant Date , All roof coverings to be Class "B” or better OFFICE